Barbara and I went up to Seahouses in Northumberland over the weekend. We set off on Friday morning after a couple of errands so we didn't arrive up there until mid-afternoon. As it was, we were too early to check in so we left the car at the hotel and walked down to the harbour to have a look round. The weather had been mixed on the journey but we saw the town in it's best light as the weather turned bright and sunny once we'd got into the area. Our plan was to book for the trip and join the National Trust. We did neither. The kiosk was closed for the boat and the lady in the National Trust office suggested that we joined at the pier as it was cheaper but, when we got there, the cupboard was bare too. We had an exploration and then walked back up to the hotel.
When we'd checked in, I went to get the bags and watched another couple parking. I did the talking to strangers bit that embarrasses the hell out of our dottir and found that they had also driven up from Hull that day. I took the stuff up and told Barbara and then we unpacked and got sorted out. We had booked a table in the restaurant for that evening so we got cleaned up and then went down for a drink before dinner. After the meal, we went for a short walk around the area behind the hotel. When we returned to the hotel, Barbara had a coffee and we talked to the couple from Hull, John and Linda. They were planning the same sort of weekend as us.
The next morning, the restaurant was full with people who we saw later on the Farnes. The service was pretty swift and we were able to walk down to the harbour (about 15 minutes). En route, we went into the for a sandwich from Trotters Bakers (excellent). I walked on ahead and went to the boat kiosk. We went on the bird watching trip with Billy Shiels. I then went along and joined the National Trust. It is over a fiver to land on each island and the birdwatching trip takes you to Staple Island and Inner Farne so we got over £20 off the membership plus another 20% for paying direct debit.
There were lots of people for the birdwatching trip so there were two boats. We had met up with John and Linda and were in the queue together. We were just at the end of the first boat which looked a bit crowded so said we were together and got to be first onto the second boat. We went out and around several of the islands looking at the birds in the water and on the cliffs plus the seals. I thought that bit was worth the money and then we were landed on Staple Island. Landing is only permitted from 10.30am hence the tour around. There was a bit of a bottleneck as people were paying to land and also looking at the Puffin on the left which was within a metre of the pathway with a mouthful of sand eel. Just behind it was a Shag on the nest. There were a bunch of photographers with thousand of pounds worth of bodies and lenses between them and the poor little Puffin that was trying to get into a burrow near the path was immortalised on hundreds of digital photographs. I took my share and then squeezed past to see what else there was. It was really amazing there were Puffins all over the place and around the edge of the island were Kittiwakes, Shags, Guillemots and Razorbills. There was also the odd Fulmar including one on a nest that was accessible and was soon surrounded by us lot clicking away. There were also the predators in the shape of the Black Headed, Herring and Lesser Black Backed Gulls. I never saw any Greater Black Backed but I'd guess there were a few about.
We had two hours on Staple and then we made the short trip across to Inner Farne where there were all of the above plus the Terns. There were one or two Terns on Staple but on Inner Farne, the Arctic Terns ( see left) are nesting right next to the path and they do not like anyone walking close to their chicks and eggs. They come up to the posts to protest and then fly up and attack your head. The advice is to wear hats and Barbara and I soon found out why. We were both pecked several times as we walked through the colony. The Common (see right) and Sandwich Terns nest further away from the path and so don't get disturbed. We also saw a Roseate Tern flying round but I wasn't able to get a photo as we couldn't see where it landed. The weather was a bit drizzly in the afternoon but there were plenty of birds and they were so close that binoculars and telescopes were not needed. The two hours were soon over and we boarded our boat and went back to harbour. John and Linda offered us a lift up to the hotel which we accepted and we joined them later for a drink and a meal and then a walk down into town to walk off the meal!
On Sunday, we had planned to go to Holy Island and have a walk round the Lindisfarne Nature Reserve. As you have to cross a tidal causeway to get over to the island, we had to wait until 12.45pm. We went into Seahouses for a sandwich and a walk round then up to Bamburgh and stopped just south of the castle. We set off for a walk along the dunes and then I spotted a Stonechat on a bush. I went back for my paraphernalia but the Stonechat didn't oblige. However, there was consolation in the shape of a very friendly Linnet (picture right). There were lots of other birds flitting round so I was happy as Larry while Barbara read the newspaper she had bought for just such an eventuality.We drove up to Holy Island and just got to the causeway after it had opened. We went and parked in the main car park and had our sandwiches then set off to walk around the nature reserve. Almost exactly halfway round, it started to rain. Fortunately, we were close to the Lough which has the only shelter around in the shape of a bird hide. We went in and watched the antics of Sedge Warbler and Reed Bunting. The poor bedraggled Swallow on the left had a nest in the hide we realised and sat there patiently waiting for us to move on. We did eventually but other people were coming and going so it kept diving in and out when we were all still. The rain had stopped when we set off but, within minutes, it started again. We got soaked. There was no escape and no shelter. We got back to the car and drove back to Seahouses to find that it had been dry there. Ah, such is life. As we were wet, we didn't venture out again until after dinner. We went for a walk around another area of Seahouses. Back at the hotel, we joined John and Linda for a coffee and talked over the day.
