Wednesday, 23 May 2007

Instead of football

I suppose I am in the minority, typing my blog rather than watching the football. I can't watch football on television any more. I get too tense, bad for my blood pressure.
We were due a delivery on Tuesday. We had bought some garden furniture on the 11th and they told us it would be up to 3 weeks before it would be delivered. Sods law, they chose the day we were going over to PARKs. I'd got the cash and was going to leave it with Harry next door. In the event, we didn't need to. It arrived just before 8am. I went out in my dressing gown to give the guy a hand but he didn't need it. He told us we were his fifth delivery of the morning. There didn't seem to be that big a space in his van but maybe the other customers didn't get as much as us. Whatever, I wouldn't have liked to have been his first delivery!!
The early arrival of the furniture meant we were clear to go across and meet Kirsten from nursery at 11.30. As we didn't have to meet Rowan until 4.30pm, we took Kirsten to see Great-grandma for a couple of hours after lunch. My mum seemed okay. Looking forward to her holiday. We have made a provisional date to pick her up in July and bring her over to stay. What a gay social whirl we all lead.
We were back in good time to pick up Rowan. I went by myself. Needn't have rushed as they were playing a draw and there was "extra time" and a penalty shootout. Even that didn't decide the result. Rowan wasn't wearing his shirt again as were quite a few others. This time, it had been spotted by the headmistress and she told the master in charge so I don't think it will happen again.
He wanted to play football in the drive but Barbara had his tea ready and by the time he'd finished, P&A were home so the drive was blocked. I suggested that we went down to park and have a kick around there which we did. Phil came along once he'd got changed. I'm pleased to say he was soon as knackered as me. Mind you, his acceleration was a bit better than mine! We'd promised we'd be back for 6.30pm and we made it. Kirsten was bathed and Rowan went straight up for his.
This morning, Amanda was on her way early because she was at a meeting in the Midlands so we were in full charge when Phil had left. Rowan was ready at 8.10. He was going on a trip with school to Kirkstall Abbey and was almost eager to get there! Once we'd taken them, we went back and picked up the car and went to Glasshoughton and did a bit of wandering but no buying. We found the gates opened at 9.30am but the shops don't open until 10am. We were eager when we arrived but that soon wore off and we were on our way home by 10.40.
We called in to Pauline and Alan's and stopped for nearly 2 hours. The weather was very kind to us and we sat in the garden and chatted before coming home and pottering. Barbara has been to a meeting this evening so I texted Derek and finally got to speak to him at half time in the match. Barbara is home now so I will sign off and talk to her.

Monday, 21 May 2007

Quick visit

PARK called in on Sunday afternoon. They had been to see ACMJ to deliver a birthday present to Matthew. After that, the kids were very disappointed with us. Kirsten was particularly miserable. Don't know what is going to happen when we go on holiday together! They stayed over for tea so I stretched out the Spanish Omelette I had planned for our tea and they left shortly afterwards.
I should have gone out but sagged instead. Bob R. came round with some of the Christian Aid money that had been handed to him. They are away for a few days and he asked me if I could bank it today rather than it be left in their house. I said I would be willing to make some tellers day. I went up to Lloyds TSB this morning. Luckily I got parked quite close as it was petty heavy. As luck would have it, the cashier was Carol MacW. She was very efficient but there was still quite a queue by the time she had weighed in all the coins.
I went across to the Nat West to see if the mandate we had handed in several days ago had been transacted. The cashier assured me it had. I would have hated for the cheques I signed for the outing last Friday to have bounced!
I was only out for 30 minutes yet I saw several people I knew and spoke to them. Busy little place Willerby Square although there are mostly Estate Agents. I suppose it does have a couple of open banks. Can't really pay in 400 quidsworth of coins over t'Internet.
As the newspaper bin is due to be emptied this week, I shredded a few more old letters from out of the loft. I daren't start reading them or I will never get them done. Writing to and from every port generated quite a lot of mail. My plan was to put the paper in the compost bin. However, there is enough wet matter to keep it going but not so much as to need a lot of dry matter. If it does get soggy, there is plenty to go at in the loft!

