Monday, 30 April 2007

The Puffins are there

High spot of the weekend was our visit to RSPB Bempton to see the usual suspects on the cliffs there, We picked a terrific day. The weather was clear and sunny if a little cool in the breeze. Puffins had featured on the photo on BBC Look North and I think a lot of other people had come to see if they were this years photo. I did get some shots of the Puffins but they were rather dark as they were in the shadows so I have included one of a pair of Gannets which is much brighter.
We were out at a quiz on Saturday evening. It turned out to be a super night. The food and quiz organisation were super. Lisa and Alan came with us and we were joined by Ian when we got there. Everybody expected us to win so it is a good job that we did! Made up for losing on Thursday night. We will have to swot up on sports before we do any more quizzes. We were crap on the questions and even got the sports personalities wrong in the photo round!
Sunday was Church. Rev. David was preaching and there was a baptism. The baby was over a year old and a real charmer as he showed her to the congregation. Brenda H. had got me in a corner after the quiz and, in a weak moment, I had agreed to take part in a service in a few weeks. She brought the material which is some of John Wesley's sermons. She wants me to do a precis of it in mine and John Wesleys words! I realised that I may have bitten off more than I can chew when I downloaded the sermon from the web (try God on the Web) I do have about 3 weeks to lick it in to shape and get it down to 10 minutes and I think I'll need it.
For the evening service, we went to Tower Hill in Hessle. It was the Easter Offering service organised by Women's Network of the Methodist Church. A very thought provoking service. Barbara did some networking afterwards as we had a cuppa in the Church Hall. Afterwards, we came home and just sagged.
Today I have been to Whisby Nature Park near Lincoln with the local RSPB group. I have been out with them before and thoroughly enjoyed it. Our babysitting duties and work have meant I have been absent for quite a while. The day didn't start well with congestion on Clive Sullivan Way due to a broken down lorry and an accident on the A46 meant quite a diversion while some others got stuck. However, once we got there, it was a brilliant day. Good company, good weather and some good birding including a very nice view of a Nightingale after hearing several sing. Barbara had a routine hospital appointment so didn't come. I went with Bob who helps organise the trips and Barbara dropped me off and picked me up at the Humber Bridge car park.

Thursday, 26 April 2007

Her indoors has read it!

It's been a couple of months but Barbara has finally had a look. I was slaving in the garden with a pressure washer at the time. She had been up to Church to clear out some more cupboards and was washing some teapots, or so I thought. I looked round and saw her on the computer and came up for a look. So far, nothing has been said.
Since my last post, we have been to PARKs for our babysitting duties. Rowan is on a mission to get me fit. I could lapse into laziness when I was working but this retirement and good weather means I am playing football as soon as he gets home from school. Kirsten is not quite 4 and so gets tired easier. Much better to look after! We went for a walk down by the canal and she wasn't bothered about coming out to meet Rowan from school.
The new arrangement seems to be working better. Rowan and Kirsten go to swimming lessons on Monday so we get to have a relaxed evening with them on Tuesday. Kirsten even went into the water, well I think she was taken in! We don't have the rush and can read and play with them if they'll allow us. I am definitely at the bottom of the pecking order when everyone is there and move down after someone new arrives. I know my place!
I ordered a Freeview PVR from Amazon on Monday. A Daewoo with 160Gb HD. I thought That if I chose the free delivery, the package wouldn't be sent until Wednesday/Thursday. Indeed, when the order was confirmed that was the despatch estimate. Amazon are just too good! They despatched Tuesday and delivered Wednesday. Harry next door took in the package. It's a good job we know them well as there was no note from the deliverers through the door. Harry brought the package round this morning. I resisted temptation as the gas man cometh this afternoon and we had some shopping to do. I connected it before lunch and it was up and working a few minutes later. Barbara couldn't believe I had stopped "playing" but I had checked everything! Recorded two programmes together and checked them both out so I am well chuffed. I was going to get rid of the video recorder but Barbara is concerned that someone may bring something to her fellowship on a tape so I have left it in place for the time being. What happens to all these old DVDs and videos as they are discarded?
The patio at the bottom of the garden as dried now and my labours with the washer are evident. It really shines. The "pressure" will be on to do the top one too. Must admit it does look nice with the clematis in full bloom above it.