The next morning, we were going to go to Alnwick Gardens but the weather was blustery and cool so we decided to head home. Good job we did as we wouldn't have got home if we hadn't. See my previous post.
Thursday, 28 June 2007
Tuesday, 26 June 2007
The water's getting closer
First of all, apologies to anyone not from around Hull!
We got back from a weekend away(more of that later) to find the water level around the house was getting higher and higher. Just getting here was a major achievement. We drove down from Northumberland and the rain started as we were passing through Teeside. It got worse as we came South. We stopped off at York for a bite to eat and to do some shopping and realised how much it was raining as we got out of the car. However, it was when we carried on our journey that we knew we were in for a struggle.
First of all, the main road into Hull, the A63, was closed. Then as we were heading down the A1079, we heard that Market Weighton had been closed off and the A1079 through Bishop Burton was flooded. That meant another approach to Hull was closed. We were able to go around the Market Weighton bypass but the water flowing down the A1079 and the A1034 had meant the road into MW was closed.
We ventured against the flow of water along the A1034. We went off through North Newbald and over the hills via Little Weighton and Skidby. The bottom of Little Weighton hill was awash and there was a steady flow into Skidby as well. We headed towards Willerby but found the road closed so did a turn and went through Cottingham towards Priory Road. We found the traffic on their nose to tail but moving slowly. The water was pretty high along the section through the fields easing off as we got towards Willerby Road. That was closed at the bottom of Spring Bank making Priory Road even busier. From there, we headed for home only to find the Avenue closed so we turned round again and went back up to come down Spring Gardens. The top of there was flooded but not as bad as Priory Road so we came through slowly and the rest was clear until we got to the Avenue. However, there was only a sheen up to where we turned into our road.
Unfortunately, that sheen got heavier! The water started pooling in front of the house and, by the time it had stopped raining at around 9pm, was up to the garden wall and reading to start on the drive. Strangely enough, the water level in the back garden had already started to drop by then. It had been halfway up when we arrived home but, as the amount of rain lessened, the level fell. We had a lucky escape. We watched the level at the front for an hour or so and then went to bed hoping no more rain would fall. Apparently there was over 100mm of rain yesterday.
This morning, the level had fallen slightly and I waded into the garage to retrieve our Wellington boots. I walked along to the Avenue and took this photo. The water has been very slow to go. At 4pm, it has just about cleared our road but there is still quite a lot in the Avenue and the next roads along.
Several houses in the Avenue have been flooded and some further around our road too. Barbara has been speaking to our friends as lots of arrangements were cancelled and there are numerous tales of woe. At least 10 of them have had some water ingress. All across the City there are people flooded out, cars abandoned, schools and businesses closed. The size of the problem is only to be guessed at. Most people have not been able to get help from the emergency services or council. They were at full stretch saving life and limb. Unfortunately, they couldn't save the life of one young chap close by who suffered a nightmare death as the water rose around him. It doesn't bear thinking about.
We took the advice of the emergency services and didn't travel to PARKs. I suspect the main roads are getting back to normal but it would be foolhardy to leave the house with more rain forecast. Although what the hell we could do is questionable.
Thursday, 21 June 2007
What to wear!
It's pub quiz night and I have been in shorts and T shirt all day. Now do I venture out like that and get soaked? Is a puzzlement. I managed to get away with it at PARKs. In fact, I even caught a bit of sun as I played football in the drive. The rain only came on Tuesday evening. We were sat watching the box when the fireworks started. The thunder and lightning were quite spectacular from PARKs window. They weren't as spectacular when we were trying to sleep at 3 in the morning.
Our new jalopy performed very well on the run across to Leeds and back. Any lingering worries about motorway performance were blown away. I drove there and concentrated on maintaining a steady average to see how the fuel went. Barbara drove back and had to be restrained a couple of times when she was dragged along behind some speed merchant. I went to top up the tank today and reckon we averaged 45mpg which isn't bad over three days. We'll see how we go this weekend.
We are going up to Seahouses for a couple of days with the intention of going out to the Farne Islands. As usual, the weather is unsettled when we get the bags out. I reckon that we ought to be paid to take our holidays abroad by the British tourist industry. Whenever we plan something the weather takes a nosedive. Have we packed the right sort of clothes. Only time will tell.
Our new jalopy performed very well on the run across to Leeds and back. Any lingering worries about motorway performance were blown away. I drove there and concentrated on maintaining a steady average to see how the fuel went. Barbara drove back and had to be restrained a couple of times when she was dragged along behind some speed merchant. I went to top up the tank today and reckon we averaged 45mpg which isn't bad over three days. We'll see how we go this weekend.
We are going up to Seahouses for a couple of days with the intention of going out to the Farne Islands. As usual, the weather is unsettled when we get the bags out. I reckon that we ought to be paid to take our holidays abroad by the British tourist industry. Whenever we plan something the weather takes a nosedive. Have we packed the right sort of clothes. Only time will tell.
