Wednesday, 26 September 2007

Baht 'At

We had a great weekend over at PARKs. An outing to Fairburn Ings on Saturday and Shipley Glen/Ilkley Moor on Sunday. The kids enjoyed the Sunday trip better. A lack of patience means that bird watching is not their gig. We were most impressed by their rock climbing skills on the Cow and Calf at Ilkley tho'. We took a picnic to Shipley and ate it after a hike down to the water and back. Kirsten, in particular, did well as she is the one with the shortest legs! The odd spit of rain didn't deter us and we went round to Ilkley via the scenic route then clambered all over the Cow and Calf.
It was totally different not to have the children's school to worry about. We stayed over until Monday morning but the routine was not changed so we saw them off to school and then had our breakfast before we went and picked up my Mum who were bringing back with us.
We had a full itinerary planned for the visit. It started with a trip to Morrisons to stock up! Monday evening, we went to Hull Truck to see Neville's Island. We also took Audrey from next door. I enjoyed it even though a bird-watching Christian, Roy, was the butt of a lot of the humour. It did have me thinking of answers if I was ever subjected to the same abuse! Audrey really enjoyed it and laughed quite a lot. Barbara admitted afterwards that she didn't care for any of the characters and so couldn't empathise with them.
On Tuesday, Barbara had the fellowship here so I took Mum in to town and to the St Stephens shopping centre. She was quite impressed with the whole thing and very impressed with the Tesco store there. I was pretty impressed too, mostly based on the "ingredients" section. I found a couple of things that I have always had to go to a specialist shop for. If I only go in for Linghams Chilli Sauce, they will have a regular customer!
I think I tired Mum out really. We made our way across to the Art Gallery to have our lunch. Barbara met us at the City Hall. Afterwards, we had a bit more shopping and then caught the bus back home.
We had invited Lisa and Alan round for dinner so I got on with the chopping. I was doing a recipe out of Gordon Ramsays Fast Food cookbook. The cooking is fast but the chopping took longer! Still it was very tasty and the platters were cleared. By the time L&A had gone, we decided to go to bed. Bit early really and we regretted it early in the morning when we woke up!
Mum is out to dinner tonight so we took her home today. The plan was to call in at Junction 32 for a look round. I reckon the shopping the day before and the poor night's sleep had tired Mum out and she declined so we took her straight home. We then called in at PARKs because we left some toiletry bags there on Monday. Amanda was in as she has a couple of days off so we had a cuppa before going to "Las Cas" (Junction 32 also known as Freeport Castleford). We have a couple of holidays booked and the second one to Goa is causing us some concern clothing wise! We both got some stuff this afternoon.
Barbara had to be home to take Lisa and her cat, Bailey, to the vets. It was a repeat visit as Bailey has a scratch on his eye (How did he get that I wonder?). Fortunately, the treatment prescribed is working okay.

Saturday, 22 September 2007

Quintessential evening

Several months ago, I was asked by Mary C. to do some tickets for an event in aid of the Hull Freedom Trail. I put the event in my diary but steered the printing in the direction of Jonathan who is far better qualified than me and directly involved in the project. Well, last night the event took place and it was very good. Unfortunately only just over 30 people attended. Barbara had become involved on the catering side and had worried about it all week but it all went smoothly.
Quintessential are a quintet of singers, two ladies and three gents. They sang songs from the 1500s to last century, motets, madrigals, part-songs, folk songs and songs from the shows. I thoroughly enjoyed it. They had a smile on their faces all the time (difficult not to with some of the material) and kept us entertained for two hours.
Earlier on, Barbara and I had been discussing Fridays because we do Braves Guild every week and are pretty tired by the time we get home. We decided not to become involved on a Friday evening in future. Easier said than done. I found when I checked our diaries that the next three Fridays we have something on.
Barbara is at a meeting at Church this morning. As soon as we get back, we are going over to stay a couple of nights with PARK. A new beginning as it is just a social visit with no babysitting involved. Looking forward to it.

