We went over to babysit at PARKs at the weekend. It was Amanda's works do and they were staying over at the venue. We drove over on Saturday morning and had some lunch with them all. We then took the children to see Uncle Derek for the afternoon. Derek and I have managed to avoid each other pretty well this year. He has a pretty busy work and social life but we arranged this a few weeks back. It was nice just to catch up. Rowan and Kirsten were pleased to see Duncan. He is finally taller than me! He is still good with the kids though. Charlotte, the new lady in Derek's life, was there and her daughter came round later with a friend. They brought their pet hamsters which gave us a laugh.
Kirsten was getting restless and telling us she was hungry by 5pm so we bade farewell and took them to Pizza Hut. The place was mobbed but we got served pretty quickly. Not quickly enough for Rowan who wanted his food immediately. Still we cured his hunger pangs as he couldn't finish his ice cream. When we looked around at the behaviour of the other children there, we realised that we were lucky with our two.
We got them home and ready for bed and then let them watch a bit of TV. Kirsten was soon ready to go to bed but Rowan watched Family Fortunes so we had to too!
On Sunday morning, we had leisurely breakfast and awaited their parentals. Phil rang and said they were doing a call for coffee and would be a while longer. So I gave Mum a ring and found she hadn't gone out so we popped round there for a visit. It's what we said we'd have to start doing but just haven't had the time to do. It was only a flying visit for a cup of tea and a biscuit but we all enjoyed it. We even got to see Paul who called in.
By the time we got back, Phil and Amanda were back. Amanda made some lunch while we called to see their next door neighbours. Barbara hasn't seen the baby for a while. Not a baby anymore really. We watched a video/helped with homework/chatted/played for the rest of the afternoon. Amanda made tea which everyone ate except for her. The weekend had finally caught up with her. She was beginning to recover as we left.
On Monday, I went into the shoeboxes warehouse. I went up to York and collected the remaining cartons from their depot. I had a good run there and back. Saw one piece of lunacy going up Market Weighton when a car decided to pull out into the down lane because the overtaking lane wasn't going fast enough! He had to pull in pretty quickly because their were a few cars coming down. Prat.
When I got back, the warehouse was pretty clear. Dave the other driver came in after me and brought some boxes to be processed the next day so I went in. There was also a truck coming to take some cartons to Romania. The students came along and got the truck loaded by noon. Barbara had come and we stayed and cleared up and cleaned up. I decided that it wasn't worth going in again so we bade our farewells until next year.
We went up to the Toby Carvery for the RSPB Christmas Meal on Monday. It was a nice meal and very nice to see some of the members we have been out with this year in a social setting. Mind you, it was the regular meeting on Tuesday. A really interesting talk about Flamborough. However, you don't get the same opportunity to chat that the meal and the walks gave us.
The last couple of days, post-shoeboxes, I have been crossing things off my list. Stuff that has taken a back seat while I have been at the boxes. Not completely caught up as I forgot that the hairdressers is closed on a Thursday. Will just have to be unkempt for a while.
Thursday, 13 December 2007
Thursday, 6 December 2007
Shoebox stuff
That's all I am doing this week. I went on Tuesday after I'd blogged and spent the day waiting for a truck to come. It was to take some cartons to Kiev in the Ukraine. By the time it came at 2pm, people had given up and gone home. There had been some students but most of them had gone, the Hull Daily Mail reporter and photographer had been and gone and Cathy the co-ordinator had to do some ringing around to get some more students to help out. Some came and we got the job done but they have no sense of urgency. It's as if they don't want to go home! I was trying to speed things up and was told that it was alright for me because I got paid for doing it!!! I had to put them right and explain I was a volunteer. That really threw them. It just didn't compute.
The truck was eventually loaded and the students on their way but there was still a van from York to unload. Barbara took a look at the lady who was there with her husband and recognised her as one of our neighbour's daughter's friends from 25 years ago. I'd never have seen that. We eventually got away after 5pm. I'd suggested we ate out but we were too knackered so I knocked up a chilli con carne. Not a patch of Heston Blumenthal's recipe that was on TV that evening but it filled a gap.
I'd come home in the van and was off the next morning bright and early to get to Doncaster. I had 5 pick ups. I'd worked out the route and it all went well with just a couple of missed turnings. I was back at the depot by 1pm. I had my lunch then unloaded before going out and making three local calls. The last one was up our end of town, a lady had 130 boxes in her front room, so I called in and said I'd bring them in first thing this morning. I was home for 4pm beating Barbara back from the shops. We managed to stay awake and watch the final episode of Heroes last night.
Once more, I was up and out early. I needn't have bothered as I'd reckoned without the traffic. Thank goodness I don't have to do that every day. Once more we were waiting for a truck and once more it didn't come until 2pm when it should have been there by 11am. By the time it came, we'd had enough so we left them to it and came home after a quick call at the shops for some stuff. Three days off now.
The truck was eventually loaded and the students on their way but there was still a van from York to unload. Barbara took a look at the lady who was there with her husband and recognised her as one of our neighbour's daughter's friends from 25 years ago. I'd never have seen that. We eventually got away after 5pm. I'd suggested we ate out but we were too knackered so I knocked up a chilli con carne. Not a patch of Heston Blumenthal's recipe that was on TV that evening but it filled a gap.
I'd come home in the van and was off the next morning bright and early to get to Doncaster. I had 5 pick ups. I'd worked out the route and it all went well with just a couple of missed turnings. I was back at the depot by 1pm. I had my lunch then unloaded before going out and making three local calls. The last one was up our end of town, a lady had 130 boxes in her front room, so I called in and said I'd bring them in first thing this morning. I was home for 4pm beating Barbara back from the shops. We managed to stay awake and watch the final episode of Heroes last night.
Once more, I was up and out early. I needn't have bothered as I'd reckoned without the traffic. Thank goodness I don't have to do that every day. Once more we were waiting for a truck and once more it didn't come until 2pm when it should have been there by 11am. By the time it came, we'd had enough so we left them to it and came home after a quick call at the shops for some stuff. Three days off now.
Tuesday, 4 December 2007
Another busy weekend
As we had been busy with the shoeboxes, we went shopping on Friday morning. There was chaos at Morrisons. It had been reported to us that the whole arrangement of the shop had been changed while we were in Rotterdam. It was while we were looking for the beetroot and asked the assistant that we realised that it was pretty bad as she didn't know where it was either. She did get us a map but that was none specific. It is normally pretty crowded around the vegetables but was even worse as people milled about searching for items. It got worse as we went down the aisle. I can see the logic of having all the food on one side and other items on the other side of the main aisle but what inspired them to do it just before Christmas when everyone shops until they drop anyhow?
After Brave's Guild, we came home and had some dinner and then went out to Church to set up the Hall for the Coffee Morning. Barbara and I had our usual discussions but got it set up okay. When we went back next morning bright and early, people had already arrived and started setting up. Luckily, we had put labels on the tables. In the event, everything went very smoothly. There were lots of people there and we made over £300 for Church funds. Once we started clearing away, there were plenty of willing hands available and we were home well before 1pm.
Just as well because we were due at Willersley at 2pm for the Christmas Fair. We were just a little late but no one noticed! I paid the "turn", the Society of M.I.C.E. (Men In Charitable Endeavours). Everyone seemed to enjoy them. We bought a cake, raffle and tombola tickets and had a cup of tea and generally did our bit. I went up yesterday morning and collected the money for banking and found that they had made £414 which is gratefully received by the treasurer as funds seem to go very quickly!
Our evening out had been cancelled. We were going with Pauline and Alan and Pauline had had a procedure on Friday afternoon that meant she had to rest. So I went down to Sainsburys and bought a Chinese "takeaway" which we had instead. I am always disappointed with both the shop bought kits and the proper takeaways as I feel I can do better.
Sunday was early communion and prayer breakfast at Church. Rev'd Christopher did a "formal" communion from the book this time. There were ten of us for breakfast and we had a good gossip and then a very good prayer session. As were washing up, someone came and told us that Joan S had fallen in front of the Church and the ambulance was on the way. There was a large congregation as there was a child's blessing in the service. They all had to walk past poor Joan. There was a discussion about her relatives and informing them. Ann S, her sister-in-law and Barbara went with her to the hospital. Our car was blocked in so I stayed for the service which also contained two thank yous to Val H our Guide leader who retires soon. It was her final Church parade. Lisa came as Val had been leader when she was a guide. Barbara was upset to miss it.
I finally got out of Church and came home. Barbara rang to say there was no news so I got on with some emails I'd been meaning to send. As I was doing that, one came from Rev'd Christopher. He'd got through to the doctor and found out that Joan should be leaving in an hour. I rang Barbara who still knew nothing. Anyhow, she summoned me shortly afterwards and I went and picked them up. I took them to Joan's home then took Ann to her daughter's house. Joan had asked her sister to stay with her so I went back to wait for her to arrive which she did shortly afterwards. Rev'd Christopher was there when I arrived and Val W came a little later. We left once her sister had got sorted out. Barbara went yesterday morning and took her to the fracture clinic but wasn't required to stay. When she rang later, nothing had been added to the treatment already prescribed.
Yesterday, I went up to Willersley to get the money. I counted it there with the intention of taking it to the bank but time was pressing and Barbara needed the car so I came home. I took it with me and banked it it town on my way to the shoeboxes. Barbara caught up with the housework and went visiting in the afternoon. It finally caught up with us last night and we were in bed by 10.30pm and asleep shortly afterwards!
After Brave's Guild, we came home and had some dinner and then went out to Church to set up the Hall for the Coffee Morning. Barbara and I had our usual discussions but got it set up okay. When we went back next morning bright and early, people had already arrived and started setting up. Luckily, we had put labels on the tables. In the event, everything went very smoothly. There were lots of people there and we made over £300 for Church funds. Once we started clearing away, there were plenty of willing hands available and we were home well before 1pm.
Just as well because we were due at Willersley at 2pm for the Christmas Fair. We were just a little late but no one noticed! I paid the "turn", the Society of M.I.C.E. (Men In Charitable Endeavours). Everyone seemed to enjoy them. We bought a cake, raffle and tombola tickets and had a cup of tea and generally did our bit. I went up yesterday morning and collected the money for banking and found that they had made £414 which is gratefully received by the treasurer as funds seem to go very quickly!
Our evening out had been cancelled. We were going with Pauline and Alan and Pauline had had a procedure on Friday afternoon that meant she had to rest. So I went down to Sainsburys and bought a Chinese "takeaway" which we had instead. I am always disappointed with both the shop bought kits and the proper takeaways as I feel I can do better.
Sunday was early communion and prayer breakfast at Church. Rev'd Christopher did a "formal" communion from the book this time. There were ten of us for breakfast and we had a good gossip and then a very good prayer session. As were washing up, someone came and told us that Joan S had fallen in front of the Church and the ambulance was on the way. There was a large congregation as there was a child's blessing in the service. They all had to walk past poor Joan. There was a discussion about her relatives and informing them. Ann S, her sister-in-law and Barbara went with her to the hospital. Our car was blocked in so I stayed for the service which also contained two thank yous to Val H our Guide leader who retires soon. It was her final Church parade. Lisa came as Val had been leader when she was a guide. Barbara was upset to miss it.
I finally got out of Church and came home. Barbara rang to say there was no news so I got on with some emails I'd been meaning to send. As I was doing that, one came from Rev'd Christopher. He'd got through to the doctor and found out that Joan should be leaving in an hour. I rang Barbara who still knew nothing. Anyhow, she summoned me shortly afterwards and I went and picked them up. I took them to Joan's home then took Ann to her daughter's house. Joan had asked her sister to stay with her so I went back to wait for her to arrive which she did shortly afterwards. Rev'd Christopher was there when I arrived and Val W came a little later. We left once her sister had got sorted out. Barbara went yesterday morning and took her to the fracture clinic but wasn't required to stay. When she rang later, nothing had been added to the treatment already prescribed.
Yesterday, I went up to Willersley to get the money. I counted it there with the intention of taking it to the bank but time was pressing and Barbara needed the car so I came home. I took it with me and banked it it town on my way to the shoeboxes. Barbara caught up with the housework and went visiting in the afternoon. It finally caught up with us last night and we were in bed by 10.30pm and asleep shortly afterwards!
Thursday, 29 November 2007
Copped a bargain
As we continue to prepare for our holiday, I got on t'internet on Tuesday morning and booked the train tickets to Gatwick. The fares system has always confused me but I was pleased with the fares charged for the journey. I was even more pleased on Wednesday morning when the news of rail fare rises was announced. Fortunately, we received our tickets the same day. There is only one slight niggle, the tickets are for a GNER train and I understood that they were losing the franchise at the end of the year!!
I have been shoeboxing it again this week. I made a commitment so am probably working harder than I would have done at sea! On Tuesday, I had a prior engagement so couldn't go straight there. I was helping to put the Christmas decorations up at the Hull Braves Guild. Any surface we could find has been covered and it looks very good indeed.
Once I'd finished, I went straight up Holderness Road to the depot and was straight in to lugging shoe boxes around. On Wednesday, I went up earlier. I am really getting good value from my bus pass! It is quicker by car but I am taking my Bible Study with me and am catching up with that. Barbara came up on Wednesday lunchtime and pitched in. I had been scheduled to drive today, Thursday, so I brought the van home. We set off before 9am this morning after a stop for some diesel. We only had four calls but it was 3pm by the time I got back to the depot. I had dropped Barbara off at home so she could sort some stuff out for the weekend.
It's all a bit frenetic but should calm down in a couple of weeks when the shoebox appeal finishes. Looking forward to a lie in!
I have been shoeboxing it again this week. I made a commitment so am probably working harder than I would have done at sea! On Tuesday, I had a prior engagement so couldn't go straight there. I was helping to put the Christmas decorations up at the Hull Braves Guild. Any surface we could find has been covered and it looks very good indeed.
Once I'd finished, I went straight up Holderness Road to the depot and was straight in to lugging shoe boxes around. On Wednesday, I went up earlier. I am really getting good value from my bus pass! It is quicker by car but I am taking my Bible Study with me and am catching up with that. Barbara came up on Wednesday lunchtime and pitched in. I had been scheduled to drive today, Thursday, so I brought the van home. We set off before 9am this morning after a stop for some diesel. We only had four calls but it was 3pm by the time I got back to the depot. I had dropped Barbara off at home so she could sort some stuff out for the weekend.
It's all a bit frenetic but should calm down in a couple of weeks when the shoebox appeal finishes. Looking forward to a lie in!
