We went over to babysit at PARKs at the weekend. It was Amanda's works do and they were staying over at the venue. We drove over on Saturday morning and had some lunch with them all. We then took the children to see Uncle Derek for the afternoon. Derek and I have managed to avoid each other pretty well this year. He has a pretty busy work and social life but we arranged this a few weeks back. It was nice just to catch up. Rowan and Kirsten were pleased to see Duncan. He is finally taller than me! He is still good with the kids though. Charlotte, the new lady in Derek's life, was there and her daughter came round later with a friend. They brought their pet hamsters which gave us a laugh.
Kirsten was getting restless and telling us she was hungry by 5pm so we bade farewell and took them to Pizza Hut. The place was mobbed but we got served pretty quickly. Not quickly enough for Rowan who wanted his food immediately. Still we cured his hunger pangs as he couldn't finish his ice cream. When we looked around at the behaviour of the other children there, we realised that we were lucky with our two.
We got them home and ready for bed and then let them watch a bit of TV. Kirsten was soon ready to go to bed but Rowan watched Family Fortunes so we had to too!
On Sunday morning, we had leisurely breakfast and awaited their parentals. Phil rang and said they were doing a call for coffee and would be a while longer. So I gave Mum a ring and found she hadn't gone out so we popped round there for a visit. It's what we said we'd have to start doing but just haven't had the time to do. It was only a flying visit for a cup of tea and a biscuit but we all enjoyed it. We even got to see Paul who called in.
By the time we got back, Phil and Amanda were back. Amanda made some lunch while we called to see their next door neighbours. Barbara hasn't seen the baby for a while. Not a baby anymore really. We watched a video/helped with homework/chatted/played for the rest of the afternoon. Amanda made tea which everyone ate except for her. The weekend had finally caught up with her. She was beginning to recover as we left.
On Monday, I went into the shoeboxes warehouse. I went up to York and collected the remaining cartons from their depot. I had a good run there and back. Saw one piece of lunacy going up Market Weighton when a car decided to pull out into the down lane because the overtaking lane wasn't going fast enough! He had to pull in pretty quickly because their were a few cars coming down. Prat.
When I got back, the warehouse was pretty clear. Dave the other driver came in after me and brought some boxes to be processed the next day so I went in. There was also a truck coming to take some cartons to Romania. The students came along and got the truck loaded by noon. Barbara had come and we stayed and cleared up and cleaned up. I decided that it wasn't worth going in again so we bade our farewells until next year.
We went up to the Toby Carvery for the RSPB Christmas Meal on Monday. It was a nice meal and very nice to see some of the members we have been out with this year in a social setting. Mind you, it was the regular meeting on Tuesday. A really interesting talk about Flamborough. However, you don't get the same opportunity to chat that the meal and the walks gave us.
The last couple of days, post-shoeboxes, I have been crossing things off my list. Stuff that has taken a back seat while I have been at the boxes. Not completely caught up as I forgot that the hairdressers is closed on a Thursday. Will just have to be unkempt for a while.
Thursday, 13 December 2007
Thursday, 6 December 2007
Shoebox stuff
That's all I am doing this week. I went on Tuesday after I'd blogged and spent the day waiting for a truck to come. It was to take some cartons to Kiev in the Ukraine. By the time it came at 2pm, people had given up and gone home. There had been some students but most of them had gone, the Hull Daily Mail reporter and photographer had been and gone and Cathy the co-ordinator had to do some ringing around to get some more students to help out. Some came and we got the job done but they have no sense of urgency. It's as if they don't want to go home! I was trying to speed things up and was told that it was alright for me because I got paid for doing it!!! I had to put them right and explain I was a volunteer. That really threw them. It just didn't compute.
The truck was eventually loaded and the students on their way but there was still a van from York to unload. Barbara took a look at the lady who was there with her husband and recognised her as one of our neighbour's daughter's friends from 25 years ago. I'd never have seen that. We eventually got away after 5pm. I'd suggested we ate out but we were too knackered so I knocked up a chilli con carne. Not a patch of Heston Blumenthal's recipe that was on TV that evening but it filled a gap.