Monday, 23 April 2007

Nostalgic notes

As we had set the room up for the Jumble Sale on Friday Evening, I wasn't really needed. I went up with Barbara and emptied the car and piled all the stuff from the other rooms around the tables and then I came home. I decided to have another go in the loft tidying up.
I didn't get very far really. Got down a couple of boxes and started wallowing in nostalgia. They were full of cards and letters that I had sent and had been sent to me. I guess that is why I started this blog. I have spent the last 33 years sending writing to Barbara and the rest of the family. Eventually, I stopped reading and just removed any stamps then tore up the envelopes and shredded the letters. I guess there will be some more letters and stuff but it's time to stop hoarding and get rid.
I went back up to the Church at 1.40pm. It was all over bar the shouting although some people turned up after 2pm when we had got everything bagged and taken across to the charity shop. Barbara had not been involved after all. There were plenty of people to help so she made a start at sorting out the kitchen cupboards. It has been a thorn in her side for a while. I took all the tables down and put them away and then loaded up the car with the mismatched and chipped crockery that she had found. I came home, collected some garden rubbish and went up to the tip. Barbara stayed put. A wise decision. It was chaos and I won't venture there on a weekend again.
Sunday we did Church. There was a joint service with St Marks Parish Church to celebrate their Saints day. An earlier start than our morning service at 10am. It was okay. I was aware that we had been talking about the possibility of our Churches joining together and compared notes. I think the only thing that I noticed was the sung responses during the Communion. Oh I suppose that there was alcoholic wine available but we Methodists could have non alcoholic if we wanted it. The evening service at our service was interesting. It was taken by Carol McWilliams and she had asked a few people to choose a hymn and talk about it. I was one of the people asked and chose "Sinking Sands" from the Methodist Hymn Book. Number 336 in fact. I had my talk planned and then was affected by the person who spoke before me. Changed my talk and gabbled a bit.
In between, we popped out and visited Alan and Pauline, Barbara's sister and husband. It was a unique visit in that their cat that is about 7/8 years old, came and sat on a stool in the conservatory with us. I don't think I have ever seen the whole cat. It's normally a flash as it disappears to its hidey hole!
I haven't been feeling that great yesterday and today I have felt all hot and bothered. I have been sneezing quite a lot. If I ever win the lottery (unlikely as I don't do it) I would have a serious consultation about my conk. It sometimes has a mind of its own. Hopefully a good nights sleep tonight will put me right.

Friday, 20 April 2007

Mr Pooter?

