Thursday, 14 June 2007

No need to water now!

It was supposed to be Rowans sports day on Tuesday but we got a message from Amanda to tell us it had been put off until Wednesday as it rained most of Tuesday early morning. Sod's Law, it was fine here and didn't start to rain until we were about to set off to pick up Rowan at the normal time. We got across there and it was fine and dry so the sports day could have gone ahead. In the event, Wednesday's forecast was poor too so the new date has been set for next Thursday.
I think I have turned the weather. I put up the fly screens at the patio and back door. Always tempting fate. Monday was a day for little chores. I did odds and sods around the house and garden. Barbara had been to the hairdressers in the morning so I popped down and saw Kevin in the afternoon for a tidy up.
It's well into walking season and Barbara's group were going to the North Cave nature reserve so I asked if there was room in the car for me to tag along. I enjoyed it but I won't bother again. The boundary path isn't that far and the group of ladies went at it at a great pace. I prefer a more leisurely approach examining the surrounding area and seeing what's about. We went down to North Cave afterwards and caught the landlady out. Twenty or so shandies and tonics etc take a while and she had a darts match in the other bar and was by herself. I must say she coped well and didn't lose it.
On Tuesday, while the feloowship was here, I went down to the garage and had a look at the new car. They had brought it across on Monday and will service it and valet it before we pick it up tomorrow. It looked okay and should scrub up well!
On Wednesday, I arranged to meet Derek, my brother, for lunch. I wanted to do a bit of shopping by myself in preparation for Barbara's birthday. I haven't really got any inspirational ideas as yet. I caught the train into Leeds from Woodlesford. I must say I was pleasantly surprised by the fare. It was on £1.70 return. It's on five minutes to the stations from PARKs so pretty convenient. I got in fairly early and then Derek was delayed. Still we met up eventually and had about 80 minutes to chat. I feel a bit guilty really as I have only seen him once since I retired. Still he has had a radical change of life recently and has plunged into it with enthusiasm.
It really has been miserable today. Still, the water butt is awash and everything has greened up. No need to go round with the watering can either. We have been shopping for food and then Barbara went shopping for clothes in Hessle while I caught up with correspondence. She came back for lunch and then we both went into Hull so we could visit the building society and then trailed around the shops again. At least the Hessle visit had been productive because the Hull one wasn't!

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