Monday, 26 November 2007
That's it then
Last Friday, Barbara and I were up early to catch a plane at Humberside Airport. I was finally going for my final act as a seafarer. Maersk aka Nedlloyd in Rotterdam have a yearly jubilee and pensioner's party and we were invited. We were at the airport at 7.45, two hours before the flight. We were able to check in straight away. So what to do for the next two hours. The answer was a bacon buttie in the cafe. Ever since a report a few weeks ago knocking the bacon banjo, Barbara has been looking for an excuse to have one. Wish she'd have picked a cheaper venue!!
The flight across was excellent. We touched down 45 minutes after we took off and only taxied a few minutes. So that we were in the terminal less than an hour after take off and before the schedule arrival time. Getting our luggage and then the train were equally pain free. There were a few sudden stops on the train but we were in Rotterdam and caught a taxi to get to the Golden Tulip Hotel by 13.30.
We went up and unpacked and then went for a walk to get something to eat. We finished up just round the corner at the Brasserie Jungle. We spotted Pork Sate on the menu and plumped for that. A good move. It was really delicious. A good start. Replete, we went back to the hotel and had a bit of a zizz!
We had received instructions to assemble in the foyer at 1815 so we went down and met up with the British contingent. Amazingly I knew all of them. Two captains and three chief engineers. Once more, we were polarized by nationality. I am the only one who sailed with the Dutch but I didn't know anyone. There was a bus laid on to take us to the venue, het Zalmhuis.
We were the last off the bus and so last through the cloakroom and up the stairs so we were last to have our photographs taken. I had taken a large bag of Walker's Cheese and Onion crisps for our personnel superintendent, Jeannie. She is an ex pat and I have spoken to her but not really met her. However, I thought it was her next to the photographer so asked and it was. It meant I was able to get rid of the crisps and share a joke so the photos should have been okay.
The party was up on the second floor and was very well organised. There were drinks and hors d'ouevre served on Chinese soup spoons. I caught up with several of the office staff I had met when I was on the Partnership at Work committee. We were soon called to our table which was hosted by Jeannie. Entrees were served and then the presentation to jubilee staff, 25 years and 35 years. The soup course was served next and then it was the pensioners turn. We all got a fountain and ballpoint pen set. Very nice indeed. The food was excellent. The main course was a deer steak which was really delicious. The sweet was a selection of different pieces. Each course was served with a different wine and there were no empty glasses.
All good things have to come to an end and the party ended at 1130pm. As we were leaving, our partners were given a small lucky bag of coffee, biscuits and chocolate. The bus took us back to the hotel where most of us headed for the bar to continue the night so it was 1.30am before we got to bed.
The next morning, we took it easy and had a leisurely breakfast before checking out and walking to the station. We had lots of time because we weren't flying until 1645. We wandered around the airport and then headed for the departure area. It was chaotic. There were three desks open and queues of 25+ at each. We joined one and about 20 minutes later the stewardess came down the queue and told us that she was closing the desk and we should join a different queue. We had been toying with the idea of taking our relatively small case as hand luggage but Barbara had her scissors. She suggested we dumped them so we did and went the hand baggage route. We had no problem.
Once more the flight arrived early and we waltzed through the formalities and we were home by 1710. We sagged for the rest of the evening
Sunday was catch up day and Church day. Mind you we spent the afternoon filling in our visa forms for our holiday. We couldn't send off for them before because we required our passports for the Rotterdam trip. I have dealt with bureaucracy most of my working life so probably overegged the pudding with the details. We went and posted them on Monday morning so we now wait and worry!
The flight across was excellent. We touched down 45 minutes after we took off and only taxied a few minutes. So that we were in the terminal less than an hour after take off and before the schedule arrival time. Getting our luggage and then the train were equally pain free. There were a few sudden stops on the train but we were in Rotterdam and caught a taxi to get to the Golden Tulip Hotel by 13.30.
We went up and unpacked and then went for a walk to get something to eat. We finished up just round the corner at the Brasserie Jungle. We spotted Pork Sate on the menu and plumped for that. A good move. It was really delicious. A good start. Replete, we went back to the hotel and had a bit of a zizz!
We had received instructions to assemble in the foyer at 1815 so we went down and met up with the British contingent. Amazingly I knew all of them. Two captains and three chief engineers. Once more, we were polarized by nationality. I am the only one who sailed with the Dutch but I didn't know anyone. There was a bus laid on to take us to the venue, het Zalmhuis.
We were the last off the bus and so last through the cloakroom and up the stairs so we were last to have our photographs taken. I had taken a large bag of Walker's Cheese and Onion crisps for our personnel superintendent, Jeannie. She is an ex pat and I have spoken to her but not really met her. However, I thought it was her next to the photographer so asked and it was. It meant I was able to get rid of the crisps and share a joke so the photos should have been okay.
The party was up on the second floor and was very well organised. There were drinks and hors d'ouevre served on Chinese soup spoons. I caught up with several of the office staff I had met when I was on the Partnership at Work committee. We were soon called to our table which was hosted by Jeannie. Entrees were served and then the presentation to jubilee staff, 25 years and 35 years. The soup course was served next and then it was the pensioners turn. We all got a fountain and ballpoint pen set. Very nice indeed. The food was excellent. The main course was a deer steak which was really delicious. The sweet was a selection of different pieces. Each course was served with a different wine and there were no empty glasses.
All good things have to come to an end and the party ended at 1130pm. As we were leaving, our partners were given a small lucky bag of coffee, biscuits and chocolate. The bus took us back to the hotel where most of us headed for the bar to continue the night so it was 1.30am before we got to bed.
The next morning, we took it easy and had a leisurely breakfast before checking out and walking to the station. We had lots of time because we weren't flying until 1645. We wandered around the airport and then headed for the departure area. It was chaotic. There were three desks open and queues of 25+ at each. We joined one and about 20 minutes later the stewardess came down the queue and told us that she was closing the desk and we should join a different queue. We had been toying with the idea of taking our relatively small case as hand luggage but Barbara had her scissors. She suggested we dumped them so we did and went the hand baggage route. We had no problem.
Once more the flight arrived early and we waltzed through the formalities and we were home by 1710. We sagged for the rest of the evening
Sunday was catch up day and Church day. Mind you we spent the afternoon filling in our visa forms for our holiday. We couldn't send off for them before because we required our passports for the Rotterdam trip. I have dealt with bureaucracy most of my working life so probably overegged the pudding with the details. We went and posted them on Monday morning so we now wait and worry!
Wednesday, 21 November 2007
Operation Christmas Child
Not much to report despite having not posted for a week. I have been at Operation Christmas Child doing the shoeboxes for Samaritan's Purse. Barbara and I were CRB checked last year as drivers but we just checked boxes last Wednesday & Thursday. Friday was Brave's Guild.
We got back on Friday and I made some Spaghetti sauce for Saturday and then prepared for Chicken Chow Mein for that evenings meal. PARK were coming over. I'd got everything sorted by the time they arrived. It was great to see them all again even if they aren't keen to see me!
Amazingly, the next morning, we were ready pretty quickly and went out just before 10am to pick up Lisa and Alan. We were heading for the seals at Donna Nook. As we expected, there were lots of people with the same idea. The adults got a good view but the fences made it a bit difficult for the kids. There were lots of pups but they weren't doing much so the kids were pretty bored with them.
We had our picnic in the car park before heading up to Cleethorpes via Ludborough to have a look at the Lincolnshire Wolds Railway but it was closed. So we went to the Cleethorpes Coast Light Railway and rode on that. It was quite bracing but very enjoyable.
PARK stayed until mid afternoon Sunday. We had an invitation to a Ruby wedding party. Bob and Jean were having a get together in the evening. They'd entertained their families and Sunday night was their friends. We are delighted to be among those friends. We walked round just before 8pm and left just before midnight. I was a very pleasant evening with plenty of people to talk to, plenty to eat and plenty to drink.
Monday. Barbara and I both went to the shoeboxes. We were sent out locally after some more shoeboxes. On Tuesday, I caught the bus and went up there myself. Barbara was doing the fellowship. Once more, I did a few short runs. It was suggested I took the van home and went straight out this morning so I did. I have brought the van home today and Barbara and I are going to Doncaster for five collections in the morning. I feel as though I am helping a bit as I pitch in when I am back at the depot. So many children do not have the same benefits as our grandkids. I don't just mean in the Third World where these boxes are ultimately bound, I am sure there are kids around the UK who don't have very much at all. We can only do our bit and hope that other people do theirs.
We got back on Friday and I made some Spaghetti sauce for Saturday and then prepared for Chicken Chow Mein for that evenings meal. PARK were coming over. I'd got everything sorted by the time they arrived. It was great to see them all again even if they aren't keen to see me!
Amazingly, the next morning, we were ready pretty quickly and went out just before 10am to pick up Lisa and Alan. We were heading for the seals at Donna Nook. As we expected, there were lots of people with the same idea. The adults got a good view but the fences made it a bit difficult for the kids. There were lots of pups but they weren't doing much so the kids were pretty bored with them.
We had our picnic in the car park before heading up to Cleethorpes via Ludborough to have a look at the Lincolnshire Wolds Railway but it was closed. So we went to the Cleethorpes Coast Light Railway and rode on that. It was quite bracing but very enjoyable.
PARK stayed until mid afternoon Sunday. We had an invitation to a Ruby wedding party. Bob and Jean were having a get together in the evening. They'd entertained their families and Sunday night was their friends. We are delighted to be among those friends. We walked round just before 8pm and left just before midnight. I was a very pleasant evening with plenty of people to talk to, plenty to eat and plenty to drink.
Monday. Barbara and I both went to the shoeboxes. We were sent out locally after some more shoeboxes. On Tuesday, I caught the bus and went up there myself. Barbara was doing the fellowship. Once more, I did a few short runs. It was suggested I took the van home and went straight out this morning so I did. I have brought the van home today and Barbara and I are going to Doncaster for five collections in the morning. I feel as though I am helping a bit as I pitch in when I am back at the depot. So many children do not have the same benefits as our grandkids. I don't just mean in the Third World where these boxes are ultimately bound, I am sure there are kids around the UK who don't have very much at all. We can only do our bit and hope that other people do theirs.
Wednesday, 14 November 2007
A bit of a do
Last Saturday evening, we were invited to a party at the Star in Willerby. It was Jennie S's 65 birthday do. We picked up Chris H and Val L and got up there for 7.30. We were just on our second drink when we were taken to the Stables Bistro out the back for the buffet. There was wine for us all and the buffet was served from the table by the waiter. Well, he served the meat and fish and it was help yourself to the salads etc. The sweets were served out but there was plenty. The cake was also served out once Jennie had cut it. Once the food was out of the way, the entertainers set up. Kevin and Sam(antha) are Jennie's next door neighbours. They performed on London West End stages and now go out and about entertaining around the North. They did songs from the shows. Lots of songs from Les Mis, Phantom and other shows we've all been to see. They had a bit of a rest and then got up again and sang some stuff we could dance to. A really cracking evening. We got home at 1am.
On Sunday, we went up to Church in the morning. Rev'd Christopher did a Pastoral Visitor "swearing in ceremony". I have become a PV so went up to the front. Then he went into the Remembrance Day part. A good talk for the children (and adults) about the poppy. We came home and had some lunch then Barbara went and picked up her friend Diane from Fouracres home for the disabled. It was her birthday. Usually she has a takeaway with her friend Val. Unfortunately, Val died last month so Barbara stepped into the breech. Diane went home soon after tea because she can't manage the stairs. I went with Barbara to give her a hand getting Diane out of the car.
On Monday, I went out to Top Hill Low Nature Reserve with the RSPB group. It was a very pleasant day if a bit chilly. Top Hill is usually closed on Monday but we were given permission to go. There wasn't too much about but we saw about 50 species. Barbara was out in the evening so I was under strict instructions to be back early. In the event, we left at 3pm so I was back before it got dark.
On Tuesday, I went round to Jon and Helen P's house with Bob R. He'd been there on Monday stripping the wallpaper from the hall. The P's can't get there when it's light and there is no lighting as the leckies have it off. We got the hall finished before lunch. After lunch, Barbara and I walked up to Anlaby for some cards.
Today was one of my pastoral list's birthday so I killed two birds with one stone and took Peter and his wife Jean their membership cards and Peter's birthday card. Barbara finished off some stuff then came round and picked me up. After a few minutes visiting, we went down Holderness Road and helped fill some shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child for Samaritan's Purse. Barbara has been helping for a few years and I have been going when I was at home. There are always new rules as to what can be put in the shoe boxes. We got the low down and started checking the boxes. We got to the end of the supply this afternoon but were assured that there are some more coming in tomorrow.
When we got home, we found that the delivery man had been. I ordered some long sleeved stuff from FRS Countrywear at the weekend and it came today. I am really chuffed as it is just what I wanted for our Indian excursion and it was very inexpensive. I had to stop enthusing as Barbara is still in the throes of deciding what to buy.
On Sunday, we went up to Church in the morning. Rev'd Christopher did a Pastoral Visitor "swearing in ceremony". I have become a PV so went up to the front. Then he went into the Remembrance Day part. A good talk for the children (and adults) about the poppy. We came home and had some lunch then Barbara went and picked up her friend Diane from Fouracres home for the disabled. It was her birthday. Usually she has a takeaway with her friend Val. Unfortunately, Val died last month so Barbara stepped into the breech. Diane went home soon after tea because she can't manage the stairs. I went with Barbara to give her a hand getting Diane out of the car.
On Monday, I went out to Top Hill Low Nature Reserve with the RSPB group. It was a very pleasant day if a bit chilly. Top Hill is usually closed on Monday but we were given permission to go. There wasn't too much about but we saw about 50 species. Barbara was out in the evening so I was under strict instructions to be back early. In the event, we left at 3pm so I was back before it got dark.
On Tuesday, I went round to Jon and Helen P's house with Bob R. He'd been there on Monday stripping the wallpaper from the hall. The P's can't get there when it's light and there is no lighting as the leckies have it off. We got the hall finished before lunch. After lunch, Barbara and I walked up to Anlaby for some cards.
Today was one of my pastoral list's birthday so I killed two birds with one stone and took Peter and his wife Jean their membership cards and Peter's birthday card. Barbara finished off some stuff then came round and picked me up. After a few minutes visiting, we went down Holderness Road and helped fill some shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child for Samaritan's Purse. Barbara has been helping for a few years and I have been going when I was at home. There are always new rules as to what can be put in the shoe boxes. We got the low down and started checking the boxes. We got to the end of the supply this afternoon but were assured that there are some more coming in tomorrow.