On the TV this morning, the actor Hugh Bonneville was talking about his new programme "The Diary of a Nobody" based on the Victorian comic novel. For some strange reason Barbara turned round and looked at me and said "Blog" Am I a Mr Pooter? I suppose I am but I doubt whether I'll ever reach the dizzy comic heights of George Weedon's creation.
After last night's post, I tackled my tax return. This self assessment is a chore and quite frightening really. I try my best to give the correct answers but the warnings are there and I could finish up in jail. An accountant is out of my league so I'll keep plodding on. Maybe now I am on the pension, I may go back to straight PAYE as things get simpler. Still the HMRC site and form is pretty good really.
The Plumbers Mates fielded a depleted team last night. Bob was away taking in a show in York. We drank using the free pint tokens we'd won a couple of weeks ago. Sorry Bob! Luckily, we managed to win again. Colin the quizmaster was a bit slow with the questions so we only got 35. We're turning into pretty good guessers as we managed to get 30 of them right so we'll have some beer tokens for next week when we should be up to strength.
Barbara and I went in to town and did my least favourite thing, buy birthday cards. I reckon we could save a tree at least if we didn't buy any, particularly over the next few weeks. I think we have got them all sorted out. May seems to have crept up on us and we need to get some gifts sorted out too, particularly for the grandchildren.
We went round to Hull Braves Guild for noon. It really is a pleasant afternoon, socialising and then being entertained. The "work" is not very onerous, pushing wheel chairs, clearing up etc. The "turn" today was the Potterill Singers. I saw them back in October when they were a bit depleted. They seem to be enjoying themselves and appreciate the audience participation as they sing along. I wonder what will happen over the next decade or two. Most of the singers were older than me and most of the turns that have come have been too. The younger ones just aren't there so organisations like the Braves will find it more and more difficult to get entertainment. I would help but I couldn't carry a tune in a paper bag!
This evening we have been up to the AGM at the Church. Something pretty new for me. I have been to one or two over my working life but this was the first since Rev'd David has been here and that's over 8 years. Regrettably, it's his last as he moves on in August. There wasn't too much we didn't know talked about but we got the time to discuss some things. As David repeated from the talk given by Adrian Plass at Easter People last week from his A to Z. M is for Methodism: see Meetings - M is for Meetings : see Methodism! We managed to get the hall set up for the Jumble Sale tomorrow saving us a bit of a job in the morning.

Thursday, 19 April 2007

Will it ever rain again?

The stratus fractus clouds came over us today but there was no rain. As I write, I can see a few but the patio remains dry. The weather is so good that the jobs list is getting longer. It's just too tempting to go out somewhere. This afternoon, Barbara and I went down to Welton Water for a walk. It was a bit breezy but, once we were sheltered, we were attacked by hordes of midges. Meant there was food for the first swallows of the summer that we have seen.
We spent the previous couple of days baby-sitting at PARKs. Got over there in plenty of time to collect Rowan from school. He stayed to football so Barbara and I went early enough to watch the last ten minutes. He enjoys it but I doubt he will ever play for England!
The swimming day has been changed to Monday so things were not as much of a rush and we could play with the kids and talk to P&A. It seems Kirsten had spent the whole of her lesson sat on the side of the pool and when she was lifted in, had screamed the place down. The instructors reckon that they have had worse!!
Rowan and I met Michelle and we walked round to school with her and her boys. Kirsten was arguing about something so we left them to come along afterwards. When she is good, she is very very good but when she is bad, she is 'orrible. We had a good afternoon as we took her to the park in Rothwell. Barbara went in to the shops while I stayed and pushed on the swings. However, once we got home after a call at the library, she was tired and just wanted to curl up with a video. I went and met Rowan and he just wanted to play on the computer. Luckily, Amanda came home at 4pm so we had someone to talk to. She had been on a Powerpoint course and it had finished early.
There is a new arrival next door to them. Julie went into labour at just after 4am. Neil was at work and he came home and took her down to the hospital at 6am. She had a baby girl at 7.40am and we got to see the baby because she came home around 5pm. Haven't heard anything since so assume everything is okay.
I decided I had better ring the pension people today as it has been over 2 months since my retirement date. Apparently my acceptance letter arrived too late to be included in April and I will now get paid in May. The savings account has taken a hammering, just hope we don't have to incur any penalties. The holiday I booked last year is coming up and had to be paid. Luckily I got a cheque for PARKs half. Thank goodness for t'internet banking.

