Saturday, 10 March 2007

To nap or not to nap?

Barbara and I were rather tired yesterday evening. There wasn't anything on the box and, as energy levels were low, no plans for venturing out. Barbara soon nodded off while I read a couple of magazines. Should I be napping? It's something I have never done. I am one of those people who find it hard to fall asleep anywhere but in bed. I slept relatively well when we went to bed getting about five and a half hours which is good for me. Barbara, on the other hand, was awake three times so the nap was paid for. Still her blood pressue is lower than mine so maybe now I have the opportunity, I should consider a nap.

I don't know why we were so tired, we had had a quiet day. We went to help at the Braves Guild so didn't knock ourselves out. We were late to sleep after discussing the pub quiz and Barbara's wive group meeting subject. The pub quiz went okay. Three of the Plumber's Mates were present and we were ably assisted by Dan. We managed a joint win with some we should have known going missing. The meeting was about recycling. I am toying with the idea of a wormery so I was interested. We had one a few years ago and didn't really manage it very well. I am the composting enthusiast although Barbara always saved cans, tins, papers etc. long before the council supplied the bins. We don't have too much rubbish really. The collection this week didn't take place because the pavement was up and the workmen were in place so the lorry couldn't get down and the operatives would have had to lift the bin over the non-existent pavement. Our bin was only a third full so I reckon we could get it down further if we composted household waste. Strange thing to be talking about at midnight I know but we compare notes on our nights. Maybe we should have slept then the nap question wouldn't have arisen.

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