When we got home, we found that the delivery man had been. I ordered some long sleeved stuff from FRS Countrywear at the weekend and it came today. I am really chuffed as it is just what I wanted for our Indian excursion and it was very inexpensive. I had to stop enthusing as Barbara is still in the throes of deciding what to buy.
Saturday, 10 November 2007
Variety is the spice of life
Barbara is a little concerned that I am not doing things. She has settled into a routine which includes aqua exercise, keep fit and fellowship. I haven't! Still, I don't seem to have too much time to spare. On Wednesday, I went up to Willersley House and took some money so they can go to the play at Willerby Methodist on Thursday night. I saw Anna who is the activity coordinator and we sorted out an afternoon for some entertainment.
I then went into town on the bus and collected some of the Christmas Card order. Unfortunately, there weren't all the ones I required. Still I got the ones I could and sorted them out. It was my second visit to the dental hygienist. I had taken her advice and become a tooth cleaning fanatic. At least, she acknowledged the improvement. I still have to return in six months! I also went for a haircut as Stan Leeman's is next door to the dentist.
On Thursday, Barbara and I got ready and went out and attacked the fence. I have not been looking forward to it but it went relatively easily. The problem was a rotten support for the slats causing some to fall off behind the garage. I removed all of them and, while Barbara treated them, I repaired the support and the guttering behind the garage. Apart from on interlude when it rained so we had lunch, we worked through until it was dark and got the job done. We'll need to address the ones on the side of the garden but we feel a bit more confident we can fix them. Just have to do a bit of trimming. I was looking forward to my pint at the pub quiz. It nearly didn't happen as there was no wine for Brian S. I suggested he went to Tesco and bought some (against the law I know but better than leaving altogether) We didn't do too badly on the quiz but got pipped at the post by our next door neighbours.
Friday was Braves day but we didn't have to go to Cottingham until 1pm so we went shopping first and then Pauline joined us for a drink and some lunch. The reason we were going to Cottingham was to see a presentation called "Viva Variety" We went last year and saw an Old Time Music Hall. This years was much better. I should have written the names of the acts down because my memory is rubbish. There was a couple called Vizage magic doing illusions on first. They came on to some very modern music and I think some folk were worried but once they got going, it settled down. They did part of their act in the first half and then some more after the interval. The compere was excellent with just the right sort of humour for the audience. I can't remember his name tho'. There was a young bass called Neil Hurst from Scarborough. His rendition of Old Man River from Showboat was the highlight for me. The final act was a young lady singer whose name has gone too but she was very good as well. There wasn't anyone I spoke too afterwards who had anything less than praise for them all. The promoter was outside as we left and lots of people told him how much they enjoyed the show. The arrangements for the taxis, getting people in and out all went well too and the weather stayed fine.
It's broken today. I spent the first part of the morning putting together a quick and dirty Powerpoint presentation of all the photos featured so far on the Hull Freedom Trail blog. Jackie K rang me last night and asked me if I could sort some photos out for the concert by the Redemption Gospel Choir at Anlaby Park Methodist tonight. Some of the pictures are quite small when viewed as a My Pictures slideshow so I put them on Powerpoint and resized them. Barbara took the CD round while I went into town and got the rest of the Christmas Card order. Now I'm going to watch a film. Barbara has taken Lisa to town for a bit of retail therapy so I'm on my own!
I then went into town on the bus and collected some of the Christmas Card order. Unfortunately, there weren't all the ones I required. Still I got the ones I could and sorted them out. It was my second visit to the dental hygienist. I had taken her advice and become a tooth cleaning fanatic. At least, she acknowledged the improvement. I still have to return in six months! I also went for a haircut as Stan Leeman's is next door to the dentist.
On Thursday, Barbara and I got ready and went out and attacked the fence. I have not been looking forward to it but it went relatively easily. The problem was a rotten support for the slats causing some to fall off behind the garage. I removed all of them and, while Barbara treated them, I repaired the support and the guttering behind the garage. Apart from on interlude when it rained so we had lunch, we worked through until it was dark and got the job done. We'll need to address the ones on the side of the garden but we feel a bit more confident we can fix them. Just have to do a bit of trimming. I was looking forward to my pint at the pub quiz. It nearly didn't happen as there was no wine for Brian S. I suggested he went to Tesco and bought some (against the law I know but better than leaving altogether) We didn't do too badly on the quiz but got pipped at the post by our next door neighbours.
Friday was Braves day but we didn't have to go to Cottingham until 1pm so we went shopping first and then Pauline joined us for a drink and some lunch. The reason we were going to Cottingham was to see a presentation called "Viva Variety" We went last year and saw an Old Time Music Hall. This years was much better. I should have written the names of the acts down because my memory is rubbish. There was a couple called Vizage magic doing illusions on first. They came on to some very modern music and I think some folk were worried but once they got going, it settled down. They did part of their act in the first half and then some more after the interval. The compere was excellent with just the right sort of humour for the audience. I can't remember his name tho'. There was a young bass called Neil Hurst from Scarborough. His rendition of Old Man River from Showboat was the highlight for me. The final act was a young lady singer whose name has gone too but she was very good as well. There wasn't anyone I spoke too afterwards who had anything less than praise for them all. The promoter was outside as we left and lots of people told him how much they enjoyed the show. The arrangements for the taxis, getting people in and out all went well too and the weather stayed fine.
It's broken today. I spent the first part of the morning putting together a quick and dirty Powerpoint presentation of all the photos featured so far on the Hull Freedom Trail blog. Jackie K rang me last night and asked me if I could sort some photos out for the concert by the Redemption Gospel Choir at Anlaby Park Methodist tonight. Some of the pictures are quite small when viewed as a My Pictures slideshow so I put them on Powerpoint and resized them. Barbara took the CD round while I went into town and got the rest of the Christmas Card order. Now I'm going to watch a film. Barbara has taken Lisa to town for a bit of retail therapy so I'm on my own!
Monday, 5 November 2007
You win some, you lose some
Thursday was quiz night and Halloween reared its ugly head again. The quiz was a Halloween themed one. We did crap.
Friday was Braves. This week it was a walk around town. We went at the same time but Barbara didn’t have to do sandwiches as we were taking Irene and Dulcie out. They didn’t want to do any shopping really, they just wanted a look at the St Stephen’s shopping centre so that is where we took them. There aren’t really the shops for that age group there. We took them into the Tesco store and went up the escalator ramp. The jury is still out as we found it fairly difficult, particularly coming down. I went on backwards as it is fairly steep and Irene could have felt uncomfortable. We had a cuppa and then we made our way back to the Braves building via several other shops. We got back and had a tea. The sandwiches and stuff had been bought in so we just had to do the tea. Paper plates and bowls so only the cups and saucers to wash.
Saturday was Coffee morning so we were up at the crack of dawn and getting the books into the car. Barbara took me up to Church and I made a start on moving the pews while she went for Lisa. It all went well really. I made a start setting up the hall for the NCH Quiz that was taking place at 7.30pm and then finished it off as I was clearing the stuff out of the Church. Lisa came back with us for some lunch and then she escorted Barbara while she went to fill in a passport application. We’d got back from Braves to find the details of our holiday to India had come and the company recommended that our passports are valid until 6 months after we leave India. Barbara’s passport was 5 days short so she went off to Hessle Post Office to send it off. Keeping our fingers crossed it will be back in time for her to go to Rotterdam for my retirement do later this month. We’ll then have to get the visas. Anxious? Not me.
We’d been invited to dinner at Val L’s before the quiz. She and Val F. had invited Rev Christopher and wanted us to round it off. We’d invited Lisa to the quiz so she got an invitation too. It was very nice. I hadn’t been to Val’s new home and it’s lovely. The meal was fine and the conversation flowed, albeit about diets! The six of us went along to the quiz and formed a rather large team. We did quite well finishing in joint first place. The tie breaker involved some heavy guessing but we got all five questions right and won. Got a diary and book and custody of a little dragon soft toy called Cedric.
There were plenty of people to stack and clear so we got the tables away and set up the prayer breakfast stuff before we left. The next morning once the table was set, I went through and stacked all the chairs where they should be. We did all three services and “enjoyed” them all. Rev Christopher did the early Communion and the evening service. He’s a bit of a “stealth preacher” as he goes along lulling you into a false sense of security then he sticks the “killer” questions in at the end.
We went round to Val F’s and cut her grass in the afternoon. We had the Fairtrade stuff to sort out after the evening service so by the time we got home, we were ready to sag.
Yesterday, Barbara went for her hair styling first thing. I sorted out the Fairtrade Christmas card order and got it packed up ready to go. I took it in the afternoon and will go in later and collect the cards. Today, I have been treating the fence stuff that I got. Not sure about the colour. Still it has been a beautiful day and a pleasure to be outside.
Friday was Braves. This week it was a walk around town. We went at the same time but Barbara didn’t have to do sandwiches as we were taking Irene and Dulcie out. They didn’t want to do any shopping really, they just wanted a look at the St Stephen’s shopping centre so that is where we took them. There aren’t really the shops for that age group there. We took them into the Tesco store and went up the escalator ramp. The jury is still out as we found it fairly difficult, particularly coming down. I went on backwards as it is fairly steep and Irene could have felt uncomfortable. We had a cuppa and then we made our way back to the Braves building via several other shops. We got back and had a tea. The sandwiches and stuff had been bought in so we just had to do the tea. Paper plates and bowls so only the cups and saucers to wash.
Saturday was Coffee morning so we were up at the crack of dawn and getting the books into the car. Barbara took me up to Church and I made a start on moving the pews while she went for Lisa. It all went well really. I made a start setting up the hall for the NCH Quiz that was taking place at 7.30pm and then finished it off as I was clearing the stuff out of the Church. Lisa came back with us for some lunch and then she escorted Barbara while she went to fill in a passport application. We’d got back from Braves to find the details of our holiday to India had come and the company recommended that our passports are valid until 6 months after we leave India. Barbara’s passport was 5 days short so she went off to Hessle Post Office to send it off. Keeping our fingers crossed it will be back in time for her to go to Rotterdam for my retirement do later this month. We’ll then have to get the visas. Anxious? Not me.
We’d been invited to dinner at Val L’s before the quiz. She and Val F. had invited Rev Christopher and wanted us to round it off. We’d invited Lisa to the quiz so she got an invitation too. It was very nice. I hadn’t been to Val’s new home and it’s lovely. The meal was fine and the conversation flowed, albeit about diets! The six of us went along to the quiz and formed a rather large team. We did quite well finishing in joint first place. The tie breaker involved some heavy guessing but we got all five questions right and won. Got a diary and book and custody of a little dragon soft toy called Cedric.
There were plenty of people to stack and clear so we got the tables away and set up the prayer breakfast stuff before we left. The next morning once the table was set, I went through and stacked all the chairs where they should be. We did all three services and “enjoyed” them all. Rev Christopher did the early Communion and the evening service. He’s a bit of a “stealth preacher” as he goes along lulling you into a false sense of security then he sticks the “killer” questions in at the end.
We went round to Val F’s and cut her grass in the afternoon. We had the Fairtrade stuff to sort out after the evening service so by the time we got home, we were ready to sag.
Yesterday, Barbara went for her hair styling first thing. I sorted out the Fairtrade Christmas card order and got it packed up ready to go. I took it in the afternoon and will go in later and collect the cards. Today, I have been treating the fence stuff that I got. Not sure about the colour. Still it has been a beautiful day and a pleasure to be outside.
Thursday, 1 November 2007
Grumpy Devil
How can you tell the trick and treaters that you don't do Halloween without appearing a right grump? Luckily I was saved on the actual night because we were out at a Not Halloween Light Party at Church from 5 to 7pm so the door wasn't answered anyhow. The evening before, I answered the door to two under 10s with their mum and told them I was sorry but I don't do Halloween. I will have to watch it. A poor 85 year old lady who is a neighbour of Pauline and Alan had a brick put through her bedroom window just after 8pm last night. What sort of despicable person would do that?
The Light Party was really well attended with over 40 children plus some of their mums and dads who stayed on. I spent most of the time in the kitchen with Barbara. We had been asked to go at 5pm, which we did, but everything was organised by then so we just had to watch in case things boiled over. There were lots of games and hot dogs and cakes and a chocolate fountain and fruit. I just hope none of the kids were sick later on! I nearly was!!
I have been told off at the dentist so have been watching what I eat this week. Mind you, I am not a sugar fiend and could quite easily go the rest of my life without any sweets/candies. I do enjoyed the odd Sports Mixtures or Fruit Salad tho'. The dentist said I needed to see a hygienist so I made an appointment for the next day and have to go again next week. As brother-in-law Alan said, he just takes his out and hoses them down in the garden. It is easily the most begrudged money that Barbara and I pay out. The ads they show for their easy payment scheme seem so plausible but a few seconds on a calculator show the truth. Moan over.
I have made one persons life a misery this week and he has taken it all very well. The guy on the counter at Keyline has been patience personified while I have buggered up his accounts. Distinct lack of knowledge on my part and extremely poor mathematical skills (to my eternal shame, I can only plead ignorance at the cost of timber). Anyhoo, it's all sorted now and I have the wood. Hopefully the bank will be able to sort out all the too-ing and fro-ing as I paid up then later read the order and realised I was going to get 10 lap wood fence panels instead of 10 6ftx6inx1in boards! I would blame my age but another of the chaps at Keyline called me "young man"
The Light Party was really well attended with over 40 children plus some of their mums and dads who stayed on. I spent most of the time in the kitchen with Barbara. We had been asked to go at 5pm, which we did, but everything was organised by then so we just had to watch in case things boiled over. There were lots of games and hot dogs and cakes and a chocolate fountain and fruit. I just hope none of the kids were sick later on! I nearly was!!
I have been told off at the dentist so have been watching what I eat this week. Mind you, I am not a sugar fiend and could quite easily go the rest of my life without any sweets/candies. I do enjoyed the odd Sports Mixtures or Fruit Salad tho'. The dentist said I needed to see a hygienist so I made an appointment for the next day and have to go again next week. As brother-in-law Alan said, he just takes his out and hoses them down in the garden. It is easily the most begrudged money that Barbara and I pay out. The ads they show for their easy payment scheme seem so plausible but a few seconds on a calculator show the truth. Moan over.