Monday, 16 April 2007

Easter People

The final Easter People has finished and we are back to our mundane existence. Barbara is wading through the holiday washing and I am waiting for the dentist's anaesthetic to wear off so I will catch up.
We went off to Easter People last Tuesday. We took Clair K. and Tim M. with us and dropped them off at their kibbutz on the way into Blackpool. The journey across was okay with a stop at Birch services and only a small delay between J29 and J27 on the M62. We found out why that evening and met the causes. A minibus on it's way to E.P. had shed its roof rack load of luggage. We met the passengers at the Tuesday evening fringe. Shortages of shirts, skirts, knickers etc. were reported but no one was hurt.
We arrived at our hotel, the Blue C on Queens Promenade, around 2pm. We were asked by the owner not to use the jacuzzi after 11pm. I thought she was joking but realised she wasn't when we got in an found we did indeed have a spa bath! Stuart had done the booking and had allocated us rooms at random. As well as the bath, we also got a very nice room (29 if you want to book) with a settee as well as a king sized bed.
Barbara unpacked and I went off to do a recce. The Easter People events were in the Winter Gardens so I went down to see the routes, entrances etc. I walked down (about 2 miles) and had a look round then went and found the Metro offices so I could get us a bus pass. I got one for five days. With the over 55 concession, it cost £17 each. The tram fare from the hotel was £1.50 and we intended making 2 return trips so a good saving. I used it on the way back.
We had an excellent week. A bit disappointing the first evening because we couldn't get into the celebration service we wanted and the acoustics in the other one left a bit to be desired. Things were sorted out over the week (apart from the acoustics in the ballroom) and we had a wonderful week of learning. The morning celebrations featured the teaching of Charles Price from Toronto and the music of b4U. They were excellent. The other items on the programme were very good too with a couple of highlights being the worship led by yfriday, the MAYC Orchestra and Singers concert and the "The Word in one" by Rev. Andy Twilley of the Nationwide Christian Trust, even bought the DVD of that it was so good.
As well as Easter people, the fellowship we shared at the hotel was excellent as was the food. We used our bus pass to go up to Fleetwood and down to Starr Gate on the tram. However, the weather just got better and better and we walked down to the Winter Gardens a couple of times and explored Stanley Park too. A really satisfying week.
The week ended with a celebration on Sunday morning led by b4U and the MAYC C and S. A great end to a great Easter People. We then went and rendezvoused with Rev. David at the Pizza Hut on the New Preston Road. All the people from their kibbutz arrived for a lunch. The staff dealt manfully with us and we all got our meals. We then got a load of luggage to bring back and Clair K. and Vanessa T. as passengers. The journey back was straightforward and we were home by 5.30pm. A quiet evening was then spent.
I had an dental appointment to get a crown fitted this morning so I was out early. The only problem during Easter People related to the toothache I suffered throughout. Still not sure whether it was the abuse my mouth had taken when the broken tooth was treated or the temporary crown that had been fitted on it. Luckily, the pharmacy in Barbara's travel kit sustained me with painkillers and I didn't miss out on the events or food. Timing was of the essence with the dosage to get a decent nights sleep. I just hope the proper crown eases the pain. Meanwhile, I'll keep taking the tablets!!

Monday, 9 April 2007

Easter Weekend (2)