Thursday, 20 September 2007

Magical Mystery Tour

I was able to go out on the last Willersley trip of the year yesterday. It was billed as a mystery tour but we all knew our destination. It was the Country Park Inn on Hessle Foreshore. They did us proud when we got there and even accepted a cheque so I didn't have to shell out my own money! The trip went through a few villages to the west of Hull before we finished up there. The driver was obliging but told us on the trip that he was passing on control of the company at the end of the month. I didn't have the heart to say that we had been considering a cheaper alternative as the trips are a health and safety nightmare for the staff at Willersley and less than half of the residents go out on them. I got soaked because, after our cups of tea, some of the more adventurous went for a walk. I took Christina along the foreshore with a couple of the staff and another lady. I did my tourist bit which Christina found interesting. Unfortunately, as we set off to return, we realised we were racing a rain squall. We didn't make it. Ever the gentleman, I added my kagoul to Christina's coat so she didn't get too wet. I then steamed a bit on the way back.
At lunchtime, I had been Barbara's substitute at the Friendship Club at Church until she got back from fitness class. I then took the car and she walked home. I got the offer of another "job" while I was peeling spuds for the lunch but I don't think it is feasible so will have to politely refuse.
On Tuesday, after Barbara's fellowship, we went out to Pauline's and went for a walk around the village. It was a lovely day and a good walk. Today, I felt I ought to venture back into the garden. My back pain has gone but I have a "sciatic" pain in my left leg. I was very careful and managed to get about two thirds of the remaining roots out and taken to the tip. Don't know when I will get back to the last bit as the gay social whirl continues.

Monday, 17 September 2007

A life on the ocean wave?

People keep asking whether I miss it. Work, that is. Who in their right mind would answer yes. I went for a little cruise this weekend and didn't feel at all nostalgic. Mind you, it was on the "Yorkshire Belle" for a RSPB Shearwater & Skua Cruise. Hardly an ocean passage! It was very enjoyable tho' and well worth the money.
The trip started at 11.15am. I left home at 9am and had a very good trip up to Bridlington. After parking the car, I walked through to the harbour and saw there was quite a queue already. I had booked my place but hadn't yet paid for the ticket. That was no problem as a volunteer was canvassing the queue for people like me. We embarked just before 11am and set off prompt at 1115am. I had got a spot down aft on the port side. I thought I'd made a mistake at first as all the sightings seemed to be on the other side but it evened itself out and the leader aided by the Captain made sure we got to see anything that hung about. We headed for a flock of feeding gannets and the shearwaters and skuas were among them. There was plenty to see for the 3.5hours we were out there. I saw all four skuas on the list and plenty of sooty and a few Manx shearwaters. There were even skeins of pink-footed geese flying over, one of which contained a snow goose, a new bird for me!
We were landed ashore promptly at 14.45. The YB had another trip out at 15.15 and the punters waiting looked a little puzzled at the hordes of birdwatchers swathed in clothing and laden with optics. I suspect that some of them when the boat got out to Flamborough Head would regret not wearing more.
I came straight home as Barbara was on Morley at a Womens Network inauguration ceremony with Ruth BS. She had invited Ruth back for dinner and, although she'd put it in the oven, wanted me to check it out. Ruth's husband, Roger was going to come too but didn't feel to well when he got up so had cancelled. . In the event, Barbara and Ruth were quite late getting out of the ceremony and didn't get home until 7pm. Still, the meal survived and we had a nice chat during and afterwards.
On Friday, the Braves Guild had gone to the Blacksmith's Arms at Coniston to the east of Hull for a meal. We were a little late so most of the members were there. The bus came early and we soon got them in so we arrived at the pub early. Still we all got in before the other customers started arriving and had got our drinks too. There were one or two coming direct so we waited for them and then the meal started. As we were going to be there until 3.30pm, they didn't rush things. The turn was very good. I didn't get his name but he was disabled himself. He sang to very professional backing disks. The return journey was pretty quick and the taxis turned up promptly so we got home by 5.15pm. No need to eat tho' so we just sagged!
Sunday we went up to Church and then went to a picnic. There had been a Breakfast Club and it was their idea I think. The picnic was in Costello at the new Coffee Shop. It is not yet officially opened (that takes place on Saturday the 22nd) but some of the Friends of Peter Pan Park had opened it up for us. The Council have refurbished what was a changing block for the tennis courts. They have made a very good job of it too. I just hope that it doesn't get abused. After the picnic, we walked round to Lisa's for a visit.
Today, I have been reminded that my back is not yet right. I took medication on Saturday but had no ill effects from the driving so didn't bother yesterday. This morning I was very stiff at breakfast. I have been out and done some shopping but that is the sum of my adventures. I suppose I should just keep taking the tablets!