I have made one persons life a misery this week and he has taken it all very well. The guy on the counter at Keyline has been patience personified while I have buggered up his accounts. Distinct lack of knowledge on my part and extremely poor mathematical skills (to my eternal shame, I can only plead ignorance at the cost of timber). Anyhoo, it's all sorted now and I have the wood. Hopefully the bank will be able to sort out all the too-ing and fro-ing as I paid up then later read the order and realised I was going to get 10 lap wood fence panels instead of 10 6ftx6inx1in boards! I would blame my age but another of the chaps at Keyline called me "young man"
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
Half Term
As we had been on holiday Friday to Friday, we had the weekend to catch up. Poor Barbara set to and did the laundry. She had a Jumble Sale on Saturday so I did a bit of ironing and then went up and helped put the room straight. I had taken her up with a view to help setting the room up but it had been done!
On the Monday of half term, we went to PARKS for a couple of days. We arrived before lunch on the Monday so had the afternoon to go for a stroll. We just went round to Temple Newsam which is only a few minutes away. I have been to Temple Newsam many times but we all went on walks that we have never been before.
On Tuesday, we went to Blackpool. The intention was to go to Blackpool Zoo and then see the Illuminations. It all worked out very well indeed. The weather was glorious. A big blue sky just like Norfolk. The zoo was packed and Rowan was a bit disappointed with the tiger which was fast asleep in the sun. Still we saw the elephant show and the sea lion show and got round the whole zoo no problem. The only disappointment was that they had closed the Amazonia display when we got there.
We drove down and parked behind the railway station. The parking is superb in Blackpool. Where else can you get 4 hours for £1.50 and a full week for £10. We walked down to front and went on the North Pier. It was excellent. The kids enjoyed being able to look through the wood at the sand and sea! We had a ride on the carousel.
Next was tea. Fish and chips was the food of choice. Harry Ramsdens was mobbed so we went looking elsewhere. We finally settled on one and even got to sit down. By the time we'd been served and eaten, it was full dark so we went for a walk on the front. Any idea of driving along the front was soon quashed when we saw the traffic. So we made our way back to the car and went home. We followed PARK in their car as he'd taken a chip to his windscreen on the way so we made sure they were okay.
Wednesday was spent around Woodlesford and we came home that evening. We did make a call to see Rowan at rugby practice. He seems to be enjoying it.
The rest of the week was spent as usual with shopping and stuff on Thursday and Braves Guild on Friday. On Thursday evening, we went to Victoria Square to see off the Hull Freedom Trail Trailblazers. They were setting off to catch the ferry across to Rotterdam on the first leg of their journey to Freetown in Sierra Leone. The plan, in brief, is to take five 4WD vehicles there and leave them with a charity that is seeking to reunite families that have been split up during the Civil War. Jonny Freedom, whose idea it is, goes to our Church as do a couple of the Trailblazers. We have been hearing about the trip for quite some time and went to make sure they went! We are also praying for the trip and for various people on the trip. Barbara and I have been partnered with a star, Claudio von Planta. He is the cameraman filming the trip. Unfortunately, we never got to speak to him (he was filming!). I'd emailed him earlier and he responded so he knows what we are doing. Things seem to be going well so far.
On Saturday, we went up Clough Road to The Range and Dunelm. Just before we went away, a hole appeared in the bedsheet just where my feet are. Must be the fault of my hard skin! I pointed out it could have worn out where she sits and reads if the sheet was on the other way. Anyhow, we had to get another one. In the end, we went a bit over the top and got duvet covers and throw for when we decorate the bedroom. Must be made of money!
On the Monday of half term, we went to PARKS for a couple of days. We arrived before lunch on the Monday so had the afternoon to go for a stroll. We just went round to Temple Newsam which is only a few minutes away. I have been to Temple Newsam many times but we all went on walks that we have never been before.
On Tuesday, we went to Blackpool. The intention was to go to Blackpool Zoo and then see the Illuminations. It all worked out very well indeed. The weather was glorious. A big blue sky just like Norfolk. The zoo was packed and Rowan was a bit disappointed with the tiger which was fast asleep in the sun. Still we saw the elephant show and the sea lion show and got round the whole zoo no problem. The only disappointment was that they had closed the Amazonia display when we got there.
We drove down and parked behind the railway station. The parking is superb in Blackpool. Where else can you get 4 hours for £1.50 and a full week for £10. We walked down to front and went on the North Pier. It was excellent. The kids enjoyed being able to look through the wood at the sand and sea! We had a ride on the carousel.
Next was tea. Fish and chips was the food of choice. Harry Ramsdens was mobbed so we went looking elsewhere. We finally settled on one and even got to sit down. By the time we'd been served and eaten, it was full dark so we went for a walk on the front. Any idea of driving along the front was soon quashed when we saw the traffic. So we made our way back to the car and went home. We followed PARK in their car as he'd taken a chip to his windscreen on the way so we made sure they were okay.
Wednesday was spent around Woodlesford and we came home that evening. We did make a call to see Rowan at rugby practice. He seems to be enjoying it.
The rest of the week was spent as usual with shopping and stuff on Thursday and Braves Guild on Friday. On Thursday evening, we went to Victoria Square to see off the Hull Freedom Trail Trailblazers. They were setting off to catch the ferry across to Rotterdam on the first leg of their journey to Freetown in Sierra Leone. The plan, in brief, is to take five 4WD vehicles there and leave them with a charity that is seeking to reunite families that have been split up during the Civil War. Jonny Freedom, whose idea it is, goes to our Church as do a couple of the Trailblazers. We have been hearing about the trip for quite some time and went to make sure they went! We are also praying for the trip and for various people on the trip. Barbara and I have been partnered with a star, Claudio von Planta. He is the cameraman filming the trip. Unfortunately, we never got to speak to him (he was filming!). I'd emailed him earlier and he responded so he knows what we are doing. Things seem to be going well so far.
On Saturday, we went up Clough Road to The Range and Dunelm. Just before we went away, a hole appeared in the bedsheet just where my feet are. Must be the fault of my hard skin! I pointed out it could have worn out where she sits and reads if the sheet was on the other way. Anyhow, we had to get another one. In the end, we went a bit over the top and got duvet covers and throw for when we decorate the bedroom. Must be made of money!
Monday, 29 October 2007
I've been away
It's all too easy to let things slip. We went away to Norfolk for a week on the 12th and I have never really got caught up. Barbara and I had a great time in Norfolk. We stayed in South Creake in a cottage just behind the Ostrich Inn. Had a few drinks and a couple of meals there. Most of the rest, we packed up at lunch time and I cooked in the evening when we got back.
I have a subscription to the Birds Text Alert service from Birdguides and it proved invaluable. I did get a weeks free trial on their Birds News Anywhere service and that helped me keep in touch too. I had said that the holiday wasn't a birdwatching holiday but we did some most days. We did most of the coast and lots of walking. I played about with my digiscoping but most of the photos turned out a little blurred. I am pleased with one of a Barred Warbler that I took at Kelling Water Meadows on our first day. We went there on the first Saturday because there was a Red Necked Phalarope as well. Beautiful day and good views.
We had another spot of luck on our last day. We'd gone to Holme just to say we'd been really. As we were walking along the lane approaching the reserve, we came across some bird watchers staring intently at a tree! Always a sign. They put us on six Waxwings. The views weren't fantastic but they were my first views of the bird. A couple of cars went past and didn't stop. In one of them were some acquaintances from the Hull RSPB group. I waved but they didn't see me. Colin came back shortly afterwards but the birds had flown away. We walked along to the reserves with him and Jean his wife. Nice to chat to someone else and compare notes. The best bit was as we walking back to the car, we saw a Barn Owl quartering a field. What a beautiful bird.
The journey there and back were okay but I can see why the people of Boston voted for a Independent Bypass Group earlier this year. We had a trip to Gibraltar Point on the way down so Boston was difficult to avoid. However we should have gone round coming home. We've done it before and will do next time!
I have a subscription to the Birds Text Alert service from Birdguides and it proved invaluable. I did get a weeks free trial on their Birds News Anywhere service and that helped me keep in touch too. I had said that the holiday wasn't a birdwatching holiday but we did some most days. We did most of the coast and lots of walking. I played about with my digiscoping but most of the photos turned out a little blurred. I am pleased with one of a Barred Warbler that I took at Kelling Water Meadows on our first day. We went there on the first Saturday because there was a Red Necked Phalarope as well. Beautiful day and good views.
We had another spot of luck on our last day. We'd gone to Holme just to say we'd been really. As we were walking along the lane approaching the reserve, we came across some bird watchers staring intently at a tree! Always a sign. They put us on six Waxwings. The views weren't fantastic but they were my first views of the bird. A couple of cars went past and didn't stop. In one of them were some acquaintances from the Hull RSPB group. I waved but they didn't see me. Colin came back shortly afterwards but the birds had flown away. We walked along to the reserves with him and Jean his wife. Nice to chat to someone else and compare notes. The best bit was as we walking back to the car, we saw a Barn Owl quartering a field. What a beautiful bird.
The journey there and back were okay but I can see why the people of Boston voted for a Independent Bypass Group earlier this year. We had a trip to Gibraltar Point on the way down so Boston was difficult to avoid. However we should have gone round coming home. We've done it before and will do next time!
Thursday, 11 October 2007
A lifer at Spurn
The week began quietly enough, I finished off the berberis. Barbara has had difficulty seeing over it so I have trimmed it right down. Whether it survives has yet to be seen.
On Tuesday, I went up to Willersley while Barbara was doing her fellowship. It was a very unpleasant day with lots of rain. I got very wet on my charitable endeavour. In the afternoon, I had a longstanding appointment to give an illustrated talk. Shortly after my spell in Japan ended, I did a Powerpoint presentation about Japan. It was based on Barbara's stay there and was given to the Wive's Group at Church. I have been able to give the excuse that I don't have a projector to avoid doing it again. Jessie M rang me from Cottingham Methodist and asked if I could repeat it for their ladies group. I gave the usual excuse but she told me that her husband had one I could use so I couldn't get away with it. In the event, it all went very well. I spoke too much at the beginning and had to rush at the end but it was okay. Barbara made sure I had a sympathetic audience by inviting Audrey W and Margaret S to come with her. They both said it was very good and Barbara was pleased to be reminded of the trip.
In the evening, we went to the local RSPB meeting. The talk was about North Cave Wetlands, a site that most of us were familiar with. There were only a few slides, mostly very boring but the speaker had plenty of facts and figures about the place so we enjoyed it.
On Tuesday, I went up to Willersley while Barbara was doing her fellowship. It was a very unpleasant day with lots of rain. I got very wet on my charitable endeavour. In the afternoon, I had a longstanding appointment to give an illustrated talk. Shortly after my spell in Japan ended, I did a Powerpoint presentation about Japan. It was based on Barbara's stay there and was given to the Wive's Group at Church. I have been able to give the excuse that I don't have a projector to avoid doing it again. Jessie M rang me from Cottingham Methodist and asked if I could repeat it for their ladies group. I gave the usual excuse but she told me that her husband had one I could use so I couldn't get away with it. In the event, it all went very well. I spoke too much at the beginning and had to rush at the end but it was okay. Barbara made sure I had a sympathetic audience by inviting Audrey W and Margaret S to come with her. They both said it was very good and Barbara was pleased to be reminded of the trip.
In the evening, we went to the local RSPB meeting. The talk was about North Cave Wetlands, a site that most of us were familiar with. There were only a few slides, mostly very boring but the speaker had plenty of facts and figures about the place so we enjoyed it.
On Wednesday, I went to Spurn with the same RSPB group. Barbara decided to do her own thing. The group met at the Bluebell Cafe car park. There were only 10 of us. Not surprising after the previous days weather. Still we had a good day. I got a stonking photograph of a Dunnock. Not the most difficult bird to find but it was such a confiding bird in bright sunshine that it was worth a snap. We walked round the Kilnsea square and then went up to Easington on the twitch for a Dusky Warbler. Unfortunately, it hid for the time we were there only reappearing once we had gone on to Sammy's Point. We had gone in two cars and the drivers turned back halfway so we could walk along to Kilnsea while they went back to the cars and met us there. In the meantime, we had heard that the Little Bunting was still on Spurn at post 58. Half a dozen of us decided to take the chance and went for a look. Amazingly, it was still there and we got tremendous views. Another rarity had been spotted back near the cafe but it was long gone when we got back. As it was 4pm, I decided to call it a day and headed home. I got embroiled in the terrible traffic that is Hedon Road/Castle Street and it took me twice as long to get home as it had taken me to get to Spurn.
Barbara had heard that a disabled lady who she had cared for died on Tuesday and wanted to go see her friend Diane who lives in the same residential home. Barbara had been a carer there when she went back to work. She took the car while I got dinner ready.
Today we went shopping first thing as Pauline was coming for lunch. The rest of the day, we have been sorting stuff out. Having a break now while Barbara is at Wives Group!
Hull Fair Weekend
Got lots of catching up to do. After saying I had nothing much to do, I have been quite busy! Friday is Braves Guild. Barbara had a meeting at 2.30pm so she left early. I stayed and helped tidy up. Popped across to Tesco and got some ingredients for tea while the turn was on.
PARK came across as soon as the children left school so were here in time for us to give the children tea. They had been going to go to the Fair but decided against it on the first night. Instead, we had a few beers and a very nice paella.
We were up on Saturday morning to go set up for the Coffee Morning. Rowan wanted to come with us so we squeezed him in the back. He helped us set up and then went into the hall and kicked a football around. Barbara went for Lisa and she helped out. There was a good turn out with people I hadn't seen before. Jean, who usually does the books was away so I stood around them all morning. PAK came up for a coffee but Rowan stayed with us when they came home. He walked down with me while Barbara took Lisa home.
P&A were out on Saturday evening so they went home after lunch leaving the children with us. We kept them occupied until it was time to go to the Fair. We went down to the Park and Ride and caught the Fair bus around 4.15pm. The weather stayed fine and the kids were very good, keeping with us as we walked around. The prices were ridiculous really. We spent £40+. Luckily Mum and Dad had left some cash and there was some from Grandma Mags so it wasn't all out of our pocket! I went on the Carousel with Kirsten and we all went on the Dodgems and a small rollercoaster. We also had to accompany Kirsten into various "fun houses" as she was too small. I think next year we will try to be away for the week!
We had to fight against the tide on our way out. The bus was there as we got to Anlaby Road and soon had us back. As we went over the flyover, the cars were nose to tail all the way over. There were loads of people walking along Anlaby Road and when we got to the Park and Ride car park, there were queues all the way round the building in the middle even thought there were already two buses loading. Loadsamoney!!
We'd had a hot dog (£2) and bought some candy floss and sweets but Rowan was ready for some scrambled eggs on toast. However, when we let him stay up, he began to flag and didn't demur when we told him it was time for bed.