As well as Easter, it is the first weekend of the month so it's Coffee Morning. We were up and out by 8.40 and soon had the Church set up. All the helpers came and we had plenty of clients. We need to get more people from outside the Church but there are still people who come who we don't see at the services so we should not complain. It's not meant to be a fund raising exercise but it does earn enough to make it difficult to stop if we wanted to!
Alan was working again so I went and picked up Lisa and she came and helped then came home for lunch with us. We chatted the afternoon away before Barbara took her home.
For the last couple of weeks, we have been planning to go see "Amazing Grace", the film about William Wilberforce. Unfortunately, the times haven't been the best. Over this weekend, they had put a showing on at 6.15pm which is much better. Looks very much as though it will close on Tuesday to make way for other films. A bit disappointing for Wilberforce's home city. Anyhow, we got ready and went to see it. It was excellent. One of those films where you are surprised by the time elapsed when it's finished.
As we hadn't eaten beforehand, we drove along and went to Frankie and Benny's for our dinner. I wasn't too bothered before we got there but ate my share. A habit I will have to get out of! We came home and went to bed as we had an early start the next morning.
Every year, on Easter Sunday, after the early morning communion service, we have Easter Breakfast. It's in capitals because it's different from the normal prayer breakfast Barbara does monthly. More people come and we have boiled eggs as well as the grapefruit, cereal and toast. Barbara and I started setting up and we were soon joined by Val F and Jean R so we were ready for the communion at 8.30am. My favourite service of the month I think I have said before. Once we had finished, I went straight to the kitchen and got on with the toast and eggs. One year, the eggs were a bit soft for the children who come so I err on the side of caution. By the time I got along, most people had finished so I had a couple of eggs and a slice of toast as things were being cleared around me. The morning service is 10.30am so we had to get cleared up and washed up by then.
Liz, the ministers wife, did the service very well. Barbara was on creche duty so I found a pew where I could see the screen and Liz. I'd loaded most of the remains of the breakfast stuff in the car so we enjoyed a cup of tea and a chat before leaving at 12.30. I would have liked to go to the service in the evening but we were both feeling lethargic. I'd posted in the afternoon and Barbara did a bit of washing and some gardening then, once I'd made dinner, we sagged for the evening.
Today, we have been preparing for Easter People in Blackpool. I have packed all my life but a few days away has me wondering what to take. Barbara is the same. Eventually, we got down to it and packed the bags. I went and topped up with petrol and air so we are all ready for the off. We are taking Claire and Tim with us so the room we have is limited. I will just be glad when we get there. No more arrangements, packing, planning etc.
I told Barbara that we would go out for dinner. When she shopped last week, she concentrated on the coffee morning and Easter Breakfast so we were a bit low on vegetables! I also said we had to be packed first to get it out of the way. I'd got some vouchers from Maersk for Christmas and they were good to use at Brewers Fayre so we went to Home Farm. It was standard fayre! Barbara had the Moroccan Lamb and I had the Asian style Pork Shank. Both served with rice and roasted vegetables. It was very good.
We got back to find a package had been delivered for us to take to Blackpool and a call on the machine from Lisa asking us to ring. It seems Alan had broken down to the south of Lincoln. We spoke to her and went round with the intention of going down for him. By the time we got there, plans had been changed and the recovery truck was bringing him and the car home. We had a cuppa before coming home. I shall return after Easter People.

Sunday, 8 April 2007

Easter Weekend

Thursday was a busy day. The car had to go in for a small recall job. Barbara was up and out to get it there for 8.30am. I had an appointment at the doctors for a blood check. I cut it a little bit fine arriving at 8.56am so must leave 25 minutes next time! The weather was lovely so I was stepping boldly up Anlaby bypass. The nurse took an arm full and then took my blood pressure in the same arm. Very happy with the figure. Not so sure about the bloods especially the cholesterol as I had had two lots of fish and chips in the 4 days prior. Good food but a bit fatty I suspect.
I was back home at 9.30 and Barbara was back just after 10am. We made a stab at a shopping list then she went to Morrisons and I went to get my hair cut. Badly needed doing as I should have gone a couple of weeks ago. Kevin soon put me right and I could see the top of my ears again.
Home for lunch then Barbara took me up to Willersley House for an interview about the volunteer post I am hoping to get. Every one was very nice and now everything depends on the CRB results. If those are satisfactory, I should be okay to take over at the AGM in June.
Brenda, our friend who is the instigator of the volunteer opportunity, was leaving Willersley early to go to the funeral at Haltemprice Crematorium. I suppose that now I am at home, I will be going to more funerals. This one was for Freda Wardale. Barbara has known Freda and Jim, her husband, since childhood. Freda has been ill for several years but worsened recently and died last week. She was 84. She was lovely but, as David our minister so aptly put it, she was wicked in both the old and new way. She was really quite mischievous and I will miss her comments on all and sundry. It was a really good turn out showing just what people thought about her. Poor Jim was devastated as he lost his partner and friend of over 60 years. Barbara had brought Audrey W and we took Audrey B home on our way back afterwards.

