Monday, 18 June 2007

Father's day

Father's Day didn't start that well. My metabolism did it's fast burn. Serves me right for eating late! Penalty of old age I guess. I tried to sleep in but the kids were up and around so I eventually got up and joined the rest of the family. In fact, I prepared the afternoon meal and put some bacon in the oven for our brunch sandwich. Rowan and Kirsten had been fed so we all got ready and then I got to open my present. It was a cookery book from Gordon Ramsay. I am going to have to ignore dietary restrictions and start attacking these recipes. They are pretty straightforward and sound very appealing. Don't know how Rowan and Kirsten will get on with them though. I made a huge cottage pie for tea and they "didn't like it". That's after eating a Sainsbury mince meat pie earlier this week.
After our bacon sandwiches, we decided to risk the weather and go for a walk on the Humber Bridge. A bit foolhardy I suppose but the weather was kind. Barbara and Amanda gave up when we were halfway across and went to do some shopping. Rowan and Kirsten completed the crossing and then realised they had to go all the way back. I'm sure Kirsten thought that Mum had gone for the car to rendezvous at the other side! Still she made it all the way back with only one short carry.
Lisa and Alan came later on while we were sat in the garden. They bought me a bird feeding station. Dunno if any birds will ever feed at it but it looks excellent. The local cats are licking their lips already. I assembled it and then got on with tea. Park and Lisa and Alan left shortly afterwards leaving Barbara and I to sag. In fact, I posted last night and then went round the garden on a snail hunt.
Today, I did a bit of trimming in the garden and then took the trimmings down to the tip. Our recycling bin hadn't been collected on Friday so I thought I would empty it too. I took some from next door too. The Wiltshire Road site is very impressive but they must have a surplus of their compost bags because I got another two put in the boot while I was elsewhere.
This afternoon, I popped up to Willersley House to do my treasurers duties. I was given some money to pay in and took some money for the petty cash. Luckily I read the cheques I was given before I paid them in. One was a "cheque" drawn on the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF). I pointed it out to Gillian and Brenda and they hadn't seen one before either. I just hope I have dealt with it correctly. I paid the rest into the bank. Then came home and did the accounts. Should have done a bit of ironing for Barbara this evening while she is out but watched a film I had recorded instead. Lazy sod!!

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