I'd come home in the van and was off the next morning bright and early to get to Doncaster. I had 5 pick ups. I'd worked out the route and it all went well with just a couple of missed turnings. I was back at the depot by 1pm. I had my lunch then unloaded before going out and making three local calls. The last one was up our end of town, a lady had 130 boxes in her front room, so I called in and said I'd bring them in first thing this morning. I was home for 4pm beating Barbara back from the shops. We managed to stay awake and watch the final episode of Heroes last night.
Once more, I was up and out early. I needn't have bothered as I'd reckoned without the traffic. Thank goodness I don't have to do that every day. Once more we were waiting for a truck and once more it didn't come until 2pm when it should have been there by 11am. By the time it came, we'd had enough so we left them to it and came home after a quick call at the shops for some stuff. Three days off now.
The truck was eventually loaded and the students on their way but there was still a van from York to unload. Barbara took a look at the lady who was there with her husband and recognised her as one of our neighbour's daughter's friends from 25 years ago. I'd never have seen that. We eventually got away after 5pm. I'd suggested we ate out but we were too knackered so I knocked up a chilli con carne. Not a patch of Heston Blumenthal's recipe that was on TV that evening but it filled a gap.
I'd come home in the van and was off the next morning bright and early to get to Doncaster. I had 5 pick ups. I'd worked out the route and it all went well with just a couple of missed turnings. I was back at the depot by 1pm. I had my lunch then unloaded before going out and making three local calls. The last one was up our end of town, a lady had 130 boxes in her front room, so I called in and said I'd bring them in first thing this morning. I was home for 4pm beating Barbara back from the shops. We managed to stay awake and watch the final episode of Heroes last night.
Once more, I was up and out early. I needn't have bothered as I'd reckoned without the traffic. Thank goodness I don't have to do that every day. Once more we were waiting for a truck and once more it didn't come until 2pm when it should have been there by 11am. By the time it came, we'd had enough so we left them to it and came home after a quick call at the shops for some stuff. Three days off now.
Tuesday, 4 December 2007
Another busy weekend
As we had been busy with the shoeboxes, we went shopping on Friday morning. There was chaos at Morrisons. It had been reported to us that the whole arrangement of the shop had been changed while we were in Rotterdam. It was while we were looking for the beetroot and asked the assistant that we realised that it was pretty bad as she didn't know where it was either. She did get us a map but that was none specific. It is normally pretty crowded around the vegetables but was even worse as people milled about searching for items. It got worse as we went down the aisle. I can see the logic of having all the food on one side and other items on the other side of the main aisle but what inspired them to do it just before Christmas when everyone shops until they drop anyhow?
After Brave's Guild, we came home and had some dinner and then went out to Church to set up the Hall for the Coffee Morning. Barbara and I had our usual discussions but got it set up okay. When we went back next morning bright and early, people had already arrived and started setting up. Luckily, we had put labels on the tables. In the event, everything went very smoothly. There were lots of people there and we made over £300 for Church funds. Once we started clearing away, there were plenty of willing hands available and we were home well before 1pm.
Just as well because we were due at Willersley at 2pm for the Christmas Fair. We were just a little late but no one noticed! I paid the "turn", the Society of M.I.C.E. (Men In Charitable Endeavours). Everyone seemed to enjoy them. We bought a cake, raffle and tombola tickets and had a cup of tea and generally did our bit. I went up yesterday morning and collected the money for banking and found that they had made £414 which is gratefully received by the treasurer as funds seem to go very quickly!
Our evening out had been cancelled. We were going with Pauline and Alan and Pauline had had a procedure on Friday afternoon that meant she had to rest. So I went down to Sainsburys and bought a Chinese "takeaway" which we had instead. I am always disappointed with both the shop bought kits and the proper takeaways as I feel I can do better.
Sunday was early communion and prayer breakfast at Church. Rev'd Christopher did a "formal" communion from the book this time. There were ten of us for breakfast and we had a good gossip and then a very good prayer session. As were washing up, someone came and told us that Joan S had fallen in front of the Church and the ambulance was on the way. There was a large congregation as there was a child's blessing in the service. They all had to walk past poor Joan. There was a discussion about her relatives and informing them. Ann S, her sister-in-law and Barbara went with her to the hospital. Our car was blocked in so I stayed for the service which also contained two thank yous to Val H our Guide leader who retires soon. It was her final Church parade. Lisa came as Val had been leader when she was a guide. Barbara was upset to miss it.