After dinner, we went back up to Church for the Maundy Thursday service. It was in the style of a Passover meal. David and Liz had got everything sorted out so they consulted each other during the service. It was a very nice service with some great hymns. The Passover tables had been set up in a square in the Church so we had to move the tables out and put the pews back and set up the hall for the Good Friday service. Delayed Bob and I slightly as there were a couple of pints across at the pub with our names on them.

Keith and Brian were already waiting when we got there and we were joined by Dan who brought a friend and Dave who couldn't get near us so joined another team. This week, we pipped everyone else to the post. Quite a surprise really as we didn't think we'd done that well. I must remember I have the beer tokens for our next visit.

The Good Friday service started at 10am and I was very nearly late. I was just about to head for the shower when Derek rang. Among other things, he wanted to tell me about the Easter card he had received from Charlotte. Apparently, it was a homemade watercolour and he didn't know she painted! It's of a Sanderling so I'll be interested to see it.

I quickly showered and we got to the Church on time. Wouldn't have been to bad if I'd been late as the first half hour was a cuppa and a hot cross bun. There were lots of people there as it was a continuation from the Holiday Club that had been held the previous two days. The service itself took the form of a journey with several stops around the Church building. I had done a reading for David on Thursday so didn't get a "job" until he realised they needed a Barabbas for the Pontius Pilate scene. Non-speaking part, I'm pleased to say. However it only reinforced the bad impression that Emma, Ann and Jonathans daughter has of me. She doesn't come too much and the last time she saw me I was a skeleton and rather frightened her!

Once we got home, we gave Lisa a ring and arranged to pick her up to go for a walk. I loaded up my paraphernalia and we went round to Blacktoft Sands RSPB for our walk. The weather was gorgeous so after a couple of hide visits, Barbara and Lisa sat and soaked up the sun while I went along all the hides. As it was the afternoon, quite a few of the birds were having a kip! Once more, I practised with the digiscoping lark. The sequence I am pleased with were of a Snipe that was just in front of the Marshland hide. This is just one of the many photos I took. I met up with Barbara and Lisa at the car and we went home. We dropped Lisa at home and then came home ourselves. I loaded the car with the books and videos for the coffee morning the next morning and then we just sagged.

Friday, 6 April 2007

We dearly love them but.. (2)