Monday, 18 June 2007
Father's day
Father's Day didn't start that well. My metabolism did it's fast burn. Serves me right for eating late! Penalty of old age I guess. I tried to sleep in but the kids were up and around so I eventually got up and joined the rest of the family. In fact, I prepared the afternoon meal and put some bacon in the oven for our brunch sandwich. Rowan and Kirsten had been fed so we all got ready and then I got to open my present. It was a cookery book from Gordon Ramsay. I am going to have to ignore dietary restrictions and start attacking these recipes. They are pretty straightforward and sound very appealing. Don't know how Rowan and Kirsten will get on with them though. I made a huge cottage pie for tea and they "didn't like it". That's after eating a Sainsbury mince meat pie earlier this week.
After our bacon sandwiches, we decided to risk the weather and go for a walk on the Humber Bridge. A bit foolhardy I suppose but the weather was kind. Barbara and Amanda gave up when we were halfway across and went to do some shopping. Rowan and Kirsten completed the crossing and then realised they had to go all the way back. I'm sure Kirsten thought that Mum had gone for the car to rendezvous at the other side! Still she made it all the way back with only one short carry.
Lisa and Alan came later on while we were sat in the garden. They bought me a bird feeding station. Dunno if any birds will ever feed at it but it looks excellent. The local cats are licking their lips already. I assembled it and then got on with tea. Park and Lisa and Alan left shortly afterwards leaving Barbara and I to sag. In fact, I posted last night and then went round the garden on a snail hunt.
Today, I did a bit of trimming in the garden and then took the trimmings down to the tip. Our recycling bin hadn't been collected on Friday so I thought I would empty it too. I took some from next door too. The Wiltshire Road site is very impressive but they must have a surplus of their compost bags because I got another two put in the boot while I was elsewhere.
This afternoon, I popped up to Willersley House to do my treasurers duties. I was given some money to pay in and took some money for the petty cash. Luckily I read the cheques I was given before I paid them in. One was a "cheque" drawn on the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF). I pointed it out to Gillian and Brenda and they hadn't seen one before either. I just hope I have dealt with it correctly. I paid the rest into the bank. Then came home and did the accounts. Should have done a bit of ironing for Barbara this evening while she is out but watched a film I had recorded instead. Lazy sod!!
After our bacon sandwiches, we decided to risk the weather and go for a walk on the Humber Bridge. A bit foolhardy I suppose but the weather was kind. Barbara and Amanda gave up when we were halfway across and went to do some shopping. Rowan and Kirsten completed the crossing and then realised they had to go all the way back. I'm sure Kirsten thought that Mum had gone for the car to rendezvous at the other side! Still she made it all the way back with only one short carry.
Lisa and Alan came later on while we were sat in the garden. They bought me a bird feeding station. Dunno if any birds will ever feed at it but it looks excellent. The local cats are licking their lips already. I assembled it and then got on with tea. Park and Lisa and Alan left shortly afterwards leaving Barbara and I to sag. In fact, I posted last night and then went round the garden on a snail hunt.
Today, I did a bit of trimming in the garden and then took the trimmings down to the tip. Our recycling bin hadn't been collected on Friday so I thought I would empty it too. I took some from next door too. The Wiltshire Road site is very impressive but they must have a surplus of their compost bags because I got another two put in the boot while I was elsewhere.
This afternoon, I popped up to Willersley House to do my treasurers duties. I was given some money to pay in and took some money for the petty cash. Luckily I read the cheques I was given before I paid them in. One was a "cheque" drawn on the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF). I pointed it out to Gillian and Brenda and they hadn't seen one before either. I just hope I have dealt with it correctly. I paid the rest into the bank. Then came home and did the accounts. Should have done a bit of ironing for Barbara this evening while she is out but watched a film I had recorded instead. Lazy sod!!
Sunday, 17 June 2007
Been reading Genesis 6. Noah had the right idea!
I have been in some torrential downpours around the world but the one on Friday morning must rank among the worst I have seen. It really hammered down. I regret not taking any photos but, at the time, all I was thinking about was how we were going to get to places. We had committed to picking up the new car on Friday morning. We got all our stuff together and got the old car out and ventured out. Our back garden had quite a lot of standing water but the Avenue was horrendous. A car preceded us and we wondered if he was going to make it. We went very slowly because a bow wave could have caused flooding in some of the properties. On the main roads it was still bad but there wasn't as much standing water.
We got to the garage and did the car exchange. However, our main concern was getting about so we took the car about 200 metres to the park and ride and left it there and went into the town. We went to Hull Braves Guild where people had tales to tell of problems getting into town. The "turn" hadn't managed to make it so Barbara G. asked Roy if he would do his karaoke. He didn't do too bad at short notice but don't tell him I said so! Poor Wendy went out and had her purse stolen. She was going on holiday on Saturday morning. Just when you think things are pretty low, other peoples problems show you that you are on top of the world.
We went back and picked up the car and drove it to Sainsburys and then home. I had a bit of a to-do with the Smart key entry when we got back. It kept beeping at me instead of locking. It took me a while to realise that Barbara had left her keys inside.
We were meant to be playing host to Amanda and Kirsten while Philip and Rowan went caravanning with Andy and Matthew. The weather put paid to that. The site was waterlogged, Andy couldn't get near his house with the car because of flooding, his wife's car had a duff alternator and his garage was flooded. It was decided to call the weekend off. So we had all four of them to stay with us. We had the catering capability and got on with tea. P&A were watching the "talent?" show so I got out of the way later on and prepared for Saturday morning.
