Monday, 9 July 2007

Another victim

Terrible news on Friday morning when Jenny S rang to tell us that Trevor H had died at 1am. Trevor had just retired in late June and had been forced out of his house by the floods. Trevor and his wife Chris had been staying at his daughters but she had been flooded too so not the best situation. It was a big shock to me. Trevor and I have been comparing notes for quite some time on the run up to retirement. Trevor's' son-in-law, Marcus, asked for help at Church on Sunday to clear the furniture and stuff out of the house this evening. There must have been nearly 20 of us. We got it out so quickly that, when Chris came round to thank us at just after the rendezvous time, most people had gone. I gave her a hug and apologised because Barbara and I won't be at the funeral on Friday as we are on the Hull Braves trip to Skegness!
We went to Braves as usual on Friday after we had left the car at John Roe for recall work. Barbara is still unsure what she can use her bus pass for even though I have been using it on the Park and Ride for a year. There was a pretty good turn out at Braves. I am still learning the names but the trip will help. Went back and picked up the car and tried to spot what they had done to it!
Saturday was Coffee morning. We'd loaded the books on Friday night and were going to drop them off but Blood Donors were in so we took them up first thing and Barbara dropped me off while she went to pick up a lady who was helping. I'd just about got the room ready when she came back. Just took it steady. I was quite surprised by the turn out. I think people are looking for somewhere to go to get out. We made over £110 for the Church Funds.
PARK had been when we got home. They were staying the evening but out for the day with ACMJ. Well, Phil was out with Andy at the Beverley Races and the ladies and children had a trip to the seaside and then a meal out arriving at our place around 8.30pm. Phil came around 10pm after a good day at the races where he more than broke even and told us all about it until Madonna came on Live Earth when he shut up for a while!
Next morning, we went to Church. Steve S was doing the service aided by Brian S who was on his first outing as Worship Leader. They both did very well. Rowan came up with us and went into Sunday Club. He asked to come and seemed to enjoy it. We'll see if he asks for a return visit!
We just mooched in the afternoon. In fact, it was mostly catering. PARK went after tea and we tidied up and then collapsed.
This morning, we got up and went down to Digby Fen in Lincolnshire where a pair of Montagu's Harriers are raising a brood. The RSPB have set up a viewpoint to watch the birds. We got there just after 10am driving in behind a couple from Hull RSPB so we had someone to chat too as well as watch some brilliant birds. The Montagu's performed very well and there were some Marsh Harriers too to keep us busy. We had a bite to eat before setting off home so Barbara could visit Margaret S who is recovering from a treatment at hospital and to see Chris H after Trevor's death. I made tea and left it in the oven for her as I went up to clear the house. I have been round to see Peter and Jean W on the way back. They don't get up to Church much and I walked back with Ian, their son, from Trevor's home. Peter is pretty hard of hearing. His hearing aid makes his tinnitus worse so he doesn't wear it. Thus I mostly spoke to Jean and then had a shout with Peter afterwards!

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