I finally got out of Church and came home. Barbara rang to say there was no news so I got on with some emails I'd been meaning to send. As I was doing that, one came from Rev'd Christopher. He'd got through to the doctor and found out that Joan should be leaving in an hour. I rang Barbara who still knew nothing. Anyhow, she summoned me shortly afterwards and I went and picked them up. I took them to Joan's home then took Ann to her daughter's house. Joan had asked her sister to stay with her so I went back to wait for her to arrive which she did shortly afterwards. Rev'd Christopher was there when I arrived and Val W came a little later. We left once her sister had got sorted out. Barbara went yesterday morning and took her to the fracture clinic but wasn't required to stay. When she rang later, nothing had been added to the treatment already prescribed.
Yesterday, I went up to Willersley to get the money. I counted it there with the intention of taking it to the bank but time was pressing and Barbara needed the car so I came home. I took it with me and banked it it town on my way to the shoeboxes. Barbara caught up with the housework and went visiting in the afternoon. It finally caught up with us last night and we were in bed by 10.30pm and asleep shortly afterwards!
After Brave's Guild, we came home and had some dinner and then went out to Church to set up the Hall for the Coffee Morning. Barbara and I had our usual discussions but got it set up okay. When we went back next morning bright and early, people had already arrived and started setting up. Luckily, we had put labels on the tables. In the event, everything went very smoothly. There were lots of people there and we made over £300 for Church funds. Once we started clearing away, there were plenty of willing hands available and we were home well before 1pm.
Just as well because we were due at Willersley at 2pm for the Christmas Fair. We were just a little late but no one noticed! I paid the "turn", the Society of M.I.C.E. (Men In Charitable Endeavours). Everyone seemed to enjoy them. We bought a cake, raffle and tombola tickets and had a cup of tea and generally did our bit. I went up yesterday morning and collected the money for banking and found that they had made £414 which is gratefully received by the treasurer as funds seem to go very quickly!
Our evening out had been cancelled. We were going with Pauline and Alan and Pauline had had a procedure on Friday afternoon that meant she had to rest. So I went down to Sainsburys and bought a Chinese "takeaway" which we had instead. I am always disappointed with both the shop bought kits and the proper takeaways as I feel I can do better.
Sunday was early communion and prayer breakfast at Church. Rev'd Christopher did a "formal" communion from the book this time. There were ten of us for breakfast and we had a good gossip and then a very good prayer session. As were washing up, someone came and told us that Joan S had fallen in front of the Church and the ambulance was on the way. There was a large congregation as there was a child's blessing in the service. They all had to walk past poor Joan. There was a discussion about her relatives and informing them. Ann S, her sister-in-law and Barbara went with her to the hospital. Our car was blocked in so I stayed for the service which also contained two thank yous to Val H our Guide leader who retires soon. It was her final Church parade. Lisa came as Val had been leader when she was a guide. Barbara was upset to miss it.
I finally got out of Church and came home. Barbara rang to say there was no news so I got on with some emails I'd been meaning to send. As I was doing that, one came from Rev'd Christopher. He'd got through to the doctor and found out that Joan should be leaving in an hour. I rang Barbara who still knew nothing. Anyhow, she summoned me shortly afterwards and I went and picked them up. I took them to Joan's home then took Ann to her daughter's house. Joan had asked her sister to stay with her so I went back to wait for her to arrive which she did shortly afterwards. Rev'd Christopher was there when I arrived and Val W came a little later. We left once her sister had got sorted out. Barbara went yesterday morning and took her to the fracture clinic but wasn't required to stay. When she rang later, nothing had been added to the treatment already prescribed.
Yesterday, I went up to Willersley to get the money. I counted it there with the intention of taking it to the bank but time was pressing and Barbara needed the car so I came home. I took it with me and banked it it town on my way to the shoeboxes. Barbara caught up with the housework and went visiting in the afternoon. It finally caught up with us last night and we were in bed by 10.30pm and asleep shortly afterwards!
Thursday, 29 November 2007
Copped a bargain
As we continue to prepare for our holiday, I got on t'internet on Tuesday morning and booked the train tickets to Gatwick. The fares system has always confused me but I was pleased with the fares charged for the journey. I was even more pleased on Wednesday morning when the news of rail fare rises was announced. Fortunately, we received our tickets the same day. There is only one slight niggle, the tickets are for a GNER train and I understood that they were losing the franchise at the end of the year!!