I had signed up for a spell of prayer at the prayer day we were having at Church. It was just what I needed. I got up and had some breakfast and then walked up to Church. I had said I would lead the communal prayer at 9am and then do the half hour prayer in the vestry at 9.30am. My intention was to leave then but I went and joined the people for what I thought was the communal prayer at 10am. Instead it was a testimony from WL. Again, I can't say just how much it refreshed my "batteries"
When I got home, everyone was ready and we walked round to Lisa's and she walked home with us. There was a shower as we got into the avenue so we all got wet but it stopped shortly afterward. After lunch, PARK went out to meet ACMJ at Big Fun a local kids activity centre. I took Lisa out for a short ride in the new car rather than sit at home.
We were going out with Pauline and Alan at the start of the celebrations for Barbara's birthday. We went to Saffron restaurant where we had our usual excellent evening. The food is excellent and we had the Chilean Merlot that we have always had. It goes down a treat. We got back just as Lisa and Alan were leaving. They had joined Phil and Amanda for a takeaway. I was replete and, once Pauline and Alan left, headed for bed. Barbara came up a bit later and removed the book I was trying to read and switch off my light!!
We got to the garage and did the car exchange. However, our main concern was getting about so we took the car about 200 metres to the park and ride and left it there and went into the town. We went to Hull Braves Guild where people had tales to tell of problems getting into town. The "turn" hadn't managed to make it so Barbara G. asked Roy if he would do his karaoke. He didn't do too bad at short notice but don't tell him I said so! Poor Wendy went out and had her purse stolen. She was going on holiday on Saturday morning. Just when you think things are pretty low, other peoples problems show you that you are on top of the world.
We went back and picked up the car and drove it to Sainsburys and then home. I had a bit of a to-do with the Smart key entry when we got back. It kept beeping at me instead of locking. It took me a while to realise that Barbara had left her keys inside.
We were meant to be playing host to Amanda and Kirsten while Philip and Rowan went caravanning with Andy and Matthew. The weather put paid to that. The site was waterlogged, Andy couldn't get near his house with the car because of flooding, his wife's car had a duff alternator and his garage was flooded. It was decided to call the weekend off. So we had all four of them to stay with us. We had the catering capability and got on with tea. P&A were watching the "talent?" show so I got out of the way later on and prepared for Saturday morning.
I had signed up for a spell of prayer at the prayer day we were having at Church. It was just what I needed. I got up and had some breakfast and then walked up to Church. I had said I would lead the communal prayer at 9am and then do the half hour prayer in the vestry at 9.30am. My intention was to leave then but I went and joined the people for what I thought was the communal prayer at 10am. Instead it was a testimony from WL. Again, I can't say just how much it refreshed my "batteries"
When I got home, everyone was ready and we walked round to Lisa's and she walked home with us. There was a shower as we got into the avenue so we all got wet but it stopped shortly afterward. After lunch, PARK went out to meet ACMJ at Big Fun a local kids activity centre. I took Lisa out for a short ride in the new car rather than sit at home.
We were going out with Pauline and Alan at the start of the celebrations for Barbara's birthday. We went to Saffron restaurant where we had our usual excellent evening. The food is excellent and we had the Chilean Merlot that we have always had. It goes down a treat. We got back just as Lisa and Alan were leaving. They had joined Phil and Amanda for a takeaway. I was replete and, once Pauline and Alan left, headed for bed. Barbara came up a bit later and removed the book I was trying to read and switch off my light!!
Thursday, 14 June 2007
No need to water now!
It was supposed to be Rowans sports day on Tuesday but we got a message from Amanda to tell us it had been put off until Wednesday as it rained most of Tuesday early morning. Sod's Law, it was fine here and didn't start to rain until we were about to set off to pick up Rowan at the normal time. We got across there and it was fine and dry so the sports day could have gone ahead. In the event, Wednesday's forecast was poor too so the new date has been set for next Thursday.
I think I have turned the weather. I put up the fly screens at the patio and back door. Always tempting fate. Monday was a day for little chores. I did odds and sods around the house and garden. Barbara had been to the hairdressers in the morning so I popped down and saw Kevin in the afternoon for a tidy up.
It's well into walking season and Barbara's group were going to the North Cave nature reserve so I asked if there was room in the car for me to tag along. I enjoyed it but I won't bother again. The boundary path isn't that far and the group of ladies went at it at a great pace. I prefer a more leisurely approach examining the surrounding area and seeing what's about. We went down to North Cave afterwards and caught the landlady out. Twenty or so shandies and tonics etc take a while and she had a darts match in the other bar and was by herself. I must say she coped well and didn't lose it.
On Tuesday, while the feloowship was here, I went down to the garage and had a look at the new car. They had brought it across on Monday and will service it and valet it before we pick it up tomorrow. It looked okay and should scrub up well!
On Wednesday, I arranged to meet Derek, my brother, for lunch. I wanted to do a bit of shopping by myself in preparation for Barbara's birthday. I haven't really got any inspirational ideas as yet. I caught the train into Leeds from Woodlesford. I must say I was pleasantly surprised by the fare. It was on £1.70 return. It's on five minutes to the stations from PARKs so pretty convenient. I got in fairly early and then Derek was delayed. Still we met up eventually and had about 80 minutes to chat. I feel a bit guilty really as I have only seen him once since I retired. Still he has had a radical change of life recently and has plunged into it with enthusiasm.
