Thursday, 7 June 2007

Sleeping alone

I am now officially the treasurer of the amenity fund at WH. I attended the AGM on Tuesday night and gave the treasurer's report because Ken C. was on holiday (will have to check he hasn't absconded with the funds!) As Barbara had the car, I walked up there. It only took 45 minutes and I felt a lot better for it. Meant I was a bit warm by the time I arrived but I had time to cool off outside before the meeting. The meeting was straightforward and no questions for the treasurer! Afterwards there was tea and cake. I chatted to Jean R. Her mum is a resident and doing alright at 90+. Afterwards, Jean gave me a lift down to the Church where there was a meeting about our future strategy. It was lead by Rev'd Peter Pillinger from Leeds who gave a dispassionate outsiders view and is coming back in a couple of weeks. We'd missed most of the presentation but got the gist.
Afterwards, I returned to my lonely bed. Strangely enough, I haven't spent much time here by myself. Barbara only rarely did night duties when she was "banking" at BUPA. I didn't sleep that well really which surprised me.
I was up early Wednesday and got on with the jobs I had planned. Barbara rang after the school run and I was well into staining the garden furniture by then. A couple of coats on the furniture, the patio cleaned and patio wall painted meant I had bit of a aching back so I had a bath before Barbara came home. R&K rang to let me know she was on the way so I had a little chat to them and Phil.
Today, we have been shopping. Went to Morrisons this morning and then have been out looking at cars. We had almost decided on one and then we had to sit around while they "discussed" what to give us for ours and what to add on to the bill. It sort of took the edge off so we might go back to one that we first had a test drive in. There is an awful lot of money at stake really. I suppose we could keep the one we have now as it's going okay. I was talking to my brother-in-law Alan the other day and he was saying that once he'd bought his new car, he had the best nights sleep he'd had for ages. I know what he means!

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