Sunday morning was early Communion and Prayer Breakfast. Barbara was a bit worried that I would kill the kids but took the chance and left me in charge while she went to do the breakfast. I was reading waiting for some movement. At 8.30, Rowan went to the toilet. A little later, I heard someone go downstairs so I got up and made my way down to find them sat in the front room waiting for something to happen. They were great, helping me with breakfast and then getting ready when asked. Barbara rang at 10 and I told her we would be on our way shortly. We got to Church at 10.25 and sat up front near the Worship Group. Again, they were great and I was delighted to see and hear Rowan singing the hymns and songs reading the words from the OHP.
Barbara had another meeting in the afternoon so when the parentals came for them, we were sat watching Tom and Jerry and eating sweets. Talk about spoiling them! They stayed for a cuppa and then went to visit Mark and Caroline on the way home.
We had an invite to a Ruby Wedding/birthday do in Beverley. Maurice and Christine had just got back from Canada and were celebrating. It also allowed us to have a look at the house they had let while their flooded house is being repaired. Bob and Jean picked us up and we picked up Val L on the way. We were a bit early but they let us in! We didn't leave until just before midnight. It was great evening chatting with friends and catching up.
PARK came across as soon as the children left school so were here in time for us to give the children tea. They had been going to go to the Fair but decided against it on the first night. Instead, we had a few beers and a very nice paella.
We were up on Saturday morning to go set up for the Coffee Morning. Rowan wanted to come with us so we squeezed him in the back. He helped us set up and then went into the hall and kicked a football around. Barbara went for Lisa and she helped out. There was a good turn out with people I hadn't seen before. Jean, who usually does the books was away so I stood around them all morning. PAK came up for a coffee but Rowan stayed with us when they came home. He walked down with me while Barbara took Lisa home.
P&A were out on Saturday evening so they went home after lunch leaving the children with us. We kept them occupied until it was time to go to the Fair. We went down to the Park and Ride and caught the Fair bus around 4.15pm. The weather stayed fine and the kids were very good, keeping with us as we walked around. The prices were ridiculous really. We spent £40+. Luckily Mum and Dad had left some cash and there was some from Grandma Mags so it wasn't all out of our pocket! I went on the Carousel with Kirsten and we all went on the Dodgems and a small rollercoaster. We also had to accompany Kirsten into various "fun houses" as she was too small. I think next year we will try to be away for the week!
We had to fight against the tide on our way out. The bus was there as we got to Anlaby Road and soon had us back. As we went over the flyover, the cars were nose to tail all the way over. There were loads of people walking along Anlaby Road and when we got to the Park and Ride car park, there were queues all the way round the building in the middle even thought there were already two buses loading. Loadsamoney!!
We'd had a hot dog (£2) and bought some candy floss and sweets but Rowan was ready for some scrambled eggs on toast. However, when we let him stay up, he began to flag and didn't demur when we told him it was time for bed.
Sunday morning was early Communion and Prayer Breakfast. Barbara was a bit worried that I would kill the kids but took the chance and left me in charge while she went to do the breakfast. I was reading waiting for some movement. At 8.30, Rowan went to the toilet. A little later, I heard someone go downstairs so I got up and made my way down to find them sat in the front room waiting for something to happen. They were great, helping me with breakfast and then getting ready when asked. Barbara rang at 10 and I told her we would be on our way shortly. We got to Church at 10.25 and sat up front near the Worship Group. Again, they were great and I was delighted to see and hear Rowan singing the hymns and songs reading the words from the OHP.
Barbara had another meeting in the afternoon so when the parentals came for them, we were sat watching Tom and Jerry and eating sweets. Talk about spoiling them! They stayed for a cuppa and then went to visit Mark and Caroline on the way home.
We had an invite to a Ruby Wedding/birthday do in Beverley. Maurice and Christine had just got back from Canada and were celebrating. It also allowed us to have a look at the house they had let while their flooded house is being repaired. Bob and Jean picked us up and we picked up Val L on the way. We were a bit early but they let us in! We didn't leave until just before midnight. It was great evening chatting with friends and catching up.
Thursday, 4 October 2007
Nowt much going on
After the weekend away, we just had to keep going. We went to see another Church. Our Church is in the midst of talks with the local CofE Parish Church. Barbara is on the committee and was invited to go with some others to see Nestor Grove Methodist Church which has formed a partnership with Sure Start and built a new building with a Church, nursery, cafe and offices on Bilton Grange. The whole set up was very impressive. Unfortunately it isn't the direction we need to take but interesting nevertheless.
On Tuesday, Barbara was at Fellowship so I went shopping and then went and got my hair cut. My normal barber was on holiday so the cut is different but it will do for a couple of weeks. After lunch, Pauline came to call. As she went, she dropped us on Anlaby High Road and we walked up to the doctors to see the nurse. We are planning a holiday to the subcontinent next year and have started getting our vaccinations up to date. We both had the joint polio/diptheria/tetanus. I must say that I hardly felt the needle going in. We walked back via Anlaby and a look in the shops there.
Wednesday was a make do and mend day. Barbara started the ironing and I finished it while she was at keep fit. Tidying up inside and out followed. I trimmed some bushes and then took the stuff to the tip. I finally got all the roots up where our "redevelopment" is going and started getting rid of a bit of the earth down there in the bags of trimmings.
Today we have been preparing for the weekend. Sorting out the beds, shopping, cleaning up etc. I don't seem to be doing much at all really. I have fallen into the routine. We are going away for a few days shortly. Maybe that will give me the kickstart I need.
On Tuesday, Barbara was at Fellowship so I went shopping and then went and got my hair cut. My normal barber was on holiday so the cut is different but it will do for a couple of weeks. After lunch, Pauline came to call. As she went, she dropped us on Anlaby High Road and we walked up to the doctors to see the nurse. We are planning a holiday to the subcontinent next year and have started getting our vaccinations up to date. We both had the joint polio/diptheria/tetanus. I must say that I hardly felt the needle going in. We walked back via Anlaby and a look in the shops there.
Wednesday was a make do and mend day. Barbara started the ironing and I finished it while she was at keep fit. Tidying up inside and out followed. I trimmed some bushes and then took the stuff to the tip. I finally got all the roots up where our "redevelopment" is going and started getting rid of a bit of the earth down there in the bags of trimmings.
Today we have been preparing for the weekend. Sorting out the beds, shopping, cleaning up etc. I don't seem to be doing much at all really. I have fallen into the routine. We are going away for a few days shortly. Maybe that will give me the kickstart I need.
Wednesday, 3 October 2007
Church Weekend Away
We left Hull Braves Guild early last Friday so that we could do our pick ups for the Church Weekend Away on time. We had arranged to take Val H. and Brenda S. We were right on 5pm at Brenda's house and shortly afterwards at Val's. There was the usual Friday evening traffic on the way to Beverley but after that, we made very good time. There was no evening meal arranged on Friday so late arrivals weren't penalised. So we went for fish and chips just round the corner from the hotel before we went and booked in.
The Green Gables Hotel was good for our purposes. There were plenty of rooms for us and games room, snooker room and swimming pool for those leisure moments. Not much had been arranged for Friday. The children had some play time and then the Roald Dahl version of "Cinderella" ably read by Hayley J. Then we had a question and answer session with our new Minister, Christopher followed by a short epilogue.
The next morning, our two car passengers were doing the early morning prayers. They asked me to take part. Barbara and I nearly didn't make it. We'd been awake several times during the night but "gone off" again and had to rush at 7.30. to be there for 8am. Quite a lot of people made it and Brenda really is a prayer warrior. Breakfast followed and then we had two sessions on Philippians Ch.1 lead by Carol McW. Plenty to talk about in both sessions.
The morning sessions finished around noon and then we were free until dinner time at 6pm. Our passengers joined us for the afternoon and we went up to Robin Hood's Bay. We had intended to call at a pub on the way for lunch but kept missing them! In the end, we went to the Victoria Hotel in Robin Hood's Bay. We were pleased that we had driven past all the others. The three ladies had a crab sandwich and I had a steak sandwich. Mine,in particular, was a misnomer. There was a bread roll on the plate but there was also salad garnish, coleslaw, onion rings, chips as well as loads of tender steak. We needed the walk down to the harbour and back up to burn some of the calories off. Mind you, we drove along to Ravenscar afterwards and walked to the cafe where the ladies had a cake with their drinks. I couldn't have eaten another thing, must have been the chips!
After dinner, there was a barn dance arranged by Margaret and Steve S. There was a very important Rugby League Match being played so our numbers were down as some people went to the pub to watch it on the television and one brave soul drove down to the KC Stadium to watch Hull FC lose out in the play-off semi final game. They missed a good evening. Some of the children joined in causing chaos in the dances as the difference in height made it more difficult than usual to keep track of the steps! We also had "Snow White and the seven dwarfs" by Roald Dahl as a bedtime story.
I had been asked to take part in a sketch and was rehearsing it with the other participants in the TV room when the epilogue started next door. Didn't feel too bad as Rev'd. Christopher was in the sketch and missed the start too! After the epilogue some of us went round to the bar for a drink before bed.
Not wanting to get caught out again, Barbara had set the alarm on her mobile so that we were awake in plenty of time for the Communion at 8am. Of course, we then waited for the thing to go off. Still we had time to bathe and get down in time. I always enjoy the closeness to God that I feel with these quiet services. Afterwards, it was breakfast time and then a service lead by Margaret and Steve. We then had some free time until lunch at 1pm so we went for a walk up into the park behind the hotel. There is a great view from up there over Scarborough.
Brenda's husband had come up to spend the afternoon with her so we only had Val to take home. Again we made good time and, after a call at Morrisons for petrol and some bread, we were home by 3.30pm. There was a celebration service at 6.30pm and we went. It was a very good end to the weekend. The sermon was short but to the point, the choice of hymns/songs excellent and we certainly felt uplifted and very, very challenged by the whole weekend. As I said to some of the people who were remarking on the part I'd played "Now I've just got to become as good as people think I am"
The Green Gables Hotel was good for our purposes. There were plenty of rooms for us and games room, snooker room and swimming pool for those leisure moments. Not much had been arranged for Friday. The children had some play time and then the Roald Dahl version of "Cinderella" ably read by Hayley J. Then we had a question and answer session with our new Minister, Christopher followed by a short epilogue.
The next morning, our two car passengers were doing the early morning prayers. They asked me to take part. Barbara and I nearly didn't make it. We'd been awake several times during the night but "gone off" again and had to rush at 7.30. to be there for 8am. Quite a lot of people made it and Brenda really is a prayer warrior. Breakfast followed and then we had two sessions on Philippians Ch.1 lead by Carol McW. Plenty to talk about in both sessions.
The morning sessions finished around noon and then we were free until dinner time at 6pm. Our passengers joined us for the afternoon and we went up to Robin Hood's Bay. We had intended to call at a pub on the way for lunch but kept missing them! In the end, we went to the Victoria Hotel in Robin Hood's Bay. We were pleased that we had driven past all the others. The three ladies had a crab sandwich and I had a steak sandwich. Mine,in particular, was a misnomer. There was a bread roll on the plate but there was also salad garnish, coleslaw, onion rings, chips as well as loads of tender steak. We needed the walk down to the harbour and back up to burn some of the calories off. Mind you, we drove along to Ravenscar afterwards and walked to the cafe where the ladies had a cake with their drinks. I couldn't have eaten another thing, must have been the chips!
After dinner, there was a barn dance arranged by Margaret and Steve S. There was a very important Rugby League Match being played so our numbers were down as some people went to the pub to watch it on the television and one brave soul drove down to the KC Stadium to watch Hull FC lose out in the play-off semi final game. They missed a good evening. Some of the children joined in causing chaos in the dances as the difference in height made it more difficult than usual to keep track of the steps! We also had "Snow White and the seven dwarfs" by Roald Dahl as a bedtime story.
I had been asked to take part in a sketch and was rehearsing it with the other participants in the TV room when the epilogue started next door. Didn't feel too bad as Rev'd. Christopher was in the sketch and missed the start too! After the epilogue some of us went round to the bar for a drink before bed.
Not wanting to get caught out again, Barbara had set the alarm on her mobile so that we were awake in plenty of time for the Communion at 8am. Of course, we then waited for the thing to go off. Still we had time to bathe and get down in time. I always enjoy the closeness to God that I feel with these quiet services. Afterwards, it was breakfast time and then a service lead by Margaret and Steve. We then had some free time until lunch at 1pm so we went for a walk up into the park behind the hotel. There is a great view from up there over Scarborough.
Brenda's husband had come up to spend the afternoon with her so we only had Val to take home. Again we made good time and, after a call at Morrisons for petrol and some bread, we were home by 3.30pm. There was a celebration service at 6.30pm and we went. It was a very good end to the weekend. The sermon was short but to the point, the choice of hymns/songs excellent and we certainly felt uplifted and very, very challenged by the whole weekend. As I said to some of the people who were remarking on the part I'd played "Now I've just got to become as good as people think I am"
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
Baht 'At
We had a great weekend over at PARKs. An outing to Fairburn Ings on Saturday and Shipley Glen/Ilkley Moor on Sunday. The kids enjoyed the Sunday trip better. A lack of patience means that bird watching is not their gig. We were most impressed by their rock climbing skills on the Cow and Calf at Ilkley tho'. We took a picnic to Shipley and ate it after a hike down to the water and back. Kirsten, in particular, did well as she is the one with the shortest legs! The odd spit of rain didn't deter us and we went round to Ilkley via the scenic route then clambered all over the Cow and Calf.
It was totally different not to have the children's school to worry about. We stayed over until Monday morning but the routine was not changed so we saw them off to school and then had our breakfast before we went and picked up my Mum who were bringing back with us.
We had a full itinerary planned for the visit. It started with a trip to Morrisons to stock up! Monday evening, we went to Hull Truck to see Neville's Island. We also took Audrey from next door. I enjoyed it even though a bird-watching Christian, Roy, was the butt of a lot of the humour. It did have me thinking of answers if I was ever subjected to the same abuse! Audrey really enjoyed it and laughed quite a lot. Barbara admitted afterwards that she didn't care for any of the characters and so couldn't empathise with them.
On Tuesday, Barbara had the fellowship here so I took Mum in to town and to the St Stephens shopping centre. She was quite impressed with the whole thing and very impressed with the Tesco store there. I was pretty impressed too, mostly based on the "ingredients" section. I found a couple of things that I have always had to go to a specialist shop for. If I only go in for Linghams Chilli Sauce, they will have a regular customer!