I have been shoeboxing it again this week. I made a commitment so am probably working harder than I would have done at sea! On Tuesday, I had a prior engagement so couldn't go straight there. I was helping to put the Christmas decorations up at the Hull Braves Guild. Any surface we could find has been covered and it looks very good indeed.
Once I'd finished, I went straight up Holderness Road to the depot and was straight in to lugging shoe boxes around. On Wednesday, I went up earlier. I am really getting good value from my bus pass! It is quicker by car but I am taking my Bible Study with me and am catching up with that. Barbara came up on Wednesday lunchtime and pitched in. I had been scheduled to drive today, Thursday, so I brought the van home. We set off before 9am this morning after a stop for some diesel. We only had four calls but it was 3pm by the time I got back to the depot. I had dropped Barbara off at home so she could sort some stuff out for the weekend.
It's all a bit frenetic but should calm down in a couple of weeks when the shoebox appeal finishes. Looking forward to a lie in!
I have been shoeboxing it again this week. I made a commitment so am probably working harder than I would have done at sea! On Tuesday, I had a prior engagement so couldn't go straight there. I was helping to put the Christmas decorations up at the Hull Braves Guild. Any surface we could find has been covered and it looks very good indeed.
Once I'd finished, I went straight up Holderness Road to the depot and was straight in to lugging shoe boxes around. On Wednesday, I went up earlier. I am really getting good value from my bus pass! It is quicker by car but I am taking my Bible Study with me and am catching up with that. Barbara came up on Wednesday lunchtime and pitched in. I had been scheduled to drive today, Thursday, so I brought the van home. We set off before 9am this morning after a stop for some diesel. We only had four calls but it was 3pm by the time I got back to the depot. I had dropped Barbara off at home so she could sort some stuff out for the weekend.
It's all a bit frenetic but should calm down in a couple of weeks when the shoebox appeal finishes. Looking forward to a lie in!
Monday, 26 November 2007
That's it then
Last Friday, Barbara and I were up early to catch a plane at Humberside Airport. I was finally going for my final act as a seafarer. Maersk aka Nedlloyd in Rotterdam have a yearly jubilee and pensioner's party and we were invited. We were at the airport at 7.45, two hours before the flight. We were able to check in straight away. So what to do for the next two hours. The answer was a bacon buttie in the cafe. Ever since a report a few weeks ago knocking the bacon banjo, Barbara has been looking for an excuse to have one. Wish she'd have picked a cheaper venue!!
The flight across was excellent. We touched down 45 minutes after we took off and only taxied a few minutes. So that we were in the terminal less than an hour after take off and before the schedule arrival time. Getting our luggage and then the train were equally pain free. There were a few sudden stops on the train but we were in Rotterdam and caught a taxi to get to the Golden Tulip Hotel by 13.30.
We went up and unpacked and then went for a walk to get something to eat. We finished up just round the corner at the Brasserie Jungle. We spotted Pork Sate on the menu and plumped for that. A good move. It was really delicious. A good start. Replete, we went back to the hotel and had a bit of a zizz!
We had received instructions to assemble in the foyer at 1815 so we went down and met up with the British contingent. Amazingly I knew all of them. Two captains and three chief engineers. Once more, we were polarized by nationality. I am the only one who sailed with the Dutch but I didn't know anyone. There was a bus laid on to take us to the venue, het Zalmhuis.
We were the last off the bus and so last through the cloakroom and up the stairs so we were last to have our photographs taken. I had taken a large bag of Walker's Cheese and Onion crisps for our personnel superintendent, Jeannie. She is an ex pat and I have spoken to her but not really met her. However, I thought it was her next to the photographer so asked and it was. It meant I was able to get rid of the crisps and share a joke so the photos should have been okay.
The party was up on the second floor and was very well organised. There were drinks and hors d'ouevre served on Chinese soup spoons. I caught up with several of the office staff I had met when I was on the Partnership at Work committee. We were soon called to our table which was hosted by Jeannie. Entrees were served and then the presentation to jubilee staff, 25 years and 35 years. The soup course was served next and then it was the pensioners turn. We all got a fountain and ballpoint pen set. Very nice indeed. The food was excellent. The main course was a deer steak which was really delicious. The sweet was a selection of different pieces. Each course was served with a different wine and there were no empty glasses.