Thursday, 13 September 2007

Champing at the bit

I am still hurting a bit and it is getting me down. I don't do much! but wish I could do more. Barbara was out yesterday carrying on chopping down the bushes and I just had to go and help.She said she would do some more today so I went for a walk so I didn't exacerbate the problem. Didn't really work because I had a couple of quite severe twinges as I was walking. Ironically I went to the doctors to hand in a couple of forms. No point bothering him as I already have tablets. I suppose it will just take time.
Strangely enough, the most comfortable I have felt is where I normally feel the most uncomfortable. We went to the RSPB Hull & District Members Group on Tuesday. The chairs at the United Reform hall aren't the most comfortable but I just got into the right position and felt well supported. I suppose the torpedoes I had been taking helped too. The talk was okay too. It was about Mull and we thought it was going to be a tourist guide at first but it was cleverly done with the journey to the island and then the birds that could be found on the island were portrayed and it finished off with the journey back calling at Staffa and Iona. Barbara and I did the round Mull cruise many moons ago when we were single and on holiday with my Mum and Dad. The talk rekindled some good memories.
That's it, apart from a trip to Sainsburys. We went there for a change and to get a compost caddy that they were giving away free with some compostable bags. As usual, we spent far too much!

Tuesday, 11 September 2007

How did I do that?

I started filling some more bags to take to the tip this morning but came to a grinding halt. I had spasmed my back. The tablets are just beginning to take effect so I can type this. Earlier I was a whimpering wreck trying to get to the toilet! I wouldn't mind if I had done something definite to cause the pain but I didn't. I was just using the secateurs to reduce the clematis. Barbara has been out this lunchtime and has come back raring to go. It goes against the grain but I doubt she'll be deterred.
I had done much worse over the weekend. On Friday, the Hull Braves Guild commenced and we were helping people in and out of cars and buses and into chairs, wheelchairs etc. Not a twinge. Then PARK came across and there was lifting children, mostly Kirsten, without any ill effects. I must have turned wrongly or something. I suppose it's our bodies telling us that they aren't as young as they were.
PARK visited so that Phil and Amanda could visit the Caravan show at the Lawns over the weekend. They wanted a good look round so we took R&K to the Kite Show at Beverley Racecourse. Sod's Law, there wasn't enough wind to get the kites aloft. The rest of the stuff was a bit tatty really. Maybe I am being super critical. Fortunately, we hadn't taken that much money as the children would have cleared us out no matter what the total. We'd planned a bit of a play on the Westwood, then a picnic and then the show but went to the show first instead and had the picnic there then a play on the Westwood. We got home just before P&A.
Lisa and Alan came round for dinner both Saturday and Sunday. They arrived just as I was in the throes on Saturday with their new car. We knew that one was on the way but didn't realise it was quite so close! I didn't really get a chance for a look round either evening as I was getting ready to serve up. Will sneak a look round some time later.
Rowan was in the wars. He'd got a pair of faulty shoes and had a broken blister on his heel as a result. He'd also got a nice scab on his knee from a fall. Over the weekend, he managed to take the scab off both wounds a couple of times and get a knock on his elbow. Didn't want anyone near them for a look tho'.
Kirsten was her usual self. Bossy britches crossed with tantrum queen crossed with sweet little girl. The mind boggles how she will develop over the next few years. She started full time school last Friday. A clever move on the schools part as they got a two day break before they start again Monday. We haven't spoken yet this week to see how the school is coping with Kirsten full time!
Barbara and I went for a walk up to the Doctors to get a form to fill in about the vaccinations we required for next years holiday. We came back via Margaret and Ro's house. Barbara wanted to issue an invitation for them to come here if necessary while their house is being repaired after the floods. Thank goodness we escaped. Their stories and other folks who have been flooded make for very disturbing listening. The insurance companies have been overwhelmed and farmed the task of dealing with the claims out to other companies who are definitely dragging their heels. Their work starts today but will probably carry on intermittently until the end of the year. Meanwhile the whole ground floor is a no go area. They can't get anyone to make a decision about a caravan when they are surrounded by them. I would be tearing my hair out - if I could reach!!