I think I tired Mum out really. We made our way across to the Art Gallery to have our lunch. Barbara met us at the City Hall. Afterwards, we had a bit more shopping and then caught the bus back home.
We had invited Lisa and Alan round for dinner so I got on with the chopping. I was doing a recipe out of Gordon Ramsays Fast Food cookbook. The cooking is fast but the chopping took longer! Still it was very tasty and the platters were cleared. By the time L&A had gone, we decided to go to bed. Bit early really and we regretted it early in the morning when we woke up!
Mum is out to dinner tonight so we took her home today. The plan was to call in at Junction 32 for a look round. I reckon the shopping the day before and the poor night's sleep had tired Mum out and she declined so we took her straight home. We then called in at PARKs because we left some toiletry bags there on Monday. Amanda was in as she has a couple of days off so we had a cuppa before going to "Las Cas" (Junction 32 also known as Freeport Castleford). We have a couple of holidays booked and the second one to Goa is causing us some concern clothing wise! We both got some stuff this afternoon.
Barbara had to be home to take Lisa and her cat, Bailey, to the vets. It was a repeat visit as Bailey has a scratch on his eye (How did he get that I wonder?). Fortunately, the treatment prescribed is working okay.
It was totally different not to have the children's school to worry about. We stayed over until Monday morning but the routine was not changed so we saw them off to school and then had our breakfast before we went and picked up my Mum who were bringing back with us.
We had a full itinerary planned for the visit. It started with a trip to Morrisons to stock up! Monday evening, we went to Hull Truck to see Neville's Island. We also took Audrey from next door. I enjoyed it even though a bird-watching Christian, Roy, was the butt of a lot of the humour. It did have me thinking of answers if I was ever subjected to the same abuse! Audrey really enjoyed it and laughed quite a lot. Barbara admitted afterwards that she didn't care for any of the characters and so couldn't empathise with them.
On Tuesday, Barbara had the fellowship here so I took Mum in to town and to the St Stephens shopping centre. She was quite impressed with the whole thing and very impressed with the Tesco store there. I was pretty impressed too, mostly based on the "ingredients" section. I found a couple of things that I have always had to go to a specialist shop for. If I only go in for Linghams Chilli Sauce, they will have a regular customer!
I think I tired Mum out really. We made our way across to the Art Gallery to have our lunch. Barbara met us at the City Hall. Afterwards, we had a bit more shopping and then caught the bus back home.
We had invited Lisa and Alan round for dinner so I got on with the chopping. I was doing a recipe out of Gordon Ramsays Fast Food cookbook. The cooking is fast but the chopping took longer! Still it was very tasty and the platters were cleared. By the time L&A had gone, we decided to go to bed. Bit early really and we regretted it early in the morning when we woke up!
Mum is out to dinner tonight so we took her home today. The plan was to call in at Junction 32 for a look round. I reckon the shopping the day before and the poor night's sleep had tired Mum out and she declined so we took her straight home. We then called in at PARKs because we left some toiletry bags there on Monday. Amanda was in as she has a couple of days off so we had a cuppa before going to "Las Cas" (Junction 32 also known as Freeport Castleford). We have a couple of holidays booked and the second one to Goa is causing us some concern clothing wise! We both got some stuff this afternoon.
Barbara had to be home to take Lisa and her cat, Bailey, to the vets. It was a repeat visit as Bailey has a scratch on his eye (How did he get that I wonder?). Fortunately, the treatment prescribed is working okay.
Saturday, 22 September 2007
Quintessential evening
Several months ago, I was asked by Mary C. to do some tickets for an event in aid of the Hull Freedom Trail. I put the event in my diary but steered the printing in the direction of Jonathan who is far better qualified than me and directly involved in the project. Well, last night the event took place and it was very good. Unfortunately only just over 30 people attended. Barbara had become involved on the catering side and had worried about it all week but it all went smoothly.
Quintessential are a quintet of singers, two ladies and three gents. They sang songs from the 1500s to last century, motets, madrigals, part-songs, folk songs and songs from the shows. I thoroughly enjoyed it. They had a smile on their faces all the time (difficult not to with some of the material) and kept us entertained for two hours.
Earlier on, Barbara and I had been discussing Fridays because we do Braves Guild every week and are pretty tired by the time we get home. We decided not to become involved on a Friday evening in future. Easier said than done. I found when I checked our diaries that the next three Fridays we have something on.
Barbara is at a meeting at Church this morning. As soon as we get back, we are going over to stay a couple of nights with PARK. A new beginning as it is just a social visit with no babysitting involved. Looking forward to it.
Quintessential are a quintet of singers, two ladies and three gents. They sang songs from the 1500s to last century, motets, madrigals, part-songs, folk songs and songs from the shows. I thoroughly enjoyed it. They had a smile on their faces all the time (difficult not to with some of the material) and kept us entertained for two hours.
Earlier on, Barbara and I had been discussing Fridays because we do Braves Guild every week and are pretty tired by the time we get home. We decided not to become involved on a Friday evening in future. Easier said than done. I found when I checked our diaries that the next three Fridays we have something on.
Barbara is at a meeting at Church this morning. As soon as we get back, we are going over to stay a couple of nights with PARK. A new beginning as it is just a social visit with no babysitting involved. Looking forward to it.
Thursday, 20 September 2007
Magical Mystery Tour
I was able to go out on the last Willersley trip of the year yesterday. It was billed as a mystery tour but we all knew our destination. It was the Country Park Inn on Hessle Foreshore. They did us proud when we got there and even accepted a cheque so I didn't have to shell out my own money! The trip went through a few villages to the west of Hull before we finished up there. The driver was obliging but told us on the trip that he was passing on control of the company at the end of the month. I didn't have the heart to say that we had been considering a cheaper alternative as the trips are a health and safety nightmare for the staff at Willersley and less than half of the residents go out on them. I got soaked because, after our cups of tea, some of the more adventurous went for a walk. I took Christina along the foreshore with a couple of the staff and another lady. I did my tourist bit which Christina found interesting. Unfortunately, as we set off to return, we realised we were racing a rain squall. We didn't make it. Ever the gentleman, I added my kagoul to Christina's coat so she didn't get too wet. I then steamed a bit on the way back.
At lunchtime, I had been Barbara's substitute at the Friendship Club at Church until she got back from fitness class. I then took the car and she walked home. I got the offer of another "job" while I was peeling spuds for the lunch but I don't think it is feasible so will have to politely refuse.
On Tuesday, after Barbara's fellowship, we went out to Pauline's and went for a walk around the village. It was a lovely day and a good walk. Today, I felt I ought to venture back into the garden. My back pain has gone but I have a "sciatic" pain in my left leg. I was very careful and managed to get about two thirds of the remaining roots out and taken to the tip. Don't know when I will get back to the last bit as the gay social whirl continues.
At lunchtime, I had been Barbara's substitute at the Friendship Club at Church until she got back from fitness class. I then took the car and she walked home. I got the offer of another "job" while I was peeling spuds for the lunch but I don't think it is feasible so will have to politely refuse.
On Tuesday, after Barbara's fellowship, we went out to Pauline's and went for a walk around the village. It was a lovely day and a good walk. Today, I felt I ought to venture back into the garden. My back pain has gone but I have a "sciatic" pain in my left leg. I was very careful and managed to get about two thirds of the remaining roots out and taken to the tip. Don't know when I will get back to the last bit as the gay social whirl continues.
Monday, 17 September 2007
A life on the ocean wave?
People keep asking whether I miss it. Work, that is. Who in their right mind would answer yes. I went for a little cruise this weekend and didn't feel at all nostalgic. Mind you, it was on the "Yorkshire Belle" for a RSPB Shearwater & Skua Cruise. Hardly an ocean passage! It was very enjoyable tho' and well worth the money.
The trip started at 11.15am. I left home at 9am and had a very good trip up to Bridlington. After parking the car, I walked through to the harbour and saw there was quite a queue already. I had booked my place but hadn't yet paid for the ticket. That was no problem as a volunteer was canvassing the queue for people like me. We embarked just before 11am and set off prompt at 1115am. I had got a spot down aft on the port side. I thought I'd made a mistake at first as all the sightings seemed to be on the other side but it evened itself out and the leader aided by the Captain made sure we got to see anything that hung about. We headed for a flock of feeding gannets and the shearwaters and skuas were among them. There was plenty to see for the 3.5hours we were out there. I saw all four skuas on the list and plenty of sooty and a few Manx shearwaters. There were even skeins of pink-footed geese flying over, one of which contained a snow goose, a new bird for me!
We were landed ashore promptly at 14.45. The YB had another trip out at 15.15 and the punters waiting looked a little puzzled at the hordes of birdwatchers swathed in clothing and laden with optics. I suspect that some of them when the boat got out to Flamborough Head would regret not wearing more.
I came straight home as Barbara was on Morley at a Womens Network inauguration ceremony with Ruth BS. She had invited Ruth back for dinner and, although she'd put it in the oven, wanted me to check it out. Ruth's husband, Roger was going to come too but didn't feel to well when he got up so had cancelled. . In the event, Barbara and Ruth were quite late getting out of the ceremony and didn't get home until 7pm. Still, the meal survived and we had a nice chat during and afterwards.
On Friday, the Braves Guild had gone to the Blacksmith's Arms at Coniston to the east of Hull for a meal. We were a little late so most of the members were there. The bus came early and we soon got them in so we arrived at the pub early. Still we all got in before the other customers started arriving and had got our drinks too. There were one or two coming direct so we waited for them and then the meal started. As we were going to be there until 3.30pm, they didn't rush things. The turn was very good. I didn't get his name but he was disabled himself. He sang to very professional backing disks. The return journey was pretty quick and the taxis turned up promptly so we got home by 5.15pm. No need to eat tho' so we just sagged!
Sunday we went up to Church and then went to a picnic. There had been a Breakfast Club and it was their idea I think. The picnic was in Costello at the new Coffee Shop. It is not yet officially opened (that takes place on Saturday the 22nd) but some of the Friends of Peter Pan Park had opened it up for us. The Council have refurbished what was a changing block for the tennis courts. They have made a very good job of it too. I just hope that it doesn't get abused. After the picnic, we walked round to Lisa's for a visit.
Today, I have been reminded that my back is not yet right. I took medication on Saturday but had no ill effects from the driving so didn't bother yesterday. This morning I was very stiff at breakfast. I have been out and done some shopping but that is the sum of my adventures. I suppose I should just keep taking the tablets!
The trip started at 11.15am. I left home at 9am and had a very good trip up to Bridlington. After parking the car, I walked through to the harbour and saw there was quite a queue already. I had booked my place but hadn't yet paid for the ticket. That was no problem as a volunteer was canvassing the queue for people like me. We embarked just before 11am and set off prompt at 1115am. I had got a spot down aft on the port side. I thought I'd made a mistake at first as all the sightings seemed to be on the other side but it evened itself out and the leader aided by the Captain made sure we got to see anything that hung about. We headed for a flock of feeding gannets and the shearwaters and skuas were among them. There was plenty to see for the 3.5hours we were out there. I saw all four skuas on the list and plenty of sooty and a few Manx shearwaters. There were even skeins of pink-footed geese flying over, one of which contained a snow goose, a new bird for me!
We were landed ashore promptly at 14.45. The YB had another trip out at 15.15 and the punters waiting looked a little puzzled at the hordes of birdwatchers swathed in clothing and laden with optics. I suspect that some of them when the boat got out to Flamborough Head would regret not wearing more.
I came straight home as Barbara was on Morley at a Womens Network inauguration ceremony with Ruth BS. She had invited Ruth back for dinner and, although she'd put it in the oven, wanted me to check it out. Ruth's husband, Roger was going to come too but didn't feel to well when he got up so had cancelled. . In the event, Barbara and Ruth were quite late getting out of the ceremony and didn't get home until 7pm. Still, the meal survived and we had a nice chat during and afterwards.
On Friday, the Braves Guild had gone to the Blacksmith's Arms at Coniston to the east of Hull for a meal. We were a little late so most of the members were there. The bus came early and we soon got them in so we arrived at the pub early. Still we all got in before the other customers started arriving and had got our drinks too. There were one or two coming direct so we waited for them and then the meal started. As we were going to be there until 3.30pm, they didn't rush things. The turn was very good. I didn't get his name but he was disabled himself. He sang to very professional backing disks. The return journey was pretty quick and the taxis turned up promptly so we got home by 5.15pm. No need to eat tho' so we just sagged!
Sunday we went up to Church and then went to a picnic. There had been a Breakfast Club and it was their idea I think. The picnic was in Costello at the new Coffee Shop. It is not yet officially opened (that takes place on Saturday the 22nd) but some of the Friends of Peter Pan Park had opened it up for us. The Council have refurbished what was a changing block for the tennis courts. They have made a very good job of it too. I just hope that it doesn't get abused. After the picnic, we walked round to Lisa's for a visit.
Today, I have been reminded that my back is not yet right. I took medication on Saturday but had no ill effects from the driving so didn't bother yesterday. This morning I was very stiff at breakfast. I have been out and done some shopping but that is the sum of my adventures. I suppose I should just keep taking the tablets!
Thursday, 13 September 2007
Champing at the bit
I am still hurting a bit and it is getting me down. I don't do much! but wish I could do more. Barbara was out yesterday carrying on chopping down the bushes and I just had to go and help.She said she would do some more today so I went for a walk so I didn't exacerbate the problem. Didn't really work because I had a couple of quite severe twinges as I was walking. Ironically I went to the doctors to hand in a couple of forms. No point bothering him as I already have tablets. I suppose it will just take time.
Strangely enough, the most comfortable I have felt is where I normally feel the most uncomfortable. We went to the RSPB Hull & District Members Group on Tuesday. The chairs at the United Reform hall aren't the most comfortable but I just got into the right position and felt well supported. I suppose the torpedoes I had been taking helped too. The talk was okay too. It was about Mull and we thought it was going to be a tourist guide at first but it was cleverly done with the journey to the island and then the birds that could be found on the island were portrayed and it finished off with the journey back calling at Staffa and Iona. Barbara and I did the round Mull cruise many moons ago when we were single and on holiday with my Mum and Dad. The talk rekindled some good memories.
That's it, apart from a trip to Sainsburys. We went there for a change and to get a compost caddy that they were giving away free with some compostable bags. As usual, we spent far too much!