All good things have to come to an end and the party ended at 1130pm. As we were leaving, our partners were given a small lucky bag of coffee, biscuits and chocolate. The bus took us back to the hotel where most of us headed for the bar to continue the night so it was 1.30am before we got to bed.
The next morning, we took it easy and had a leisurely breakfast before checking out and walking to the station. We had lots of time because we weren't flying until 1645. We wandered around the airport and then headed for the departure area. It was chaotic. There were three desks open and queues of 25+ at each. We joined one and about 20 minutes later the stewardess came down the queue and told us that she was closing the desk and we should join a different queue. We had been toying with the idea of taking our relatively small case as hand luggage but Barbara had her scissors. She suggested we dumped them so we did and went the hand baggage route. We had no problem.
Once more the flight arrived early and we waltzed through the formalities and we were home by 1710. We sagged for the rest of the evening
Sunday was catch up day and Church day. Mind you we spent the afternoon filling in our visa forms for our holiday. We couldn't send off for them before because we required our passports for the Rotterdam trip. I have dealt with bureaucracy most of my working life so probably overegged the pudding with the details. We went and posted them on Monday morning so we now wait and worry!
The flight across was excellent. We touched down 45 minutes after we took off and only taxied a few minutes. So that we were in the terminal less than an hour after take off and before the schedule arrival time. Getting our luggage and then the train were equally pain free. There were a few sudden stops on the train but we were in Rotterdam and caught a taxi to get to the Golden Tulip Hotel by 13.30.
We went up and unpacked and then went for a walk to get something to eat. We finished up just round the corner at the Brasserie Jungle. We spotted Pork Sate on the menu and plumped for that. A good move. It was really delicious. A good start. Replete, we went back to the hotel and had a bit of a zizz!
We had received instructions to assemble in the foyer at 1815 so we went down and met up with the British contingent. Amazingly I knew all of them. Two captains and three chief engineers. Once more, we were polarized by nationality. I am the only one who sailed with the Dutch but I didn't know anyone. There was a bus laid on to take us to the venue, het Zalmhuis.
We were the last off the bus and so last through the cloakroom and up the stairs so we were last to have our photographs taken. I had taken a large bag of Walker's Cheese and Onion crisps for our personnel superintendent, Jeannie. She is an ex pat and I have spoken to her but not really met her. However, I thought it was her next to the photographer so asked and it was. It meant I was able to get rid of the crisps and share a joke so the photos should have been okay.
The party was up on the second floor and was very well organised. There were drinks and hors d'ouevre served on Chinese soup spoons. I caught up with several of the office staff I had met when I was on the Partnership at Work committee. We were soon called to our table which was hosted by Jeannie. Entrees were served and then the presentation to jubilee staff, 25 years and 35 years. The soup course was served next and then it was the pensioners turn. We all got a fountain and ballpoint pen set. Very nice indeed. The food was excellent. The main course was a deer steak which was really delicious. The sweet was a selection of different pieces. Each course was served with a different wine and there were no empty glasses.
All good things have to come to an end and the party ended at 1130pm. As we were leaving, our partners were given a small lucky bag of coffee, biscuits and chocolate. The bus took us back to the hotel where most of us headed for the bar to continue the night so it was 1.30am before we got to bed.
The next morning, we took it easy and had a leisurely breakfast before checking out and walking to the station. We had lots of time because we weren't flying until 1645. We wandered around the airport and then headed for the departure area. It was chaotic. There were three desks open and queues of 25+ at each. We joined one and about 20 minutes later the stewardess came down the queue and told us that she was closing the desk and we should join a different queue. We had been toying with the idea of taking our relatively small case as hand luggage but Barbara had her scissors. She suggested we dumped them so we did and went the hand baggage route. We had no problem.
Once more the flight arrived early and we waltzed through the formalities and we were home by 1710. We sagged for the rest of the evening
Sunday was catch up day and Church day. Mind you we spent the afternoon filling in our visa forms for our holiday. We couldn't send off for them before because we required our passports for the Rotterdam trip. I have dealt with bureaucracy most of my working life so probably overegged the pudding with the details. We went and posted them on Monday morning so we now wait and worry!