Sunday, 20 May 2007

Glad that's over

Over the last couple of weeks, I have been a bit distracted. In fact, I have felt downright guilty when I did anything on the computer. I agreed to do a mini sermon for Brenda H. in today's service to mark Aldersgate Sunday and Wesley Day on the 24th. The theme was John Wesley's sermons and Charles Wesley's hymns. I was asked to do a shortened version of a JW sermon in his own words. I kept looking at it and did several drafts before going back to my original plan. I can't judge really how it went. Barbara said it went well but as it was the last one of three, it was a bit heavier. I got a lot out of doing it but will try and say no in future!!
Friday was my first outing with the people from Willersley House. I thought I ought to go as I will be the treasurer from next month. The rest of the outing are on Wednesdays which are difficult for us. I didn't have to go up there until 1pm. Just as well as I didn't want to breathe beery fumes over them after the quiz night. A successful night there for a change too.
The trip was just to East Park in Hull. I say just but I thoroughly enjoyed it. The coach was provided by PBJ Coaches of Bridlington. The coach was equipped with a lift and Peter, the driver/owner, was very proficient at getting people in and out. There were several staff with the residents and so I was a bit redundant. Still, I enjoyed the ride and then the talk we were given at the Park. We went to the Pavilion Cafe where a room had been set aside for us. Tea and coffee were served and a delicious cream scone then Stuart MacDonald, one of the park keepers, gave us a slide show about the park. The slides were of old post cards he has collected over the years. He was very knowledgeable and quite passionate about things. The talk had to be cut short as we had to get back for tea and loading/unloading plus crossing the city would take a while. I hope to get to see the rest of the talk sometime. When we got back, Ken C. handed over all the papers and books from the accounts. I will present the accounts to the AGM as he is on his holidays!
Saturday, we went and picked up Lisa and, after a call to her bank in Hessle, we went to have a look at some cars. Lisa is looking to replace their car and I wanted to channel Barbara's mind really. We have talked about downsizing but I soon found that she is looking at similar sized vehicles to ours if a little lower (we have a Mazda Premacy). It made me think too. The worse thing was we were offered what seemed a good deal and decided to think it over (too much of a shock really). We talked over lunch and rang to arrange a test drive only for the salesman to ring and say the car had been sold in the interim. Barbara had been a bit shocked by the pittance we had been offered for ours and how much a used, allbeit nearly new, car cost and then by the audacity of the salesman selling the car before she had had a go. I was looking at a bit later in the summer when we have more time so wasn't fazed.
We took Lisa home at 6pm and continued on to see "Wild Hogs" at the cinema. Sadly there were only four of us in the cinema. We enjoyed it. It may have been a bit predictable but there were some unexpected gems in it. We used one of our prize vouchers from the quiz we won at Church a few weeks ago. Still have one to use. What shall we go see? Quite a few "blockbusters" coming up. Trouble is the nights are getting lighter so going to the cinema seems a bit sad!

Thursday, 17 May 2007

Christian Aid Week

Sometimes the Christian Aid collecting makes me feel unChristian thoughts. A straight no would suffice but the old excuse that they haven't had an envelope when you delivered them doesn't wash. Still quite a few nice people had the envelope ready by the door and every little helps those who have nothing. So that's what we did this evening.
Barbara was out at fellowship on Tuesday morning so I got on and did the ironing. I was going to have a go with the laptop but have come to a dead end. I can't get the wireless network set up. It doesn't worry me too much because I can always plug it in to the LAN if I feel the need to communicate. Otherwise, it will just be a workhorse for me when this one is otherwise engaged.
Great day on Tuesday as my first pension payment arrived in my account. A couple of months to get the tax sorted and then I'll see what we have to survive on!
We went across and met Rowan from school. He hadn't had enough with the football practice so we had half an hour in the drive until Amanda arrived and parked her car in the pitch! Just as well because Rowan was starving and wolfed down his tea. I'd love to be a fly on the wall when he is having lunch at school and see what he has. Phil arrived with Kirsten shortly afterwards and the usual noisy hour ensued. Phil and I made our tea while Amanda saw to the kids then she took over while Phil read to Rowan. We had a chat about what we were taking on our hols which are coming up. Barbara made the lists. I'm sure the expedition won't run short of provisions! The shops will be open.
Wednesday was a miserable day so I didn't venture out apart from the school run. It was a case of collecting the kids in the car. Just clicked the mileage over the service level which was good as I had booked it in for it's service this morning. I was up with the lark and had the car at Suds just before 8am so it was finished by 11am so I went and collected it. Barbara again commented that Jordans have lost a sale opportunity moving the servicing away from the car showrooms. I'm sure it makes logistical sense but you are nowhere near the new cars so you don't have a look.