Strangely enough, the most comfortable I have felt is where I normally feel the most uncomfortable. We went to the RSPB Hull & District Members Group on Tuesday. The chairs at the United Reform hall aren't the most comfortable but I just got into the right position and felt well supported. I suppose the torpedoes I had been taking helped too. The talk was okay too. It was about Mull and we thought it was going to be a tourist guide at first but it was cleverly done with the journey to the island and then the birds that could be found on the island were portrayed and it finished off with the journey back calling at Staffa and Iona. Barbara and I did the round Mull cruise many moons ago when we were single and on holiday with my Mum and Dad. The talk rekindled some good memories.
That's it, apart from a trip to Sainsburys. We went there for a change and to get a compost caddy that they were giving away free with some compostable bags. As usual, we spent far too much!
Tuesday, 11 September 2007
How did I do that?
I started filling some more bags to take to the tip this morning but came to a grinding halt. I had spasmed my back. The tablets are just beginning to take effect so I can type this. Earlier I was a whimpering wreck trying to get to the toilet! I wouldn't mind if I had done something definite to cause the pain but I didn't. I was just using the secateurs to reduce the clematis. Barbara has been out this lunchtime and has come back raring to go. It goes against the grain but I doubt she'll be deterred.
I had done much worse over the weekend. On Friday, the Hull Braves Guild commenced and we were helping people in and out of cars and buses and into chairs, wheelchairs etc. Not a twinge. Then PARK came across and there was lifting children, mostly Kirsten, without any ill effects. I must have turned wrongly or something. I suppose it's our bodies telling us that they aren't as young as they were.
PARK visited so that Phil and Amanda could visit the Caravan show at the Lawns over the weekend. They wanted a good look round so we took R&K to the Kite Show at Beverley Racecourse. Sod's Law, there wasn't enough wind to get the kites aloft. The rest of the stuff was a bit tatty really. Maybe I am being super critical. Fortunately, we hadn't taken that much money as the children would have cleared us out no matter what the total. We'd planned a bit of a play on the Westwood, then a picnic and then the show but went to the show first instead and had the picnic there then a play on the Westwood. We got home just before P&A.
Lisa and Alan came round for dinner both Saturday and Sunday. They arrived just as I was in the throes on Saturday with their new car. We knew that one was on the way but didn't realise it was quite so close! I didn't really get a chance for a look round either evening as I was getting ready to serve up. Will sneak a look round some time later.
Rowan was in the wars. He'd got a pair of faulty shoes and had a broken blister on his heel as a result. He'd also got a nice scab on his knee from a fall. Over the weekend, he managed to take the scab off both wounds a couple of times and get a knock on his elbow. Didn't want anyone near them for a look tho'.
Kirsten was her usual self. Bossy britches crossed with tantrum queen crossed with sweet little girl. The mind boggles how she will develop over the next few years. She started full time school last Friday. A clever move on the schools part as they got a two day break before they start again Monday. We haven't spoken yet this week to see how the school is coping with Kirsten full time!
Barbara and I went for a walk up to the Doctors to get a form to fill in about the vaccinations we required for next years holiday. We came back via Margaret and Ro's house. Barbara wanted to issue an invitation for them to come here if necessary while their house is being repaired after the floods. Thank goodness we escaped. Their stories and other folks who have been flooded make for very disturbing listening. The insurance companies have been overwhelmed and farmed the task of dealing with the claims out to other companies who are definitely dragging their heels. Their work starts today but will probably carry on intermittently until the end of the year. Meanwhile the whole ground floor is a no go area. They can't get anyone to make a decision about a caravan when they are surrounded by them. I would be tearing my hair out - if I could reach!!
I had done much worse over the weekend. On Friday, the Hull Braves Guild commenced and we were helping people in and out of cars and buses and into chairs, wheelchairs etc. Not a twinge. Then PARK came across and there was lifting children, mostly Kirsten, without any ill effects. I must have turned wrongly or something. I suppose it's our bodies telling us that they aren't as young as they were.
PARK visited so that Phil and Amanda could visit the Caravan show at the Lawns over the weekend. They wanted a good look round so we took R&K to the Kite Show at Beverley Racecourse. Sod's Law, there wasn't enough wind to get the kites aloft. The rest of the stuff was a bit tatty really. Maybe I am being super critical. Fortunately, we hadn't taken that much money as the children would have cleared us out no matter what the total. We'd planned a bit of a play on the Westwood, then a picnic and then the show but went to the show first instead and had the picnic there then a play on the Westwood. We got home just before P&A.
Lisa and Alan came round for dinner both Saturday and Sunday. They arrived just as I was in the throes on Saturday with their new car. We knew that one was on the way but didn't realise it was quite so close! I didn't really get a chance for a look round either evening as I was getting ready to serve up. Will sneak a look round some time later.
Rowan was in the wars. He'd got a pair of faulty shoes and had a broken blister on his heel as a result. He'd also got a nice scab on his knee from a fall. Over the weekend, he managed to take the scab off both wounds a couple of times and get a knock on his elbow. Didn't want anyone near them for a look tho'.
Kirsten was her usual self. Bossy britches crossed with tantrum queen crossed with sweet little girl. The mind boggles how she will develop over the next few years. She started full time school last Friday. A clever move on the schools part as they got a two day break before they start again Monday. We haven't spoken yet this week to see how the school is coping with Kirsten full time!
Barbara and I went for a walk up to the Doctors to get a form to fill in about the vaccinations we required for next years holiday. We came back via Margaret and Ro's house. Barbara wanted to issue an invitation for them to come here if necessary while their house is being repaired after the floods. Thank goodness we escaped. Their stories and other folks who have been flooded make for very disturbing listening. The insurance companies have been overwhelmed and farmed the task of dealing with the claims out to other companies who are definitely dragging their heels. Their work starts today but will probably carry on intermittently until the end of the year. Meanwhile the whole ground floor is a no go area. They can't get anyone to make a decision about a caravan when they are surrounded by them. I would be tearing my hair out - if I could reach!!
Thursday, 6 September 2007
Rooting about
I glibly said yesterday that I would chop down the forsythia in the back garden and take it to the tip. I used to hate it when people said "It's just a five minute job" because they never are. It has taken me two days to get rid of the forsythia because of the roots. The bush itself was chopped into pieces and put in the recycling bags within an hour. It was the roots that took the time! I did look at hiring a machine to do the job but at over a hundred quid a day, I decided against it. I took a break to go shopping with Barbara this morning but the rest of the day has been chopping. I have been to the tip but the really worrying thing is that there are a couple of other bushes to come out in our redevelopment plans!
On Tuesday, we went out with the local RSPB group. Barbara was undecided until Tuesday morning. As it dawned bright and dry, she decided to come. We went out to Patrington Haven and then to Spurn. There were around twenty of us altogether with several wives. We were treated to a display by a large mixed flock of Knot, Grey Plover and Dunlin. They swirled in the distance and gradually got nearer and landed in the lagoon we were watching. They all took off and swirled and spun then gradually flew away. When they changed direction, it was audible. Very spectacular.
We had to leave early because I had a meeting at Willersley at 4pm. The journey was trouble free so we were early. I dropped Barbara off and went up by myself. The meeting was to organise the Christmas Fayre. Somehow I also got the job of Santa Claus on Christmas Eve! Can't say that retirement is boring!
On Tuesday, we went out with the local RSPB group. Barbara was undecided until Tuesday morning. As it dawned bright and dry, she decided to come. We went out to Patrington Haven and then to Spurn. There were around twenty of us altogether with several wives. We were treated to a display by a large mixed flock of Knot, Grey Plover and Dunlin. They swirled in the distance and gradually got nearer and landed in the lagoon we were watching. They all took off and swirled and spun then gradually flew away. When they changed direction, it was audible. Very spectacular.
We had to leave early because I had a meeting at Willersley at 4pm. The journey was trouble free so we were early. I dropped Barbara off and went up by myself. The meeting was to organise the Christmas Fayre. Somehow I also got the job of Santa Claus on Christmas Eve! Can't say that retirement is boring!
Monday, 3 September 2007
Not much about
After an unsuccessful evening at the pub quiz, I was ready for a break on Friday. Barbara was meeting up with her sister Pauline so I nipped out to North Cave wetlands. It was too breezy really so the birds were somewhere less open. I went round to the side where the drain is and had a look at the insects instead. Even these are frustrating in their own way. There was one huge dragonfly flitting up and down but it never settled anywhere. I have my ideas what it was but can't be certain. I did manage a good shot of a Red Admiral (see left) and a Speckled Wood (see right). There were lots of the aptly named Common Darters around and other stuff I won't bore you with. It was really a very nice day once I got out of the wind and I thoroughly enjoyed my walk.
Barbara and I relaxed on Friday evening because we had a busy weekend. Saturday morning was coffee morning. Christopher, our new minister had said he would be coming if anyone wanted to meet him. We expected and got a good turn out. I didn't see much really because I spent most of the morning in the photocopier lobby. I was in charge of the notices this week so I did them and helped out Steve with the magazine which was 16 pages so took some time to work through.
After a quick lunch, we went into town to have a look at the maritime and sea shanty festival. Not really my scene but it was good to see the town so busy. We had gone early enough so that we could get to Methodist Central Hall for the welcome service for the new ministers and workers in the three Hull circuits. We slipped in and sat at the back and enjoyed the service and then slipped out when it was finished and caught the bus home.
Sunday was another Church day. Up at 8.30am for the early Communion. The first service of Christopher's tenure. It was very good too with a fair turn out, the majority of whom stayed for breakfast. Steve S. was preaching at the 10.30 service. He'd asked me to say a word or two about Harry's funeral which I did. After a bit of networking, we came home and I made a spot of lunch then we sagged until around 6pm when we got up and went to the evening service to see how Christopher did. Came away feeling inadequate and guilty about my lack of commitment. I don't think I was in a minority either. A very though provoking service.
Today I thought I had better get on with some jobs while the weather was good. I gave the white bits at the front of the house a coat of paint. Then washed the car before sorting out the filing system. Job well done. Barbara went for her hair done and called in at Lisa's who then accompanied her here for lunch and a visit as she had the day off. Lisa was at the doctors so Barbara took her up there before taking her home. I'm going to watch some stuff off the recorder while Barbara is out with her Monday ladies. The Monday ladies go back to monthly get togethers from now so my catching up will be restricted to Thursday before the pub quiz.
Barbara and I relaxed on Friday evening because we had a busy weekend. Saturday morning was coffee morning. Christopher, our new minister had said he would be coming if anyone wanted to meet him. We expected and got a good turn out. I didn't see much really because I spent most of the morning in the photocopier lobby. I was in charge of the notices this week so I did them and helped out Steve with the magazine which was 16 pages so took some time to work through.
After a quick lunch, we went into town to have a look at the maritime and sea shanty festival. Not really my scene but it was good to see the town so busy. We had gone early enough so that we could get to Methodist Central Hall for the welcome service for the new ministers and workers in the three Hull circuits. We slipped in and sat at the back and enjoyed the service and then slipped out when it was finished and caught the bus home.
Sunday was another Church day. Up at 8.30am for the early Communion. The first service of Christopher's tenure. It was very good too with a fair turn out, the majority of whom stayed for breakfast. Steve S. was preaching at the 10.30 service. He'd asked me to say a word or two about Harry's funeral which I did. After a bit of networking, we came home and I made a spot of lunch then we sagged until around 6pm when we got up and went to the evening service to see how Christopher did. Came away feeling inadequate and guilty about my lack of commitment. I don't think I was in a minority either. A very though provoking service.
Today I thought I had better get on with some jobs while the weather was good. I gave the white bits at the front of the house a coat of paint. Then washed the car before sorting out the filing system. Job well done. Barbara went for her hair done and called in at Lisa's who then accompanied her here for lunch and a visit as she had the day off. Lisa was at the doctors so Barbara took her up there before taking her home. I'm going to watch some stuff off the recorder while Barbara is out with her Monday ladies. The Monday ladies go back to monthly get togethers from now so my catching up will be restricted to Thursday before the pub quiz.
Friday, 31 August 2007
Last Babysitting?
We had a supper on Sunday so we could invite some people who hadn’t seen Jean and Tegwyn, our Welsh visitors, for a while. We got a visit from our new minister Christopher. Sue was stewarding at Church and he came along so she invited him to our house. A very personable bloke and we all got a chance to chat to him. Jean and Tegwyn knew him from another circuit so didn’t feel left out.
Jean and Tegwyn packed up on Bank Holiday Monday morning and went home. We followed them on the M62 shortly afterwards. We were on our last official baby sitting service. First thing though, we went to see Transformers. What a belter of a film. Barbara stayed and looked after Kirsten and I went with PAR. We all thoroughly enjoyed it because it was good in so many ways.
On Tuesday, Barbara and I packed up and went up to Knaresborough. PARK had been there and recommended we went. We had a smashing day, throwing stones in the river, walking, Pooh sticking, playing football, rowing on the river, playing cricket, scootering, eating ice cream, picnicking etc. etc. The weather was okay, if a little cool but it meant we didn’t overheat.
Tuesday was my nephew Duncan’s birthday and we were invited to the celebratory meal in the evening. Once Amanda was home, we went round to Derek’s house and joined the throng who were going out. It was a mostly family do and Mum was there as was Paul, another nephew. There was Celia and Linda from Duncan's Mums side of the family with Linda’s boys. It was great to catch up. We went to the Lucky Dragon in Leeds. We went in convoy because we weren’t sure where the place was (Templar Lane LS2). As we were approaching, we passed a group of over 50 people, mostly Chinese. We joked that we hoped they weren’t going to the restaurant but they were! As far as we could gather, they had been on a trip to Blackpool and a meal at the Lucky Dragon was part of the deal! We needn’t have worried because, even though the place was packed, our table was there and the service was excellent as was the food. We left around 9.30, said our farewells outside and went directly back to PARKs house
On Wednesday, we took the kids to Roundhay Park. We really did Roundhay, going to places on our walk that none of us had been to before. It really is a lovely place. The only downside was that the CafĂ© on the lake that we have been to before had a fire last year so wasn’t open. We went instead to the one near Tropical World. After a sandwich, we made a lemur mask for Rowan and Kirsten at a stall set up there in aid of EAZA Madagascar. Made quite a good fist of them too. Cricket, scootering, playground, etc etc filled the rest of the day.
After dinner together, we bade our farewells and wiped away a tear. They are all coming to see us next week but it is the last official baby sitting service we will be doing.Today, I have been doing some banking for my Willersley job and had a room allocation meeting with Sue ready for the weekend away. It is Barbara’s coffee evening tonight so she has been preparing for that. In fact, the coffee evening has just started so I have come upstairs to type this on the laptop! There must be thirty conversations going at once!