Wednesday, 21 November 2007
Operation Christmas Child
Not much to report despite having not posted for a week. I have been at Operation Christmas Child doing the shoeboxes for Samaritan's Purse. Barbara and I were CRB checked last year as drivers but we just checked boxes last Wednesday & Thursday. Friday was Brave's Guild.
We got back on Friday and I made some Spaghetti sauce for Saturday and then prepared for Chicken Chow Mein for that evenings meal. PARK were coming over. I'd got everything sorted by the time they arrived. It was great to see them all again even if they aren't keen to see me!
Amazingly, the next morning, we were ready pretty quickly and went out just before 10am to pick up Lisa and Alan. We were heading for the seals at Donna Nook. As we expected, there were lots of people with the same idea. The adults got a good view but the fences made it a bit difficult for the kids. There were lots of pups but they weren't doing much so the kids were pretty bored with them.
We had our picnic in the car park before heading up to Cleethorpes via Ludborough to have a look at the Lincolnshire Wolds Railway but it was closed. So we went to the Cleethorpes Coast Light Railway and rode on that. It was quite bracing but very enjoyable.
PARK stayed until mid afternoon Sunday. We had an invitation to a Ruby wedding party. Bob and Jean were having a get together in the evening. They'd entertained their families and Sunday night was their friends. We are delighted to be among those friends. We walked round just before 8pm and left just before midnight. I was a very pleasant evening with plenty of people to talk to, plenty to eat and plenty to drink.
Monday. Barbara and I both went to the shoeboxes. We were sent out locally after some more shoeboxes. On Tuesday, I caught the bus and went up there myself. Barbara was doing the fellowship. Once more, I did a few short runs. It was suggested I took the van home and went straight out this morning so I did. I have brought the van home today and Barbara and I are going to Doncaster for five collections in the morning. I feel as though I am helping a bit as I pitch in when I am back at the depot. So many children do not have the same benefits as our grandkids. I don't just mean in the Third World where these boxes are ultimately bound, I am sure there are kids around the UK who don't have very much at all. We can only do our bit and hope that other people do theirs.
We got back on Friday and I made some Spaghetti sauce for Saturday and then prepared for Chicken Chow Mein for that evenings meal. PARK were coming over. I'd got everything sorted by the time they arrived. It was great to see them all again even if they aren't keen to see me!
Amazingly, the next morning, we were ready pretty quickly and went out just before 10am to pick up Lisa and Alan. We were heading for the seals at Donna Nook. As we expected, there were lots of people with the same idea. The adults got a good view but the fences made it a bit difficult for the kids. There were lots of pups but they weren't doing much so the kids were pretty bored with them.
We had our picnic in the car park before heading up to Cleethorpes via Ludborough to have a look at the Lincolnshire Wolds Railway but it was closed. So we went to the Cleethorpes Coast Light Railway and rode on that. It was quite bracing but very enjoyable.
PARK stayed until mid afternoon Sunday. We had an invitation to a Ruby wedding party. Bob and Jean were having a get together in the evening. They'd entertained their families and Sunday night was their friends. We are delighted to be among those friends. We walked round just before 8pm and left just before midnight. I was a very pleasant evening with plenty of people to talk to, plenty to eat and plenty to drink.
Monday. Barbara and I both went to the shoeboxes. We were sent out locally after some more shoeboxes. On Tuesday, I caught the bus and went up there myself. Barbara was doing the fellowship. Once more, I did a few short runs. It was suggested I took the van home and went straight out this morning so I did. I have brought the van home today and Barbara and I are going to Doncaster for five collections in the morning. I feel as though I am helping a bit as I pitch in when I am back at the depot. So many children do not have the same benefits as our grandkids. I don't just mean in the Third World where these boxes are ultimately bound, I am sure there are kids around the UK who don't have very much at all. We can only do our bit and hope that other people do theirs.
Wednesday, 14 November 2007
A bit of a do
Last Saturday evening, we were invited to a party at the Star in Willerby. It was Jennie S's 65 birthday do. We picked up Chris H and Val L and got up there for 7.30. We were just on our second drink when we were taken to the Stables Bistro out the back for the buffet. There was wine for us all and the buffet was served from the table by the waiter. Well, he served the meat and fish and it was help yourself to the salads etc. The sweets were served out but there was plenty. The cake was also served out once Jennie had cut it. Once the food was out of the way, the entertainers set up. Kevin and Sam(antha) are Jennie's next door neighbours. They performed on London West End stages and now go out and about entertaining around the North. They did songs from the shows. Lots of songs from Les Mis, Phantom and other shows we've all been to see. They had a bit of a rest and then got up again and sang some stuff we could dance to. A really cracking evening. We got home at 1am.
