Tuesday, 5 June 2007

Who put the lights out?

It was all back to normal on Saturday. We'd arrived back in time to do the coffee morning. No chance of a sleep in. Barbara was up on laundry duty and we were out and up at Church by 8.45am. There wasn't as good a turn out as normal but we still managed to make nearly £86. Jean S. was away so I was in charge of the bookstall. Sad git that I am, I arranged all the books into alphabetical order. Didn't sell any more but it gave me something to do!
Saturday afternoon was spent at the supermarket stocking up and then we sagged and had a quiet evening. No sleep in again on Sunday as it was early communion and prayer breakfast. Again there were less than usual but Rev. David was preaching at our morning service so we had a good prayer session before everyone went off to prepare for the family service. Rev. David wore three separate outfits in a bid to illustrate the Trinity concept. Didn't do too bad a job either.
After a sandwich, I rang Lisa and we went round and picked her up for a trip to B&Q. There was the Race for Life taking place on Boothferry Road so it was closed and we did a detour up to Anlaby to get to Lisa's. Luckily there were no other hold ups. Barbara and I had our usual "discussion" about what we should buy while Lisa refereed. In the end, we compromised and just bought the compost and some garden furniture preservative before heading up to the Yorkshire Garden Centre at Gliberdyke. We had a lot more luck with plants there. I headed, as directed, for the tunnel where the bedding plants were to be found and had half filled it before Barbara and Lisa had caught up. They had been looking at arbours and swings. We filled the trolley, paid, put the plants in the car and then went and had a cup of tea and a cake. We dropped Lisa off on the way home and sagged again during the evening.
Monday morning, Barbara let me sleep in and got on with the ironing. Unfortunately, the iron packed in halfway through. Thus we made a trip down to St Andrews Quay for a new iron. I took the opportunity to buy a little DAB hifi. I'd bought one for the kitchen last year with contributions from the kids for my 60th but that had only spent a few days in the kitchen before it was moved to the living room. The big hifi amplifier had an intermittent fault and so was relegated to the kitchen. I decided I had put up with the crap sound for long enough and bought a little Sony. I do the cooking so I want decent sound!
As it was a nice day, we got on with the planting of the stuff we bought on Sunday. I also made a start staining the garden furniture we got before we went on holiday. Barbara was out walking in the evening so I watered the plants and then did my blog before making a start on the remaining ironing. I was watching "Springwatch" when the TV went off. I checked and the brand new iron was off too. I checked all the fuses and then realised that we must be having a power outage. I saw Barry next door and he confirmed that they were in the dark too. It was only 20 minutes or so so I was able to get the ironing done before the end of Springwatch.
Today is a strange day. Barbara has gone across to Woodlesford to do baby sitting service but I have stayed home. I am going to the first AGM of my new treasurer duty. I had a chat to the retiring treasurer who won't be there as he goes on holiday early tomorrow morning. He has left some stuff for me to use as a presentation at the home but I'll still take all the stuff with me. Read my next post to find out how I got on!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.