Thursday, 6 September 2007

Rooting about

I glibly said yesterday that I would chop down the forsythia in the back garden and take it to the tip. I used to hate it when people said "It's just a five minute job" because they never are. It has taken me two days to get rid of the forsythia because of the roots. The bush itself was chopped into pieces and put in the recycling bags within an hour. It was the roots that took the time! I did look at hiring a machine to do the job but at over a hundred quid a day, I decided against it. I took a break to go shopping with Barbara this morning but the rest of the day has been chopping. I have been to the tip but the really worrying thing is that there are a couple of other bushes to come out in our redevelopment plans!
On Tuesday, we went out with the local RSPB group. Barbara was undecided until Tuesday morning. As it dawned bright and dry, she decided to come. We went out to Patrington Haven and then to Spurn. There were around twenty of us altogether with several wives. We were treated to a display by a large mixed flock of Knot, Grey Plover and Dunlin. They swirled in the distance and gradually got nearer and landed in the lagoon we were watching. They all took off and swirled and spun then gradually flew away. When they changed direction, it was audible. Very spectacular.
We had to leave early because I had a meeting at Willersley at 4pm. The journey was trouble free so we were early. I dropped Barbara off and went up by myself. The meeting was to organise the Christmas Fayre. Somehow I also got the job of Santa Claus on Christmas Eve! Can't say that retirement is boring!

Monday, 3 September 2007

Not much about

After an unsuccessful evening at the pub quiz, I was ready for a break on Friday. Barbara was meeting up with her sister Pauline so I nipped out to North Cave wetlands. It was too breezy really so the birds were somewhere less open. I went round to the side where the drain is and had a look at the insects instead. Even these are frustrating in their own way. There was one huge dragonfly flitting up and down but it never settled anywhere. I have my ideas what it was but can't be certain. I did manage a good shot of a Red Admiral (see left) and a Speckled Wood (see right). There were lots of the aptly named Common Darters around and other stuff I won't bore you with. It was really a very nice day once I got out of the wind and I thoroughly enjoyed my walk.
Barbara and I relaxed on Friday evening because we had a busy weekend. Saturday morning was coffee morning. Christopher, our new minister had said he would be coming if anyone wanted to meet him. We expected and got a good turn out. I didn't see much really because I spent most of the morning in the photocopier lobby. I was in charge of the notices this week so I did them and helped out Steve with the magazine which was 16 pages so took some time to work through.
After a quick lunch, we went into town to have a look at the maritime and sea shanty festival. Not really my scene but it was good to see the town so busy. We had gone early enough so that we could get to Methodist Central Hall for the welcome service for the new ministers and workers in the three Hull circuits. We slipped in and sat at the back and enjoyed the service and then slipped out when it was finished and caught the bus home.
Sunday was another Church day. Up at 8.30am for the early Communion. The first service of Christopher's tenure. It was very good too with a fair turn out, the majority of whom stayed for breakfast. Steve S. was preaching at the 10.30 service. He'd asked me to say a word or two about Harry's funeral which I did. After a bit of networking, we came home and I made a spot of lunch then we sagged until around 6pm when we got up and went to the evening service to see how Christopher did. Came away feeling inadequate and guilty about my lack of commitment. I don't think I was in a minority either. A very though provoking service.
Today I thought I had better get on with some jobs while the weather was good. I gave the white bits at the front of the house a coat of paint. Then washed the car before sorting out the filing system. Job well done. Barbara went for her hair done and called in at Lisa's who then accompanied her here for lunch and a visit as she had the day off. Lisa was at the doctors so Barbara took her up there before taking her home. I'm going to watch some stuff off the recorder while Barbara is out with her Monday ladies. The Monday ladies go back to monthly get togethers from now so my catching up will be restricted to Thursday before the pub quiz.