Tuesday, 15 May 2007

Christian Aid Weekend

Saturday was the Christian Aid Humber Bridge Cross. Barbara and I picked up Lisa and we went the car park. Barbara was the one who was sponsored so while she registered in the marquee, Lisa and I took shelter from the downpour that began at 2pm when the walk should have started. The Bishop of Hull decided it might set in and offered a prayer and then set us on our way. We were waiting in case Pauline came but a call assured she wasn't so we set off with Jean R. The rain had stopped and, apart from the spray from the traffic, managed to stay dry. We did the return crossing in about 80 minutes including a couple of stops for a chat and at the Barton end.
Barbara came back and jumped straight in the bath. We were at the City Hall to see the Hull Philharmonic Orchestra concert and she didn't want to stiffen up! The concert was very good. There was a new work "The Lamp of Liberty, op.155" for the Wilberforce celebrations by Anthony Hedges and Beethoven's 9th Symphony. The evening started with Copland's "Fanfare for the Common Man" which made a few people jump at the beginning. We were searching for Brian S. in the Hull Choral Union when I turned round and looked straight at his wife Chris who was sat just behind us with Margaret and Steve S. Coincidences!
Sunday was the Christian Aid service at Church. It was a "Cafe style" service led by Stephen R. followed by a lunch provided by some of the people who attend his Church. We were introduced to them during the service. Coming from Iran, Zimbabwe and Angola, we cannot imagine what they have had to go through and yet some people begrudge them a place in our society. I was involved in the service doing three short dramas with Lesley S. so I was a bit distracted but enjoyed the service and the lunch afterwards. The food was ethnic and delicious. Bob R. made sure that we all contributed a sufficient financial offering to cover the expenses and leave a good sum for Christian Aid.
After lunch, I met with Brenda H. and Pete R. to talk about next weeks service. I'd spent Saturday morning finishing my contribution off but forgot to take it. I have read it through aloud a couple of times and it seems to fit in the 10 minutes. At least, having it finished means I can go back and alter it or alter it on the day on the hoof.
Monday, Barbara was out at a Network Day at Trinity Methodist so I decided to have a go at my laptop. It was a good job she was out in the evening too as it gave me a chance to finish off. A couple of false starts and then, once I had formatted the hard drive, getting all the updates etc for XP and then Microsoft Office followed by the Antivirus and updates. It took ages. Hopefully, whatever was slowing it down has gone. It seems much faster now but then I haven't set up the network yet. Will have to wait for another day out on Barbara's social calendar!

Friday, 11 May 2007

Signed, sealed delivered

I met up with Ken C. on Wednesday and, after going through the books, we went to Willersley House and then to the bank in Willerby to hand in the mandate naming me as the new Honorary Treasurer. I'd taken my passport and an electricity bill to satisfy the ID requirements so everything went smoothly. Ken is going to be on holiday when the homes AGM takes place so I will be presenting the accounts as well as myself. Now there's a novelty!
In the afternoon, we did our shopping and then I decided to wash the car. Sod's Law I suppose, it rained as I was rinsing. My own fault. I should have done the job earlier.
On Thursday, I went to a meeting at the Church about prayer in worship. It was really a part of a worship leaders course but a note in the pew notices had issued an open invitation. It was very interesting but I kept a low profile as a guest. I have already accepted Brenda H.'s request to take part in a service she leads on the 20th and was a bit reluctant but accepted a request by Sue T. to take part in a drama this coming Sunday. I will have to watch out or people will be saying "Oh it's him again" Still the meeting gave me some guidance and ideas on prayer even though I'm not doing any in either services as yet!
As I was leaving the meeting, I met a couple of ladies leaving the Wives Group. They asked what I'd been doing so I said I'd been to a meeting and added that now I was heading for the pub. They didn't believe me until I crossed the road and went in. I was a bit late but in time to join the first round. Maybe I should have waited until the second or third round as we didn't do very well in the quiz. Mind you, it was the questions between 20 and 30 that let us down, the last 10 we did okay on!
Today was Braves Guild. We renewed acquaintance with Terry who used to be our man from the Pru. He came and gave a talk about Ringtons Tea. Didn't taste too bad and their ginger snaps are excellent!
I also solved the problem that would have been Barbara's birthday present. There was a display of garden furniture in Princes Quay and she thought it would suit so I ordered some. She knows what she's getting but at least she wants it!

Wednesday, 9 May 2007

What day is it now?

