Monday, 30 July 2007

Clippers dipped

Went to Church yesterday morning. It was Rev. David's last "normal" service before his farewell next week. He preached the perfect sermon to leave on. A rallying cry really and we need to act on it. It always seems strange when the ministers have to move on in Methodism. However, after years of solo Christianity, I am just pleased to be worshipping in a congregation all the time.
After lunch, Barbara and I went round to see how Lisa and Alan were getting on and lend a hand. The fence building was coming along very well indeed. I made a trip to the recycling centre and then did a bit of this and a bit of that. It was almost to hot to work. Barbara had started weeding a bed and it was in full sunlight. I joined her and we soon gave up. Shouldn't complain.
We knocked off after 5pm and got changed and went from Lisa's' to the Humber Bridge. The Hull & Humber Clipper and her sister yachts were leaving Hull Marina and were supposedly coming up to the Humber Bridge before sailing downriver and out to Gosport. Well, we, and a lot of other people waited and waited and waited. The clippers came out and the other 9 milled about off St Andrews Dock while the H&H went swanning downriver accompanied by a tug in full fire-fighting mode. Very impressive through our binoculars but not close enough. By the time we realised that they weren't coming up to us, it was too late to go into the city. Another well planned Hull event!!!!
Barbara spent the first half hour this morning trying to find an email address where she could complain to. Probably because I was in "well if I was away at sea I would have missed it" mode, I wasn't as bothered. Anyhow, the Safeclean man came to clean our dining room carpet so I had him to talk to to keep me distracted. He did an excellent job. We had to wait a while for it to dry off so I went and got on with cleaning one of the dining room chairs. I got it sorted out and it doesn't look too bad. The jury is out on whether we will be getting a new dining room suite. We went down to DFS Dining Room Centre (would put a link but they don't have a site for the dining room furniture!) and had a look at some of the suites. There were a couple of the more "traditional" types that would suit us but they seem a bit big. Maybe the guy didn't measure them correctly. I should have taken my own tape.
Just moved the computer desk back in and thought I would do this before I got on with the rest of the stuff. The connection seems okay and the view is better from the dining room.

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