It really has been miserable today. Still, the water butt is awash and everything has greened up. No need to go round with the watering can either. We have been shopping for food and then Barbara went shopping for clothes in Hessle while I caught up with correspondence. She came back for lunch and then we both went into Hull so we could visit the building society and then trailed around the shops again. At least the Hessle visit had been productive because the Hull one wasn't!
I think I have turned the weather. I put up the fly screens at the patio and back door. Always tempting fate. Monday was a day for little chores. I did odds and sods around the house and garden. Barbara had been to the hairdressers in the morning so I popped down and saw Kevin in the afternoon for a tidy up.
It's well into walking season and Barbara's group were going to the North Cave nature reserve so I asked if there was room in the car for me to tag along. I enjoyed it but I won't bother again. The boundary path isn't that far and the group of ladies went at it at a great pace. I prefer a more leisurely approach examining the surrounding area and seeing what's about. We went down to North Cave afterwards and caught the landlady out. Twenty or so shandies and tonics etc take a while and she had a darts match in the other bar and was by herself. I must say she coped well and didn't lose it.
On Tuesday, while the feloowship was here, I went down to the garage and had a look at the new car. They had brought it across on Monday and will service it and valet it before we pick it up tomorrow. It looked okay and should scrub up well!
On Wednesday, I arranged to meet Derek, my brother, for lunch. I wanted to do a bit of shopping by myself in preparation for Barbara's birthday. I haven't really got any inspirational ideas as yet. I caught the train into Leeds from Woodlesford. I must say I was pleasantly surprised by the fare. It was on £1.70 return. It's on five minutes to the stations from PARKs so pretty convenient. I got in fairly early and then Derek was delayed. Still we met up eventually and had about 80 minutes to chat. I feel a bit guilty really as I have only seen him once since I retired. Still he has had a radical change of life recently and has plunged into it with enthusiasm.
It really has been miserable today. Still, the water butt is awash and everything has greened up. No need to go round with the watering can either. We have been shopping for food and then Barbara went shopping for clothes in Hessle while I caught up with correspondence. She came back for lunch and then we both went into Hull so we could visit the building society and then trailed around the shops again. At least the Hessle visit had been productive because the Hull one wasn't!
Sunday, 10 June 2007
Washing up
So far I haven't really been too involved at Braves Guild. Everyone knows what they are doing and I have been surplus to requirements. Hence, I often finish up washing up. That is all going to change next week because we learned that Gordon, the stalwart among the assistants, is going to go back to work. He is only 53 and drawing a police pension so has had a few years off since he lost his wife. Now he is starting work again. It puts the average age of the helpers up in to the seventies somewhere. After all, we are going to the celebration for Gladys' 90 birthday at the end of the month!.
We went into town early on Friday to have a look at the Springwatch event that was organised in the town centre. It was all very professional but they were preaching to the converted really as I am a member of the RSPB and am very interested in the environment etc. Still I filled in the quiz at the BBC Breathing Places stand and got some wildflower seeds for Lisa. I picked up a few events folders and got a "bag for life" from the Environment Agency (there was a bit of a feeding frenzy here) It was just as well we had to go to Braves Guild.
After BG, we had to get our skates on as we were helping at Willerby Methodist Church. They were having a Lay Witness weekend and we were, yes you've guessed, washing up. In fact we were serving the food and then washing up. We did it both Friday and Saturday dinner. It was very enjoyable really. Sue and Phil T., Val F. and then Jean R. on Friday and Marj. F. on Saturday. The Willerby ladies were too sure about relinquishing the serving hatch on Friday but they soon saw we were professionals! and let us take over while they joined the rest of the congregation. It was Shepherds Pie on Friday and there was loads left even after seconds so we ate there. Saturday, there weren't any vegetables left to go with the chicken so we came home and had a takeaway. Big mistake as our metabolisms went haywire and we both had crap nights. I persevered and stayed in bed but Barbara was up making tea and reading and then prepared her study for her Tuesday morning fellowship.
On Saturday morning, we continued our car hunt. I suggested we went and had a look at the Toyota Yaris. Barbara said she didn't much like the front. However, when we went and had a good look and a sit in the car and examined the features, she fell for it. We went out for a test drive which went very well so we have bought one. It's second hand and at another garage in the group so we have to go see it when it arrives. Then it was the long business of the business. When did the old hand shake and drive the car away stop?
On the way home, we called in to see Lisa. She was awaiting the delivery of some stones for the front garden. The lorry came while we were there so we had a cuppa and watched the driver work the crane. It was excellent really as he positioned the bag of stones over the middle of the garden and then split the bottom so they piled neatly in the middle of the garden. There were some on a palette and he put those in the drive. I put them on the garden so he took the palettes away as well as the empty bag.