Barbara was at the hairdressers on Monday morning at 9.15. She was quite concerned about how I would cope with Rowan and Kirsten. In the event, we got along fine. They are both well able to dress themselves although Kirsten occasionally gets a bit mixed up. She didn't on Monday so all I had to do was supervise washing and teeth cleaning.
I had been planning things anyhow and I got them to help me make a blancmange. I also had the ingredients for a pizza but their enthusiasm began to wane. Unfortunately, they were very upset when lunch turned out to be vegetables and fishcakes. They thought I'd carried on making the pizza!
We went in the car to Pickering Park and took the remote control car for a spin around the lake before R&K went into the playground. I think Kirsten would stay on the swings forever. She hasn't got the hang of the grown up swings yet and went flat on her face on Saturday so we stayed on the "baby" swings. We got them out of the playground with the promise of an ice cream. Once we'd eaten that, we got the football out and I showed Rowan my football skills. I can still dribble past him just now but my stamina will deteriorate as his skill increases. Kirsten was ready to go home but Rowan would keep kicking a football until the cows go home.
Kirsten and I made the pizza for our tea. Barbara was out with her Monday ladies for a meal so we had it to ourselves. Rowan reckoned there was too much tomato and wasn't going to eat it until I told him there was nothing else. He was quite right though, there was too much tomato.
Barbara was out at 7pm so she got the children ready for bed before she went out. All I had to do was put them to bed. We had a couple of games of Snakes and Ladders and then they had some supper. Kirsten did not want to go to bed even though she was falling asleep in the chair so I carried her up complaining. I put her in bed and the complaining stopped and she was asleep moments later. Rowan wanted to stay up too and searched the Radio Times to see if there was anything for him to watch. He was well tired too and soon gave up the search and went to bed.
Tuesday I was at dentist for treatment on my broken tooth. I had just finished telling Barbara not to get multi grain baps again as then stuck in my teeth and then broke the tooth as I started on a chocolate eclair. I needed to go for a check up or risk getting "struck off" A broken tooth is a bit extreme though. As I expected, I need a crown. Dr Bakshi gave me a temporary tooth and I forked out £15.90 with the prospect of a bill for £194 when I go back next week.
I'd downloaded some stuff before I went out and Barbara had helped Rowan and Kirsten make an Easter card. They were very good. Kirsten is getting the hang of writing her name and Rowan is really improving with his writing and spelling.
After lunch which included some painkillers, we went to the Humber Bridge Country Park. We parked up the hill and walked down through the park to the foreshore. The kids had a go on the limited playground equipment. Then we walked around the Country Park before climbing back up the hill and home for cauliflower macaroni cheese. I have been promising Amanda that I would try it out. The results were a bit mixed. They both did well but Rowan professed not to like the cheese sauce. I admit that I used a mix to save time. Better stick to the roux method next time.
Barbara had got the kids ready for bed as I prepared tea and then put on the DVD we had picked up at Blockbuster. Rowan chose "Open Season" which I had seen so I didn't mind missing the section they watched before tea. It kept their interest and was about the only television we had watched up to then. We did watch Dr. Who with Rowan when Kirsten had gone to bed after which I had the honour to be chosen by Rowan to read a story before he went to sleep.
On Wednesday, we took the children home after a visit to see Great-Grandma Maureen, my mum. We packed the car with their belongings and then set off. Returning the DVD and a petrol/tyre top up meant it was 11am before we got on the road. Got to my mums just after noon. She had decided we would go to the Wetherby Whaler, the fish and chip restaurant. It was very nice. Two lots of fish and chips in one week and I had a blood test scheduled for the next day! We walked down there as it was such a lovely day and then walked back via Pudsey Park. The playground there is very well equipped and the children made good use of it. In fact, I am always impressed by Pudsey Park. I have happy memories of the place and now, there are so many attractions that I don't feel nostalgic for the good old days. We took them to see the small mammals and the fish and birds before heading back to Mums for a cuppa. The children get a bit restless in the flat but they behaved very well. We headed off back so we got them home before Phil and Amanda got there. All Kirsten wanted to do was watch a DVD but Rowan was dragging me outside for a football marathon. One of my shots snuck past him and rolled right down the hill and through a hole in the fence into a garden in the next road. We had to walk round and retrieve it. By the time we got back, Amanda was back and Phil followed shortly afterwards. We gave the kids some tea and we had a cuppa before hitting the road back home. I was still pretty full from the fish'n'chips so I started my fast before the blood test a bit early and went without tea. Just a glass of water for supper.

Wednesday, 4 April 2007

We dearly love them but..