Jean and Tegwyn packed up on Bank Holiday Monday morning and went home. We followed them on the M62 shortly afterwards. We were on our last official baby sitting service. First thing though, we went to see Transformers. What a belter of a film. Barbara stayed and looked after Kirsten and I went with PAR. We all thoroughly enjoyed it because it was good in so many ways.
On Tuesday, Barbara and I packed up and went up to Knaresborough. PARK had been there and recommended we went. We had a smashing day, throwing stones in the river, walking, Pooh sticking, playing football, rowing on the river, playing cricket, scootering, eating ice cream, picnicking etc. etc. The weather was okay, if a little cool but it meant we didn’t overheat.
Tuesday was my nephew Duncan’s birthday and we were invited to the celebratory meal in the evening. Once Amanda was home, we went round to Derek’s house and joined the throng who were going out. It was a mostly family do and Mum was there as was Paul, another nephew. There was Celia and Linda from Duncan's Mums side of the family with Linda’s boys. It was great to catch up. We went to the Lucky Dragon in Leeds. We went in convoy because we weren’t sure where the place was (Templar Lane LS2). As we were approaching, we passed a group of over 50 people, mostly Chinese. We joked that we hoped they weren’t going to the restaurant but they were! As far as we could gather, they had been on a trip to Blackpool and a meal at the Lucky Dragon was part of the deal! We needn’t have worried because, even though the place was packed, our table was there and the service was excellent as was the food. We left around 9.30, said our farewells outside and went directly back to PARKs house
On Wednesday, we took the kids to Roundhay Park. We really did Roundhay, going to places on our walk that none of us had been to before. It really is a lovely place. The only downside was that the CafĂ© on the lake that we have been to before had a fire last year so wasn’t open. We went instead to the one near Tropical World. After a sandwich, we made a lemur mask for Rowan and Kirsten at a stall set up there in aid of EAZA Madagascar. Made quite a good fist of them too. Cricket, scootering, playground, etc etc filled the rest of the day.
After dinner together, we bade our farewells and wiped away a tear. They are all coming to see us next week but it is the last official baby sitting service we will be doing.Today, I have been doing some banking for my Willersley job and had a room allocation meeting with Sue ready for the weekend away. It is Barbara’s coffee evening tonight so she has been preparing for that. In fact, the coffee evening has just started so I have come upstairs to type this on the laptop! There must be thirty conversations going at once!
Sunday, 26 August 2007
Upset tum
Not going very far this weekend. I am suffering from an upset tum. Regrettably, we have Jean and Tegwyn staying with us and Tegwyn has the same problem. They are over for the weekend so Jean could preach at our Church and also visit old friends and relations. This means Tegwyn is on ferrying service. At least I can stay close to the loo!
We did all go up to the service this morning. Strangely, the walk and the service were fine. It was a good service too. We all went out yesterday morning to the coffee morning at Willersley House. I felt I should show my face and Jean has an old friend who lives there. Thankfully, it was a very nice day. There was a three line whip from our friends, the Richardsons, who came to see Gran so there were plenty of folk to talk to as well as the residents.
Lisa and Alan came round in the afternoon. I'm afraid I wasn't the best company really. My tum was at it's worst so inactivity was the order of the afternoon. Pity really because, after all my moaning, it has turned out to be a lovely Bank Holiday weekend. Ah well!
Pre tum problem, we all went for a ride up to Hornsea. Jean is on the search for some Hornsea Pottery pieces and thought there might be some in a second hand shop up there. It was closed. Tegwyn and I had a walk along the front while Barbara and Jean looked. Very nice. Then we went to the Freeport but the Pottery has long gone from the site.
Finally, the Plumber's Mates managed to win the quiz again. We'll be getting a reputation. Mind you, it was nothing to be proud of with a total of 27 out of a possible 45!
We did all go up to the service this morning. Strangely, the walk and the service were fine. It was a good service too. We all went out yesterday morning to the coffee morning at Willersley House. I felt I should show my face and Jean has an old friend who lives there. Thankfully, it was a very nice day. There was a three line whip from our friends, the Richardsons, who came to see Gran so there were plenty of folk to talk to as well as the residents.
Lisa and Alan came round in the afternoon. I'm afraid I wasn't the best company really. My tum was at it's worst so inactivity was the order of the afternoon. Pity really because, after all my moaning, it has turned out to be a lovely Bank Holiday weekend. Ah well!
Pre tum problem, we all went for a ride up to Hornsea. Jean is on the search for some Hornsea Pottery pieces and thought there might be some in a second hand shop up there. It was closed. Tegwyn and I had a walk along the front while Barbara and Jean looked. Very nice. Then we went to the Freeport but the Pottery has long gone from the site.
Finally, the Plumber's Mates managed to win the quiz again. We'll be getting a reputation. Mind you, it was nothing to be proud of with a total of 27 out of a possible 45!
Thursday, 23 August 2007
Quasi Supernormal Incremental Precipitation Inducer?
I'm beginning to get depressed about the weather. It seems every time we decide to do something, we are dogged by bad weather. Obviously, it's not as bad as the weather that followed Rob McKenna the rain god in So Long and Thanks for all the Fish by Douglas Adams. But, for example, yesterday we went up to Scarborough to the Cricket Festival. Yorkshire are playing Warwickshire and we were full of hope as the forecast was fine but windy. The sun never got out and the temperature was freezing. The cricket was excellent for a Yorkshire follower as they got Warwickshire out for 129. However, when Vaughan and Gale were batting, it wasn't long before they were back in the pavilion due to bad light. If we had gone today, the weather is fine and Yorkshire have reached over 450!
After we had taken the children back home on Saturday, we came home and called in to see Lisa. Then we came and got ready to go to Pauline and Alan's for a barbecue. We had barely got sat down and got the first beer before it started raining. Still, the BBQ continued and we had a very good time. The cooking took place in the garage and the eating in the conservatory and dining room. It was nice to chat to Susan and Andrew and catch up with the other guests.
We came home fairly early because we were going down to the Birdfair at Rutland Water. We wanted to go see Vaughan Ashby of Birdfinders about a holiday and see what else was on offer. It rained all the way there but stopped as we were approaching Rutland. We had a good look round and saw Vaughan, picked up a few brochures for other places. We were having a cup of tea and deciding what to do next when the sky became darker and darker so we decided to call it a day. Just as well because as we got to the car, the rain started again and continued until we were nearly home.
Barbara began the task of cleaning up after the kids on Monday. I helped as and when. We keep talking about getting stuff sorted in the morning and then going out for a walk in the afternoon. It has never happened unless you count today when Barbara walked across the park with me to the hairdressers. She went and got a card for my very clever niece Danielle who got 3 A star, 5 A and 1 C GCSEs while I got cropped. We had to stop and get a drink as it was so warm! Ah well, maybe there will be an Indian summer.
After we had taken the children back home on Saturday, we came home and called in to see Lisa. Then we came and got ready to go to Pauline and Alan's for a barbecue. We had barely got sat down and got the first beer before it started raining. Still, the BBQ continued and we had a very good time. The cooking took place in the garage and the eating in the conservatory and dining room. It was nice to chat to Susan and Andrew and catch up with the other guests.
We came home fairly early because we were going down to the Birdfair at Rutland Water. We wanted to go see Vaughan Ashby of Birdfinders about a holiday and see what else was on offer. It rained all the way there but stopped as we were approaching Rutland. We had a good look round and saw Vaughan, picked up a few brochures for other places. We were having a cup of tea and deciding what to do next when the sky became darker and darker so we decided to call it a day. Just as well because as we got to the car, the rain started again and continued until we were nearly home.
Barbara began the task of cleaning up after the kids on Monday. I helped as and when. We keep talking about getting stuff sorted in the morning and then going out for a walk in the afternoon. It has never happened unless you count today when Barbara walked across the park with me to the hairdressers. She went and got a card for my very clever niece Danielle who got 3 A star, 5 A and 1 C GCSEs while I got cropped. We had to stop and get a drink as it was so warm! Ah well, maybe there will be an Indian summer.
Monday, 20 August 2007
Long time away
When I first started this, I had just retired and was used to writing every day to Barbara. I thought that this would be a piece of cake. Events have conspired against me. Let me catch up.
I wrote about leaving to go to the pub quiz at the end of my last post. There was a bit of drama there. One team who occasionally attend were spotted "phoning a friend" and, when they won, there were rumblings of discontent. I left pretty early so I don't know if anything was said but they didn't turn up last Thursday. Gave us a chance to win again. Still a low score but never mind eh?
PARK came across to bring the grandchildren. They stayed for the weekend and then went and brought Grandma Mags over so she could babysit on Monday afternoon. Phil and Amanda wanted to attend Harry's funeral. Phil picked Lisa up and took her and Barbara up to Church at 1130am to help with the catering party. I walked up with Phil and Amanda just before 1pm and went onto car park duty but I wasn't needed.
The funeral was different. There was a guard of honour awaiting the funeral cars and the coffin came in to a slow march followed in by 16 standard bearers from various ex servicemen associations. The minister was excellent even though he didn't know Harry. He was ably assisted by Clive who gave the eulogy, Sue who lead the prayers and myself who did the reading. One of Harry's colleagues finished the service with a quote from the "We will remember them" poem by Laurence Binyon (1869-1943) followed by the Last Post, two minutes silence and the Reveille. Very moving and Harry surely enjoyed it. Afterwards, there was a buffet in the Church Hall and a chance for Audrey and the girls to meet the guests.
Our lot went to the Sailmakers down on St Andrews for a meal. We took the grandchildren in our car which enabled Phil and Amanda to go home with Mags leaving us with the grandchildren for the week.
It was a miserable day on Tuesday so we went to see "Surf's Up" It kept the kids occupied but I noticed Barbara dozing! Rowan came home and went on the computer and looked for games. He soon finished the official give aways and went searching. I always fear the worse when he's been on but so far so good!
On Wednesday, we did the museum tour. We went to park'n'ride. A bargain as the kids were free. Our first visit was to Dinostar on Humber Street. It was okay although I fear that Kirsten is a bit young just yet. Still there were stamps to collect and various other bits and pieces to find. The information was all very interesting if a little old for our two. They particularly enjoyed revealing the "fossils" in the sand pit. We walked up and had a sandwich in the Trinity Tea Shoppe which was eaten all up. Then we went to the Museum Quarter and went into the Hull and East Riding Museum and the Streetlife Museum. Again, a little bit old but they enjoyed all the stuff especially the ride in the Mail coach in the Streetlife. Again I was asked about being a volunteer on the Arctic Corsair once I was recognised. I'll have to see how the next couple of months goes.
Thursday, the weather improved so we packed up and went to Wilsthorpe beach south of Bridlington. It wasn't very warm but it stayed fine and we were sheltered by the dunes as we were sat eating. The tide was out so the huge expanse of beach was ours as a playground. Rowan and I set about damming the little stream then knocking it down and building it again. I buried both the kids and Barbara built an excellent castle with Kirsten. We decided to have and ice cream and leave so packed the car then went for the ice cream. As we were walking back, it started spitting so we timed it right.
Friday was again poor so we walked up to Morrisons for some shopping in the morning. In the afternoon, we went down to the Humber foreshore and walked along and into the Country Park. In fact, we stayed longer than we'd planned as it was the best part of the day. And that was the weeks babysitting because we took them home on Saturday but that's for another session!
I wrote about leaving to go to the pub quiz at the end of my last post. There was a bit of drama there. One team who occasionally attend were spotted "phoning a friend" and, when they won, there were rumblings of discontent. I left pretty early so I don't know if anything was said but they didn't turn up last Thursday. Gave us a chance to win again. Still a low score but never mind eh?
PARK came across to bring the grandchildren. They stayed for the weekend and then went and brought Grandma Mags over so she could babysit on Monday afternoon. Phil and Amanda wanted to attend Harry's funeral. Phil picked Lisa up and took her and Barbara up to Church at 1130am to help with the catering party. I walked up with Phil and Amanda just before 1pm and went onto car park duty but I wasn't needed.
The funeral was different. There was a guard of honour awaiting the funeral cars and the coffin came in to a slow march followed in by 16 standard bearers from various ex servicemen associations. The minister was excellent even though he didn't know Harry. He was ably assisted by Clive who gave the eulogy, Sue who lead the prayers and myself who did the reading. One of Harry's colleagues finished the service with a quote from the "We will remember them" poem by Laurence Binyon (1869-1943) followed by the Last Post, two minutes silence and the Reveille. Very moving and Harry surely enjoyed it. Afterwards, there was a buffet in the Church Hall and a chance for Audrey and the girls to meet the guests.
Our lot went to the Sailmakers down on St Andrews for a meal. We took the grandchildren in our car which enabled Phil and Amanda to go home with Mags leaving us with the grandchildren for the week.
It was a miserable day on Tuesday so we went to see "Surf's Up" It kept the kids occupied but I noticed Barbara dozing! Rowan came home and went on the computer and looked for games. He soon finished the official give aways and went searching. I always fear the worse when he's been on but so far so good!
On Wednesday, we did the museum tour. We went to park'n'ride. A bargain as the kids were free. Our first visit was to Dinostar on Humber Street. It was okay although I fear that Kirsten is a bit young just yet. Still there were stamps to collect and various other bits and pieces to find. The information was all very interesting if a little old for our two. They particularly enjoyed revealing the "fossils" in the sand pit. We walked up and had a sandwich in the Trinity Tea Shoppe which was eaten all up. Then we went to the Museum Quarter and went into the Hull and East Riding Museum and the Streetlife Museum. Again, a little bit old but they enjoyed all the stuff especially the ride in the Mail coach in the Streetlife. Again I was asked about being a volunteer on the Arctic Corsair once I was recognised. I'll have to see how the next couple of months goes.
Thursday, the weather improved so we packed up and went to Wilsthorpe beach south of Bridlington. It wasn't very warm but it stayed fine and we were sheltered by the dunes as we were sat eating. The tide was out so the huge expanse of beach was ours as a playground. Rowan and I set about damming the little stream then knocking it down and building it again. I buried both the kids and Barbara built an excellent castle with Kirsten. We decided to have and ice cream and leave so packed the car then went for the ice cream. As we were walking back, it started spitting so we timed it right.
Friday was again poor so we walked up to Morrisons for some shopping in the morning. In the afternoon, we went down to the Humber foreshore and walked along and into the Country Park. In fact, we stayed longer than we'd planned as it was the best part of the day. And that was the weeks babysitting because we took them home on Saturday but that's for another session!
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