Today we have been up to Church. An excellent service taken by Leslie Stephenson. The weather had confounded the predictions of the forecasters and was excellent so we came home and grabbed a sandwich before we went up to Top Hill Low. A Great Egret has been there since the 5th. I haven't seen one in the UK so we went up there for a look. Amazingly, it was still there when we got there and giving good views. There was even a seat for Barbara and I in the hide although it filled up again shortly afterwards. My photos even turned out pretty well. We had a walk round the other hides and saw a turtle dove from one of them but not much really exceptional. Mind you, all birds are exceptional so we had a sit and look at quite a few others. Barbara is concerned that she may have been bitten as there were lots of greenfly with a few mosquitoes among them. They flooded into the car so that I am sure there will be a few dead bodies to pass on the new owners!
We went into town early on Friday to have a look at the Springwatch event that was organised in the town centre. It was all very professional but they were preaching to the converted really as I am a member of the RSPB and am very interested in the environment etc. Still I filled in the quiz at the BBC Breathing Places stand and got some wildflower seeds for Lisa. I picked up a few events folders and got a "bag for life" from the Environment Agency (there was a bit of a feeding frenzy here) It was just as well we had to go to Braves Guild.
After BG, we had to get our skates on as we were helping at Willerby Methodist Church. They were having a Lay Witness weekend and we were, yes you've guessed, washing up. In fact we were serving the food and then washing up. We did it both Friday and Saturday dinner. It was very enjoyable really. Sue and Phil T., Val F. and then Jean R. on Friday and Marj. F. on Saturday. The Willerby ladies were too sure about relinquishing the serving hatch on Friday but they soon saw we were professionals! and let us take over while they joined the rest of the congregation. It was Shepherds Pie on Friday and there was loads left even after seconds so we ate there. Saturday, there weren't any vegetables left to go with the chicken so we came home and had a takeaway. Big mistake as our metabolisms went haywire and we both had crap nights. I persevered and stayed in bed but Barbara was up making tea and reading and then prepared her study for her Tuesday morning fellowship.
On Saturday morning, we continued our car hunt. I suggested we went and had a look at the Toyota Yaris. Barbara said she didn't much like the front. However, when we went and had a good look and a sit in the car and examined the features, she fell for it. We went out for a test drive which went very well so we have bought one. It's second hand and at another garage in the group so we have to go see it when it arrives. Then it was the long business of the business. When did the old hand shake and drive the car away stop?
On the way home, we called in to see Lisa. She was awaiting the delivery of some stones for the front garden. The lorry came while we were there so we had a cuppa and watched the driver work the crane. It was excellent really as he positioned the bag of stones over the middle of the garden and then split the bottom so they piled neatly in the middle of the garden. There were some on a palette and he put those in the drive. I put them on the garden so he took the palettes away as well as the empty bag.
Today we have been up to Church. An excellent service taken by Leslie Stephenson. The weather had confounded the predictions of the forecasters and was excellent so we came home and grabbed a sandwich before we went up to Top Hill Low. A Great Egret has been there since the 5th. I haven't seen one in the UK so we went up there for a look. Amazingly, it was still there when we got there and giving good views. There was even a seat for Barbara and I in the hide although it filled up again shortly afterwards. My photos even turned out pretty well. We had a walk round the other hides and saw a turtle dove from one of them but not much really exceptional. Mind you, all birds are exceptional so we had a sit and look at quite a few others. Barbara is concerned that she may have been bitten as there were lots of greenfly with a few mosquitoes among them. They flooded into the car so that I am sure there will be a few dead bodies to pass on the new owners!
Thursday, 7 June 2007
Sleeping alone
I am now officially the treasurer of the amenity fund at WH. I attended the AGM on Tuesday night and gave the treasurer's report because Ken C. was on holiday (will have to check he hasn't absconded with the funds!) As Barbara had the car, I walked up there. It only took 45 minutes and I felt a lot better for it. Meant I was a bit warm by the time I arrived but I had time to cool off outside before the meeting. The meeting was straightforward and no questions for the treasurer! Afterwards there was tea and cake. I chatted to Jean R. Her mum is a resident and doing alright at 90+. Afterwards, Jean gave me a lift down to the Church where there was a meeting about our future strategy. It was lead by Rev'd Peter Pillinger from Leeds who gave a dispassionate outsiders view and is coming back in a couple of weeks. We'd missed most of the presentation but got the gist.
Afterwards, I returned to my lonely bed. Strangely enough, I haven't spent much time here by myself. Barbara only rarely did night duties when she was "banking" at BUPA. I didn't sleep that well really which surprised me.
I was up early Wednesday and got on with the jobs I had planned. Barbara rang after the school run and I was well into staining the garden furniture by then. A couple of coats on the furniture, the patio cleaned and patio wall painted meant I had bit of a aching back so I had a bath before Barbara came home. R&K rang to let me know she was on the way so I had a little chat to them and Phil.
Today, we have been shopping. Went to Morrisons this morning and then have been out looking at cars. We had almost decided on one and then we had to sit around while they "discussed" what to give us for ours and what to add on to the bill. It sort of took the edge off so we might go back to one that we first had a test drive in. There is an awful lot of money at stake really. I suppose we could keep the one we have now as it's going okay. I was talking to my brother-in-law Alan the other day and he was saying that once he'd bought his new car, he had the best nights sleep he'd had for ages. I know what he means!
Afterwards, I returned to my lonely bed. Strangely enough, I haven't spent much time here by myself. Barbara only rarely did night duties when she was "banking" at BUPA. I didn't sleep that well really which surprised me.