PARK descended on us Saturday morning and apart from an hour on Sunday, I have little time to post. P&A came across to go to Andy and Caroline's for a night out. We couldn't babysit as we had booked to go to the City Hall to see Paul Field's "Cargo". Lisa stepped into the breech as Alan was on a jaunt. We picked Lisa up on Saturday morning and then PARK arrived just before lunch. As P&A were eating out and we didn't want to be sat with a full stomach, we had a casserole for lunch and the children then had a "picnic" on the lounge floor. We all went across to Costello Park for a breath of fresh air racing the two remote controlled cars that Rowan had brought.
The concert was excellent. It is a pity that more folk didn't attend. There were empty seats. It was very thought provoking and, of course, topical with its subject matter of slavery. I am aware of the many forms of slavery that still exist around the world but to see them portrayed on slides and to hear the facts and hear examples in very uncomfortable. The music was very good and deserves a wider audience. I suppose the thing that is most thought provoking was the fact that the original abolitionists in the 1780s were mostly ordinary people and quite a small group. They made the difference then and a group now should be able to do the same. The problem is that the vested interests are much more organised and much more dangerous too.
We'd gone in to town by bus but the concert only lasted 75 minutes and we came out with much too much time to hang about for a bus home so we expanded our carbon footprint and took a taxi. Alan was back from his jaunt and waiting with Lisa to go home so they had an earlier night that they'd expected.
They both came with us the next day when we went out to Hornsea for a fish and chip lunch at Sullivan's. PARK had arranged to take the kids to Big Fun where they met up with Andy and Caroline. That was at 10am, hence my free hour to post. We picked up A&L at noon and went out through Preston and up the coast road to Hornsea. PARK arrived shortly afterwards and we went and got our fish and chips. What to do for pudding? It had to be Mr Moos up towards Skipsea. As I had broken a tooth on Friday evening, I was very brave and had a cornet.
We headed back towards home making a stop at Skidby Mill. However, the wind dropped as we arrived and the general consensus was that a cuppa was required so we carried on home after a detour to drop off Lisa and Alan.
Barbara and I wanted to go to Church for the evening service so Phil and Amanda stayed to look after the children. The service was the recognition service for Brenda Hammonds and John Wilson as Local Preachers. It was a really lovely service with some great hymns, a good sermon and a couple of testimonies. Brenda is a good friend and I know she will be an excellent Local Preacher.
We got back just before 9pm. Kirsten was in bed and Phil took Rowan to bed once arrived. Then they left, leaving us in sole charge.

Sunday, 1 April 2007

Where does the time go?

White rabbits and all that stuff. Five days since I posted this diary. A couple were spent at PARKs. We went across early because the plumbers were still finishing off the bathroom. I don't like the early morning get up. I don't sleep too well as I wait for the alarm to go off. We were there in plenty of time and Amanda was waiting for the plumbers to come as they had had a leak. The contractor had fixed it and the plumber arrived with the spare. They were hard at work when we returned so I got my 'scope out and went for a walk up to Rothwell Country Park. Nothing much about.
I didn't go swimming with R&P even though it was the last time. The night has been changed to Monday for next term as Rowan has moved up a level. He got his 20M and 50M award last week and so picked up the certificates. Also next term they are going to take Kirsten. Now that will be fun and one to avoid.
The bathroom was finished but drying out so we all smelt a bit on Wednesday. Took Kirsten for a walk by the Canal and then to the library. Barbara dropped me off to meet Rowan and it was only when we were out of sight that I realised I had the key. By the time we got back, Barbara had pretty much read all the books from the library.
On Thursday, I went to meet Ken C. with the aim of taking on the role of Honorary Treasurer. It seems relatively simple but I still have to meet the boss and get through the CRB checks. Shopping and a doctor's visit took up the rest of the day. I went to see the doctor about a pain in my little finger. Nothing life threatening but it keeps waking me up. I also wanted to check what I could take as well as my other medication. Finished up with a bucketful of co-codamol and ibuprofen. Sod's law, the pain has faded recently.
No quiz either as everyone else was otherwise engaged. Spent a night in with Barbara as she hadn't gone to the theatre with the Wives Group. Didn't fancy the Titanic musical. Must be my aversion rubbing off!
Friday was our 39th wedding anniversary. A few weeks back, at Braves Guild, Wendy had asked if I would be coming to the Easter Lunch. I referred her to Barbara and was told that she had already booked her meal so I booked mine. They don't normally have a lunch at Easter but the funds had been donated by another Barbara who makes cards and sells them to her fellow members. We were there at just before noon and sat down to eat 12.30. I don't know who the caterers were but the meal was okay. Considering the facilities in the kitchen, it was miraculous.
We fancied going to the cinema in the evening but most of the films we fancied started between 8.30 and 9pm. I knew I wouldn't fancy going out then and Barbara even less so I went for a DVD to Blockbusters. Got "The History Boys" and thoroughly enjoyed it. Darby and Joan!!!