On Sunday, we went up to Church in the morning. Rev'd Christopher did a Pastoral Visitor "swearing in ceremony". I have become a PV so went up to the front. Then he went into the Remembrance Day part. A good talk for the children (and adults) about the poppy. We came home and had some lunch then Barbara went and picked up her friend Diane from Fouracres home for the disabled. It was her birthday. Usually she has a takeaway with her friend Val. Unfortunately, Val died last month so Barbara stepped into the breech. Diane went home soon after tea because she can't manage the stairs. I went with Barbara to give her a hand getting Diane out of the car.
On Monday, I went out to Top Hill Low Nature Reserve with the RSPB group. It was a very pleasant day if a bit chilly. Top Hill is usually closed on Monday but we were given permission to go. There wasn't too much about but we saw about 50 species. Barbara was out in the evening so I was under strict instructions to be back early. In the event, we left at 3pm so I was back before it got dark.
On Tuesday, I went round to Jon and Helen P's house with Bob R. He'd been there on Monday stripping the wallpaper from the hall. The P's can't get there when it's light and there is no lighting as the leckies have it off. We got the hall finished before lunch. After lunch, Barbara and I walked up to Anlaby for some cards.
Today was one of my pastoral list's birthday so I killed two birds with one stone and took Peter and his wife Jean their membership cards and Peter's birthday card. Barbara finished off some stuff then came round and picked me up. After a few minutes visiting, we went down Holderness Road and helped fill some shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child for Samaritan's Purse. Barbara has been helping for a few years and I have been going when I was at home. There are always new rules as to what can be put in the shoe boxes. We got the low down and started checking the boxes. We got to the end of the supply this afternoon but were assured that there are some more coming in tomorrow.
When we got home, we found that the delivery man had been. I ordered some long sleeved stuff from FRS Countrywear at the weekend and it came today. I am really chuffed as it is just what I wanted for our Indian excursion and it was very inexpensive. I had to stop enthusing as Barbara is still in the throes of deciding what to buy.
On Sunday, we went up to Church in the morning. Rev'd Christopher did a Pastoral Visitor "swearing in ceremony". I have become a PV so went up to the front. Then he went into the Remembrance Day part. A good talk for the children (and adults) about the poppy. We came home and had some lunch then Barbara went and picked up her friend Diane from Fouracres home for the disabled. It was her birthday. Usually she has a takeaway with her friend Val. Unfortunately, Val died last month so Barbara stepped into the breech. Diane went home soon after tea because she can't manage the stairs. I went with Barbara to give her a hand getting Diane out of the car.
On Monday, I went out to Top Hill Low Nature Reserve with the RSPB group. It was a very pleasant day if a bit chilly. Top Hill is usually closed on Monday but we were given permission to go. There wasn't too much about but we saw about 50 species. Barbara was out in the evening so I was under strict instructions to be back early. In the event, we left at 3pm so I was back before it got dark.
On Tuesday, I went round to Jon and Helen P's house with Bob R. He'd been there on Monday stripping the wallpaper from the hall. The P's can't get there when it's light and there is no lighting as the leckies have it off. We got the hall finished before lunch. After lunch, Barbara and I walked up to Anlaby for some cards.
Today was one of my pastoral list's birthday so I killed two birds with one stone and took Peter and his wife Jean their membership cards and Peter's birthday card. Barbara finished off some stuff then came round and picked me up. After a few minutes visiting, we went down Holderness Road and helped fill some shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child for Samaritan's Purse. Barbara has been helping for a few years and I have been going when I was at home. There are always new rules as to what can be put in the shoe boxes. We got the low down and started checking the boxes. We got to the end of the supply this afternoon but were assured that there are some more coming in tomorrow.
When we got home, we found that the delivery man had been. I ordered some long sleeved stuff from FRS Countrywear at the weekend and it came today. I am really chuffed as it is just what I wanted for our Indian excursion and it was very inexpensive. I had to stop enthusing as Barbara is still in the throes of deciding what to buy.
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