I was up early Wednesday and got on with the jobs I had planned. Barbara rang after the school run and I was well into staining the garden furniture by then. A couple of coats on the furniture, the patio cleaned and patio wall painted meant I had bit of a aching back so I had a bath before Barbara came home. R&K rang to let me know she was on the way so I had a little chat to them and Phil.
Today, we have been shopping. Went to Morrisons this morning and then have been out looking at cars. We had almost decided on one and then we had to sit around while they "discussed" what to give us for ours and what to add on to the bill. It sort of took the edge off so we might go back to one that we first had a test drive in. There is an awful lot of money at stake really. I suppose we could keep the one we have now as it's going okay. I was talking to my brother-in-law Alan the other day and he was saying that once he'd bought his new car, he had the best nights sleep he'd had for ages. I know what he means!
Tuesday, 5 June 2007
Who put the lights out?
It was all back to normal on Saturday. We'd arrived back in time to do the coffee morning. No chance of a sleep in. Barbara was up on laundry duty and we were out and up at Church by 8.45am. There wasn't as good a turn out as normal but we still managed to make nearly £86. Jean S. was away so I was in charge of the bookstall. Sad git that I am, I arranged all the books into alphabetical order. Didn't sell any more but it gave me something to do!
Saturday afternoon was spent at the supermarket stocking up and then we sagged and had a quiet evening. No sleep in again on Sunday as it was early communion and prayer breakfast. Again there were less than usual but Rev. David was preaching at our morning service so we had a good prayer session before everyone went off to prepare for the family service. Rev. David wore three separate outfits in a bid to illustrate the Trinity concept. Didn't do too bad a job either.
After a sandwich, I rang Lisa and we went round and picked her up for a trip to B&Q. There was the Race for Life taking place on Boothferry Road so it was closed and we did a detour up to Anlaby to get to Lisa's. Luckily there were no other hold ups. Barbara and I had our usual "discussion" about what we should buy while Lisa refereed. In the end, we compromised and just bought the compost and some garden furniture preservative before heading up to the Yorkshire Garden Centre at Gliberdyke. We had a lot more luck with plants there. I headed, as directed, for the tunnel where the bedding plants were to be found and had half filled it before Barbara and Lisa had caught up. They had been looking at arbours and swings. We filled the trolley, paid, put the plants in the car and then went and had a cup of tea and a cake. We dropped Lisa off on the way home and sagged again during the evening.
Monday morning, Barbara let me sleep in and got on with the ironing. Unfortunately, the iron packed in halfway through. Thus we made a trip down to St Andrews Quay for a new iron. I took the opportunity to buy a little DAB hifi. I'd bought one for the kitchen last year with contributions from the kids for my 60th but that had only spent a few days in the kitchen before it was moved to the living room. The big hifi amplifier had an intermittent fault and so was relegated to the kitchen. I decided I had put up with the crap sound for long enough and bought a little Sony. I do the cooking so I want decent sound!
As it was a nice day, we got on with the planting of the stuff we bought on Sunday. I also made a start staining the garden furniture we got before we went on holiday. Barbara was out walking in the evening so I watered the plants and then did my blog before making a start on the remaining ironing. I was watching "Springwatch" when the TV went off. I checked and the brand new iron was off too. I checked all the fuses and then realised that we must be having a power outage. I saw Barry next door and he confirmed that they were in the dark too. It was only 20 minutes or so so I was able to get the ironing done before the end of Springwatch.
Today is a strange day. Barbara has gone across to Woodlesford to do baby sitting service but I have stayed home. I am going to the first AGM of my new treasurer duty. I had a chat to the retiring treasurer who won't be there as he goes on holiday early tomorrow morning. He has left some stuff for me to use as a presentation at the home but I'll still take all the stuff with me. Read my next post to find out how I got on!
Saturday afternoon was spent at the supermarket stocking up and then we sagged and had a quiet evening. No sleep in again on Sunday as it was early communion and prayer breakfast. Again there were less than usual but Rev. David was preaching at our morning service so we had a good prayer session before everyone went off to prepare for the family service. Rev. David wore three separate outfits in a bid to illustrate the Trinity concept. Didn't do too bad a job either.
After a sandwich, I rang Lisa and we went round and picked her up for a trip to B&Q. There was the Race for Life taking place on Boothferry Road so it was closed and we did a detour up to Anlaby to get to Lisa's. Luckily there were no other hold ups. Barbara and I had our usual "discussion" about what we should buy while Lisa refereed. In the end, we compromised and just bought the compost and some garden furniture preservative before heading up to the Yorkshire Garden Centre at Gliberdyke. We had a lot more luck with plants there. I headed, as directed, for the tunnel where the bedding plants were to be found and had half filled it before Barbara and Lisa had caught up. They had been looking at arbours and swings. We filled the trolley, paid, put the plants in the car and then went and had a cup of tea and a cake. We dropped Lisa off on the way home and sagged again during the evening.