We have changed our routine this week and so I have not posted for 6 days. Now with the Bank Holiday Monday and a changed childcare routine I am right out of kilter.
Things started okay last Friday as we went to the Braves Guild and were treated to the Royal Accordion Band as entertainment. There was sad news however, Peter had died during the week. He had been under treatment and had not wanted "messing about" if anything untoward happened. Whether it did or not, I'm not sure. He was 90 years old. Very sad though as he was a real gent.
The weekend being the first in the month was coffee morning and prayer breakfast. Jean S was away so I was left in charge of the book stall. The amount of books were getting beyond a joke so when we were still left with eight boxes full after the event, we took some up to Help the Aged in Anlaby. They were very grateful and will make a lot more than the 10/20p we charge per book. The rest of the stalls were much more successful and we continued to make over £100 per month for the Church funds.
On Sunday we went up to the early communion service. Rev. David was on top form. Afterwards he had to go before breakfast. We did fill all twelve chairs that I had put out and had an enjoyable and sharing breakfast. We had to rush away afterwards to make our next engagement so we did the washing up and then came home and got sorted out to go across to PARKs.
Sunday was Mums 81st birthday and Amanda had kindly invited her to join us for the family get together to celebrate Rowan and Kirsten's birthdays. We arrived just before Phil got back with Mum and Mags. Just as well he wasn't long because Kirsten was eager to open the presents that we had been all saving for the event. As usual, the kids had got loads of gifts actually on their birthdays and then these extras. They are quite disappointing if you expect a reaction because they just want to get on to the next item. Luckily we stayed a couple of days and saw Kirsten take her new umbrella to school and show it off to everybody. Both of them played with the Connect 4 game but then they were playing Mum and Dad who enjoyed it too!
The day went very well really. The weather had been forecast to be poor but it stayed fine so we had the barbecue. It wasn't sitting out weather really especially not Mum but there were enough people to be in and out. The sun shone later in the afternoon and we had scooter races down the street. Lisa and Alan had bought a replacement scooter for Rowan as his old one is showing signs of wear. It's even more worn now as Phil, Alan and I raced on it against Rowan on his new one. I'm not as competitive as the other two and managed to just keep pace with him where the other two beat him by several lengths.
Mags went home to see to the dog and then Lisa and Alan walked down to catch a train home. Barbara and Amanda took Mum home while Phil and I sat with the kids. Once they'd gone to bed, the four of us sagged in front of the box.
It was great the next morning, Bank Holiday Monday, just to get ready without the pressure of the school run. Again, we were lucky with the weather really because we had planned a picnic at Cannon Hall near Barnsley and it stayed fine until late in the afternoon so we had a great day. I was very impressed by the Hall and grounds. There isn't too much around Hull where you can go for just a couple of quid car parking and see grounds like those and a museum to boot. There are several around Leeds, Barnsley etc. We had our picnic and played with Rowans new cricket set. The day was only spoilt by dog s..t, of which there was a fair amount. Amanda and I were unlucky enough to step in it.
Tuesday was back to school and back to routine. It was slightly different being a Tuesday. The children went to school as good as gold. I cleaned up a bit and took some bottles and stuff to the tip. Barbara went round to collect Kirsten at lunchtime. Kirsten has found a great new game, jumping on dozing Grandad! I have to be caught unawares but watch out that she or I are not wounded! Tuesday is football practice afternoon so we went for Rowan a bit later and watched the game. More enthusiasm than skill from Rowan. We had tea with everyone and then came home. All in all, a very nice weekend.

Thursday, 3 May 2007

Rant and recycling

Just going to have a public whinge (not that anyone will read it!) about my Lib-Dem candidate for the local elections. I won't even mention her name but the level of "mail" we have received recently has got beyond a joke. I was beginning to wonder whether our paper recycling bin was big enough. Finally, we got a telephone call this evening to remind us to vote. I wasn't rude even though we voted at lunchtime but, in a fit of pique, I wouldn't tell the caller who we had voted for. I just hope she keeps in contact if she gets in. Fat chance!
Mind you, I received my latest free gift from the council this week. Hull CC have told each household they can have a compost bin for nothing. Barbara allowed me to get one. She had the management of a wormery a few years ago and it all went wrong so she was reluctant to get another. Hopefully we can get some compost from this one. It's gone next to the water butt and we've made a start. Barbara doesn't think we will generate enough compostable waste but I think we'll be okay with the veg and fruit peelings and a bit of grass.
Barbaras green credentials are impeccable. For years she sorted our garbage while I was away and took it to the bins. However, plastic bags were still piling up as we'd forget to reuse them. We now have a few bags for life after watching this weeks programme in the BBC Natural World strand about Hawaii. The final scenes with the contents of young Laysan Albatross stomachs was truly horrific. Their parents think anything floating is food and most of it is plastic garbage. The chicks are fed it and then their stomach is so full of plastic they starve to death or at the very least are too weak to fly. What sort of a world are we leaving for our grandkids?
We went across to do our babysitting duties. A momentous week. Kirsten was 4 last Sunday and Rowan is 8 tomorrow, Friday. On top of that, Phil got his new car. The house seemed to be full of cards and gifts for Kirsten. Next week, it will be all Rowans. Expensive week as it's Mums birthday on Sunday.
Finding out more and more about the birdwatching possibilities around PARKs. I should really have a look at a map as I keep turning corners and finding new vistas before me. To be fair, I don't really have that much time as Kirsten is only at nursery from 9am to 11.30am. I can't go off into the wilds in case of emergency. Not fair on Barbara either.