Monday morning, Barbara let me sleep in and got on with the ironing. Unfortunately, the iron packed in halfway through. Thus we made a trip down to St Andrews Quay for a new iron. I took the opportunity to buy a little DAB hifi. I'd bought one for the kitchen last year with contributions from the kids for my 60th but that had only spent a few days in the kitchen before it was moved to the living room. The big hifi amplifier had an intermittent fault and so was relegated to the kitchen. I decided I had put up with the crap sound for long enough and bought a little Sony. I do the cooking so I want decent sound!
As it was a nice day, we got on with the planting of the stuff we bought on Sunday. I also made a start staining the garden furniture we got before we went on holiday. Barbara was out walking in the evening so I watered the plants and then did my blog before making a start on the remaining ironing. I was watching "Springwatch" when the TV went off. I checked and the brand new iron was off too. I checked all the fuses and then realised that we must be having a power outage. I saw Barry next door and he confirmed that they were in the dark too. It was only 20 minutes or so so I was able to get the ironing done before the end of Springwatch.
Today is a strange day. Barbara has gone across to Woodlesford to do baby sitting service but I have stayed home. I am going to the first AGM of my new treasurer duty. I had a chat to the retiring treasurer who won't be there as he goes on holiday early tomorrow morning. He has left some stuff for me to use as a presentation at the home but I'll still take all the stuff with me. Read my next post to find out how I got on!
Monday, 4 June 2007
Down to Dorset
I got back from my hols on Friday after a couple of horrendous but normal journeys. A bump here, roadworks there and there we go, ages to do a few miles. The journey down had a planned stop at Sainsbury's near Gloucester. The lunch and petrol part worked okay but the shopping bit didn't. A Bank Holiday Weekend and the seige mentality sets in so the shelves clear. We managed to get most things but the choice wasn't that great. PARK took Rowan out of school early but still didn't get there until after 10pm. The DVDs Phil had bought worked well and the kids were still awake when they got there.
The cottage we stayed at was excellent. There wasn't anything of any import that we could complain about. What we hadn't realised about the area of Dorset we were in was the high hedges and thatched roofs of the counties further west. We shall certainly be going back again as we didn't really see as much as we'd have liked.
The weather was very changeable but that didn't stop us getting about. We visited West Bay on Saturday, Dorchester on Sunday, Weymouth Monday, Portland Tuesday, Abbotsbury Wednesday and Thursday with a run on the beach at West Bay Thursday afternoon. The reason for the double bill at Abbotsbury was that we bought a discounted ticket for all three attractions there. Well worth the money. I was quite prepared to dislike the Swannery attraction but was really taken with it. The close proximity to the swans and their cygnets was amazing. Rowan and Kirsten got to feed the swans too.The sub-tropical gardens there were very good and the children's farm on Thursday was made better by the goat kid feeding and walking and the guinea pig feeding.
Most of the time we all stayed together. Just the odd detour to give each other a bit of breathing space. We all got pretty well together with the possible exception of Kirsten who just wanted Mummy!
Catering was a mixture of eating in, picnics and eating out. The definite stand out was the Spyway. We ate there twice. It would probably have been more if we'd gone earlier and could have afforded it. Phil was amazed that we'd been in such close proximity to such a good pub and didn't get there until the Tuesday evening. We'd avoided it because of the bank holiday weekend. It was still reasonably full on the Tuesday so we booked on the Thursday just in case. We walked it both times although the ladies went by car on Thursday and Barbara came back to pick us fellas up. I declined the lift for the extra exercise.
So that is the first "proper" holiday of my retirement. The first holiday I have ever been able to book about 9 months ahead. So far we haven't got any more sorted out except for the odd weekend trips but we are planning!
The cottage we stayed at was excellent. There wasn't anything of any import that we could complain about. What we hadn't realised about the area of Dorset we were in was the high hedges and thatched roofs of the counties further west. We shall certainly be going back again as we didn't really see as much as we'd have liked.
The weather was very changeable but that didn't stop us getting about. We visited West Bay on Saturday, Dorchester on Sunday, Weymouth Monday, Portland Tuesday, Abbotsbury Wednesday and Thursday with a run on the beach at West Bay Thursday afternoon. The reason for the double bill at Abbotsbury was that we bought a discounted ticket for all three attractions there. Well worth the money. I was quite prepared to dislike the Swannery attraction but was really taken with it. The close proximity to the swans and their cygnets was amazing. Rowan and Kirsten got to feed the swans too.The sub-tropical gardens there were very good and the children's farm on Thursday was made better by the goat kid feeding and walking and the guinea pig feeding.
Most of the time we all stayed together. Just the odd detour to give each other a bit of breathing space. We all got pretty well together with the possible exception of Kirsten who just wanted Mummy!
Catering was a mixture of eating in, picnics and eating out. The definite stand out was the Spyway. We ate there twice. It would probably have been more if we'd gone earlier and could have afforded it. Phil was amazed that we'd been in such close proximity to such a good pub and didn't get there until the Tuesday evening. We'd avoided it because of the bank holiday weekend. It was still reasonably full on the Tuesday so we booked on the Thursday just in case. We walked it both times although the ladies went by car on Thursday and Barbara came back to pick us fellas up. I declined the lift for the extra exercise.
So that is the first "proper" holiday of my retirement. The first holiday I have ever been able to book about 9 months ahead. So far we haven't got any more sorted out except for the odd weekend trips but we are planning!
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